As with everything it depends.
Is this because of something you want personally or because of something you have to do for regulations and process?
* Assumption based upon your name of CageKicker and have a partner and taking someone to jail is that you are a Deputy Sheriff who worked in the jails and now is working on the road. *
Elbows are good.
I see you have some confrontations in your work. As your partner was in danger, your actions may not have been questioned, yet in other cases it could be. Hence the question you have asked?
Turn your fingers our 45 degrees, thumb can be up or down depending upon where you want to go next.
Assumption is that you will be in a vehicle with partner.
If driving a few times an hour stretch your hands using the steering wheel as a fixed point to stretch against. If not driving on the passenger side use the assist handle for getting into the vehicle for the same stretch. This may be more obvious as you may have to have a hand up or across your body.
Your stretch may never get where you want depending upon past injuries.
It can be.
Now, personally I prefer the palm strikes. My hands look open. the look less threatening. Witnesses do not see the fist so your actions look more like pushes and defensive versus offensive.
I also like open hand to hook or cup the head to hold or guide it the elbow strike you stated you liked.
So to help reprogram, you can find a BOB training dummy at many Gyms now, and you can use your palm strikes to assist in your elbow strikes. Of course reality is never the same as training, as in reality the opponent will move more and or be oblivious to pain due to drugs. So working with a live training partner is good and the next step for your training after the solo training with the BOB.
Good Luck