What Kind of Street Fighter Are You?

gp322 said:
Wing Chun is the best for street fighter, no matter where you go, Wing Chun can stick to your opponents and knock them out ...
I hope that your declaration of Wing Chun's street dominance is the result of a scientific type approach wherein you have personally trained and tested your skills in every other martial art available. That way, I wouldn't need to ask the question, "How can you speak intelligently to the merits of all other arts without having learned all other arts?".
Thank you Flatlander, I was waiting for someone to post something to that effect. I would have done so myself but all of my Rebuttals sounded.....rude.
Flatlander said:
I hope that your declaration of Wing Chun's street dominance is the result of a scientific type approach wherein you have personally trained and tested your skills in every other martial art available. That way, I wouldn't need to ask the question, "How can you speak intelligently to the merits of all other arts without having learned all other arts?".
Hey, that's what it said in the brochure.
Whatever it takes to survive.
Hard to say what my choice would be, it depends upon so many factors (location, room to move, how they attacked) - I've only been attacked once, and it was two young drunk guys who thought the nearest alley sounded good. I was surprised it didn't take much for them to decide to leave me alone.
Probably not the ground, wrestling at my size is a no-no. :)
sgtmac_46 said:
In the fights i've been in, they usually started out with either a punch of a forearm strike to the jaw area. If that didn't knock out my opponent, a few more punches might have been thrown, or a couple of low line kicks. Most fights that didn't end there, usually ended up in upright grappling which I ended with a standing neck restraint (strangle/choke). I have never been on the ground as a civilian in my adult life. I do take a lot of guys to the ground at work (i'm a police officer) because that's the most stable platform to handcuff a resisting subject. In a street fight, however, a combination of punches/elbows/knees/forearms along with upright grappling (especially chokes) is how I fight. I tried to headbutt a guy once, but he had me by the hair of the head, and I couldn't get my head to him. So I grabbed him by the throat instead. That changed the color of the fight, when fingers met behind his wind pipe and he realized he couldn't breath, he decided fighting me was less important than getting somewhere else, and he decided that discreation was the better part of valor. I like standing forearms for the openning move in a streetfight, there's a good chance you can knock the other guy out with a good solid forearm to the V of the jaw. I've knocked a few guys out, and the ones I didn't knock out, I knocked off of their feet and put them on the defensive. I like to preceed it by the groin slap. The groin slap causes the other guy to immediately move his whole upper body forward and stick his chin straight out. Don't believe me? Try it on a buddy. I guarantee every time his hands will go to his groin and his upper body will move toward you, with his chin stuck straight out. When your opponent does that, hit him across the V of the jaw with a slightly downward forearm strike. Trust me. The difference between the UFC and the street isn't necessarily the techniques, it's the element of the surprise. In the UFC both people know there's a fight, and they know when it'll start. Not a whole lot of surprises in the UFC where everybody has watched everyone else's fight tapes. Those guys are tought, but they aren't surprised too much by the overall ability of their opponents. Not so in the street where Speed, Surprise and Violence of Action usually carry the day in the street. Of course, the best street fight is the one you avoid. Saves teeth and lawsuits, as i've learned in my older age. Still, it never hurts to be prepared.
I'm that kind of fighter too, whatever works...
(although I have used the head butt with considerable success a couple of times)
By the way, I am not a police officer or anything of that nature, but I grew up in a rough area, and spent a number of years working in the licensed premises industry.
While the title is a bit lame..

I assume the poster refers to legitimate self defense. In this case I will use the minimal force needed to eliminate the threat. This could range from avoidance and evasion to intercepting and destroying (Jeet Kune Do concepts) to defensive use of a combat folder knife to drawing my concealed pistol and using it to eliminate the threat (armed or multiple attackers, etc..) Here in Washington State concealed pistol permits are readily available to law abiding citizens, and use of deadly force is legal to stop a felony againt a person. It's interesting to note that in firearms restrictive California I was forced to draw down on dangerous felonious attackers 6 times in a 5 year period and not once on the street in the 13 years I have been in Washington State. I have had to chase off tresspassers from my rural land several times. Out there I am always visibly armed. This quiets down trouble before it starts. The bad guys just seem more timid here.. many of them having stared down grannie's .38 and fleeing the scene I suppose.
OC Kid said:
I teach my students to take their right hand, grasp their enemies right hand palm to palm and move up and down with a perpendicular movement to the ground and walk away friends
Thats the best defense ever but is it doesnt work I'll do the "last resort have to defend myself style"
Nightwish said:
Sorry…NONE of you are street fighters. Street fighters, to put it bluntly are complete *******s. Street fighters are a lot of the time members of gangs, they LIVE on the ****ing streets and hunt each other day and night. There is no glory in being a street fighter. Half the time you’d be looking out for that other guy that “doesn’t like your face” hiding in a dark alley and when you least expect it, he pops out and blows your head off. Street fighters are found either dead in such an alley or dead in a hospital…they rarely last long.

If you run into one, he’s not gonna wait for you to use your 208 killer combo techniques that would never work anyway. He’s gonna ****ing drop a bomb on you when HE chooses under HIS terms…he’s gonna cheat…you see fighting on the streets is a game played unfairly ALL the time. The bad guy is gonna try and cheat you, and if you don’t catch on, or cheat even more than he does, your goin six feet under. If you don’t strike first, you are also most likely ****ing dead because whoever strikes first usually wins fights. That’s how I’ve won mine. Street fighting for your average citizens (which is what we are) is about survival (which could mean surviving by killing him, beating the **** out of him, or even losing, but managing to escape somehow)…especially when you run into a seasoned street vet. He has spent countless hours/years, however the **** how long training tactics he has pressure tested almost EVERYDAY of his “Street” life. That could be 1 year, 2 years, 7 years, etc. He knows how fights go down, he knows how to cheat, and he knows how to kill, and doesn’t have a problem with it. In a street fight, you may not only face this guy, but you may face his 3 friends at the same time…and lets not forget you will also be facing the court system if you kill them all to survive, which you may have to do. And unfortunately the courts are not as vigilante as me, or perhaps you.

So please donÂ’t think of yourself as a street fighter, because you are not, and you will lose respect from anyone with the slightest sense of morale. Hopefully you are an average citizen who has respect for others and yourself.

By all means continue to train hard, but for your sake, remember to train realistically ALL the time.

Forever Vigilant,

I totally agree. Martial artists have training, pride, conduct and honor. Street fighters have guns, friends and experince.
Well, of all the responses so far I like "Handshake" and "Fleeing Chicken" the best, but if it really came down to it my preference would be to stay on my feet and use striking, if at all possible. I'm little (5'4" 140lbs):) And while I don't generally have a problem with that, it's a distinct disadvantage when it comes to closing with some big SOB. So yeah. I'd prefer a decisive strike as a segue into "run like hell".

Hopefully "Handshake" will neutralize the threat before any of this becomes an issue, though. I mean, I have to explain enough bruises to my coworkers already what with training every day...:rolleyes:
I like the "Hey is that Elvis" + sucker punch and run style. J/K When I'm not working I'm home with my wife and kids so I don't get out to the "street" much anymore.
I'm not a street fighter...lol, ill fight them tho, but prolly wont win *i know, i should thiunk positive loil* i prefer to stay out of mfights tho, dont much care for breaking jaws *or getitng mine broken*
I am just a student of the martial arts, trying to learn all I can. I cant consider myself a streetfighter, but having been in fights, I prefer striking to anything else. Of course the key is how well rounded you are, you can not discard any angle, you must be a proficient grappler as well.
I will fight in whatever range I find myself........but talking is option one...running is option two!

*bows respectfully*
Kane said:
People fight in the street in many ways. But it is basicly broken down into 3 categories. Those are Striking, Slamming, and Submission.

Striking: These include any type of hitting. Punches, kickes, knee, elbows, headbutts, palms, ect. all count as a strike.

Slamming: Bash there body on yourself, ground, ceiling, or wall. This basicly is using throwing an oponent on your fist as hard as you can, or on some other object i.e. picking up a man in their abdomen or legs and slamming on a surface (some might call it a spinbuster). Pushing can also fall in this category. Basicly throws and takedowns.

Submission: Focus on pressure points, joints, and submission moves. Moves like armbars, chokes, joint locks, ect.

In a situation on the street where your only option is to fight, which type of style would you use the most?

I would probably use more Slamming moves while standing, and more Submission moves on the ground. I might only strike of if I have them in the mount, or he is a good ground fighter in which I kick him on the ground.
I am primarily a standup fighter. I would be afraid of getting double teamed if I took it to the ground on the street.

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