How do you propose to bring the government to heel?
Step 1
Public Referendum
All Elected Officials Pay and benefit increases to be voted on by the public not by the officials themselves.
Public Referendum
Limit all elected offices to -2- terms maximum.
Public Referendum
Any action as far sweeping as National Health Care and bailing out failing auto makers, investment firms or banks, to be voted on by the People.
Remove some of the power they gave themselves. Reign them in. Don't neuter them, but remind them who is boss.
Step 2
Repeal personal income tax across the board.
Institute a flat 10% Federal sales tax on all good and services OTHER than life sustaining. Meaning, raw foods, baby food, baby formula, cloth diapers, medicine, water, electric and home heating (gas, oil, etc) are -exempt- from this tax.
Step 3
Hold government accountable and run it with a controlled budget. Stop the idea of "we're shot of cash, lets add a tax". Force them to work with in their means, or start cutting back, even at the risk of their own salaries and benefits. The same terms that WE are under.
Step 4
All bills, motions, laws, etc should be read aloud in each session. Require that they go through individually, not bundled into unread super bills. Any elected official able to vote on a measure, is forbidden from doing so if they can not prove they actually read it first.
Step 5
Hold elected officials and their subordinates to the same laws, regulations and restrictions the public has. No more "for life" income for 1 term officials. No more 'elite' benefits. Etc.
There's my 5 steps. Want to put them in motion? There's 300+ million of them, they can't arrest us all.