Motion or Commercial Kenpo

  • Thread starter Thread starter amk
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Wait, wait, wait. I read the first page, and now I get why this whole silly bit about names has come up. Mr. amk posted, as he has on kenponet, another of those posts about "real," vs. "motion," kenpo, topped with the usual disclaimer about not putting anybody down. He got called on it, and pretty effectively, so he brought up the issues of title, and of communication, in order to avoid discussing the issues raised around so-called, "motion," or, "commercial," kenpo. Good tactic.

In addition to other posts I've made on this subject, let me note this: it is based on the notion that Mr. Parker's "real," kenpo had nothing whatsoever to do with money. Interesting fantasy, considering the history of American kenpo. It dawns on me, too, that this is just the whole Mitose vs. Chow bit come round again.

I'll say it again: even before American kenpo appeared, there was the idea of "external," and, "internal," arts. That's what this stuff is, too, and quite worth debating. It's just that I was never taught to separate the two approaches. Sometimes ya hits 'em, and at times one employs the chi in all of its manifestations.
According to Dr. Chapél, American Kenpo Sub Level Four is learned and practiced in a way that forces you to do things that increase the likely hood of victory. Rearrangement and other aspects of "Motion Kenpo" are removed to stack the odds in your favor, like Positive and Negative Body Posture, Destructive Sequencing, and other aspects that can't be rearranged with out removing those advantages given to us through sciences of body mechanics.

I was just wondering, as all real life confrontations are very viscous/fluid with thousands of unpredictable variables, wouldn't rearrangement be of GREAT benefit to a Kenpoist??? Seems to me that it would. I recall Mr. Parker speaking on this at a seminar that I went to, my notes reflect that he gave quite a bit of credence to rearrangement and tailoring and all the other things that you say would need to be “removed to stack the odds in your favor”. It also seems to me that Mr. Parker did have many interviews and wrote books in which he emphasized the NEED for tailoring and rearrangement a great deal.

I just don’t see how limiting your options and ability to fluidly adapt to a fluidly changing situation/environment is of any benefit. No amount of “science” can make up for a lack of options or adaptability, seems to me.

Also, You said:
“Clearly their are aspects of the Martial Arts that are just missing from many instructors in the Martial Arts, that Dr. Chapél has addressed within American Kenpo; Destructive Sequencing, Anatomical Alignment, Positive Body Posture, Negative Body Posture”

Are you saying that before Mr. Chapel there was no anatomical alignment in Kenpo? To be absolutely frank, the terms that he uses such as positive and negative body posture seem to be something that already existed w/in Kenpo and he just gave it a new name and said that it was lacking before. Destructive sequencing? Where else can this be found? In other arts that perform nerve work? Maybe. But to say that Kenpo lacks nerve attacks or activation? No way, IÂ’ve seen too many people dropped by touches or debilitated by a strike to a seemingly innocuous area. To have to adhere to a strict sequence of nerve activations seems a waste of time to me. If you activate the first and he reacts differently than expected (Mr. Chapel will tell you that different people react very differently to the same nerve activations)Â…then it throws you out of alignment or puts you at the wrong distance, or worse blocks your shot at the nextÂ…sequential nerve strike. Then you are lost, unless you can modify/formulate and tailor.

Mr. Chapel is a good person, don't get me wrong. But THIS is a big part of the disagreement that I have with his claims.

But like I said before, whether or not I agree or disagree won't change either his or my day tomorrow.

Your Brother
Originally posted by Brother John

I was just wondering, as all real life confrontations are very viscous/fluid with thousands of unpredictable variables, wouldn't rearrangement be of GREAT benefit to a Kenpoist??? Seems to me that it would. I recall Mr. Parker speaking on this at a seminar that I went to, my notes reflect that he gave quite a bit of credence to rearrangement and tailoring and all the other things that you say would need to be “removed to stack the odds in your favor”. It also seems to me that Mr. Parker did have many interviews and wrote books in which he emphasized the NEED for tailoring and rearrangement a great deal.

I just don’t see how limiting your options and ability to fluidly adapt to a fluidly changing situation/environment is of any benefit. No amount of “science” can make up for a lack of options or adaptability, seems to me.

Also, You said:
“Clearly their are aspects of the Martial Arts that are just missing from many instructors in the Martial Arts, that Dr. Chapél has addressed within American Kenpo; Destructive Sequencing, Anatomical Alignment, Positive Body Posture, Negative Body Posture”

Are you saying that before Mr. Chapel there was no anatomical alignment in Kenpo? To be absolutely frank, the terms that he uses such as positive and negative body posture seem to be something that already existed w/in Kenpo and he just gave it a new name and said that it was lacking before. Destructive sequencing? Where else can this be found? In other arts that perform nerve work? Maybe. But to say that Kenpo lacks nerve attacks or activation? No way, IÂ’ve seen too many people dropped by touches or debilitated by a strike to a seemingly innocuous area. To have to adhere to a strict sequence of nerve activations seems a waste of time to me. If you activate the first and he reacts differently than expected (Mr. Chapel will tell you that different people react very differently to the same nerve activations)Â…then it throws you out of alignment or puts you at the wrong distance, or worse blocks your shot at the nextÂ…sequential nerve strike. Then you are lost, unless you can modify/formulate and tailor.

Mr. Chapel is a good person, don't get me wrong. But THIS is a big part of the disagreement that I have with his claims.

But like I said before, whether or not I agree or disagree won't change either his or my day tomorrow.

Your Brother

I couldn't have said it better myself, damn, maybe there's something to this AKKI business LOL.

Have a great Kenpo day

Hey guys (Clyde, Robert, and John),

Very good poits from each of you. Thanks.

First off, let me say that it is still me, I got a new email address, and tried to change it late last night, and typed in the wrong character, so I got locked out.

Originally posted by rmcrobertson

Wait, wait, wait. I read the first page, and now I get why this whole silly bit about names has come up. Mr. amk posted, as he has on kenponet, another of those posts about "real," vs. "motion," kenpo, topped with the usual disclaimer about not putting anybody down. He got called on it, and pretty effectively, so he brought up the issues of title, and of communication, in order to avoid discussing the issues raised around so-called, "motion," or, "commercial," kenpo. Good tactic.

In addition to other posts I've made on this subject, let me note this: it is based on the notion that Mr. Parker's "real," kenpo had nothing whatsoever to do with money. Interesting fantasy, considering the history of American kenpo. It dawns on me, too, that this is just the whole Mitose vs. Chow bit come round again.

I'll say it again: even before American kenpo appeared, there was the idea of "external," and, "internal," arts. That's what this stuff is, too, and quite worth debating. It's just that I was never taught to separate the two approaches. Sometimes ya hits 'em, and at times one employs the chi in all of its manifestations.

Now, I think that you are out of control, on the Sir Nam or surname, what ever way you wish to take it, and by the way Sir Name means that you use a Mr. Ms. Mrs, or something infront of their SURNAME, which is their last name.

I brought that up as a side note, and told Mr. Lear, that this was not the issue, and I attempted to bring the conversation back on track. So good tactic, my a**.

"Real", here you go Misleading people, I never said real, Kenpo.

What you did was imply or read what you wanted to, all I was pointing out was that their is a difference and what some of those are, and here you go with what you, have interpreted, and interpreted incorrectly in my opinion.
This I can respect, and it seems as if you have put thought, and analyzed what you have read, the people that haven't, have been the ones making the situation worse.
Originally posted by Brother John

I was just wondering, as all real life confrontations are very viscous/fluid with thousands of unpredictable variables, wouldn't rearrangement be of GREAT benefit to a Kenpoist??? Seems to me that it would. I recall Mr. Parker speaking on this at a seminar that I went to, my notes reflect that he gave quite a bit of credence to rearrangement and tailoring and all the other things that you say would need to be ?removed to stack the odds in your favor?. It also seems to me that Mr. Parker did have many interviews and wrote books in which he emphasized the NEED for tailoring and rearrangement a great deal.

I just don?t see how limiting your options and ability to fluidly adapt to a fluidly changing situation/environment is of any benefit. No amount of ?science? can make up for a lack of options or adaptability, seems to me.

Yes rearrangement and tailoring are great, they allow one to deal with What If's, and many other things. I never said, nor implied that rearrangement was bad, just different. That diffence takes away from some the advantages that Sub-Level-4 gives you. You I believe are missing the premise on Sub-Level-4, as in Sub Level 4 you are always doing "Control Manipulation", and really removing the ability for one to change the situation to grappling, or some other attack. I will address this further in the post as well.
Originally posted by Brother John

Also, You said:
?Clearly their are aspects of the Martial Arts that are just missing from many instructors in the Martial Arts, that Dr. Chapél has addressed within American Kenpo; Destructive Sequencing, Anatomical Alignment, Positive Body Posture, Negative Body Posture?

Are you saying that before Mr. Chapel there was no anatomical alignment in Kenpo? To be absolutely frank, the terms that he uses such as positive and negative body posture seem to be something that already existed w/in Kenpo and he just gave it a new name and said that it was lacking before. Destructive sequencing? Where else can this be found? In other arts that perform nerve work? Maybe. But to say that Kenpo lacks nerve attacks or activation? No way, I?ve seen too many people dropped by touches or debilitated by a strike to a seemingly innocuous area. To have to adhere to a strict sequence of nerve activations seems a waste of time to me. If you activate the first and he reacts differently than expected (Mr. Chapel will tell you that different people react very differently to the same nerve activations)?then it throws you out of alignment or puts you at the wrong distance, or worse blocks your shot at the next?sequential nerve strike. Then you are lost, unless you can modify/formulate and tailor.

I am not saying that their was no anatomical alignment in Kenpo, but I haven't seen anyone with the understanding of it like him, both conceptualy and physically, and their is a major difference between putting an arm in good position for a punch and what I am reffering to.

You are referencing Dr. Chap'el and how he will tell you that different people will react differently to nerve strikes. That statement is in a given set of peramiters, as some people don't react from the pain, but in Sub Level 4, you are not dealing with pain compliance to make your techniques work. You are dealing with neurological reactions, and anatomical body movements that would fall into Kinesiology (being the study of muscles and movement, not the other variations that use the name). Yes their are nerve strikes in some other American Kenpo Schools, but unless they have persued the knowledge, the full capabilities of those nerve strikes are not being met.

As far as me being thrown out of alignment, from missing a strike to a nerve, that won't happen, and the only way that you will understand that is to train with Dr. Chap'el or some of his students, as a don't expect you to just take my word for it. But I will try to explain one small aspect of it. here.

Originally posted by Brother John
?then it throws you out of alignment or puts you at the wrong distance, or worse blocks your shot at the next?sequential nerve strike. Then you are lost, unless you can modify/formulate and tailor.

1st off the nerve strikes are an advantage, not a necessity. The blocks in Sub Level 4, really fit into Black Dot Focus, as I have not seen any other American Kenpo people apply this principal in the blocks. I would say that most (note that I didn't say all) will adjust the height of their block to the weapon, and focus on blocking that target, which would be White Dot Focus. Dr. Chap'el teaches people to block the zone, and you use a different block to block a different zone, these blocks are done in a specific anatomical way, that makes them very strong, and takes away from the ability to manipulate your extended arm and turn the situation into a grappling scenario. Hey the Gracies teach people to through a fake punch so a trained fighter will block, then they will grab their arm and take them down. This is something that you have to experience, as words will never do it justice. Since the blocks are done in a specific manner with a set zone of protection, my next move regardless will increase my anatomical structure even further. I came from another American Kenpo school as a Black Belt, before I met Dr. Chap'el. I am not saying that this is the best for everyone, or even you. It is just different, and has some advanced concepts that are going on to make it more intellectually stimulating for me, and many others, possibly you too, but that would depend on your journey or path.

I would be happy to discuss this further with you any time Brother John,

Mr. amk:

Thanks for the explanation, the discussion. It's what can happen, what should happen, when one isn't so busy slanging others.

However, you made Mr. Lear's communication skills an issue, in lieu of discussing his ideas. Live by the sword...get hoist on one's own petard; teaching communication skills is one of the main things I do, so there you are. I think it reasonable to have one's own communication skills thrown into question, in the wake of having questioned another's.

As for the claim to be passing no judgments, this is absurd. You rely upon a hierarchy that cannot even exist without value judgements, even to argue about motion kenpo and "SL-4." I can pretty much guarantee, too, that you are being disingenuous when you claim that you make no such judgments: you see SL-4 as superior, right? I'm quite sure you're utterly wrong, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with believing one's ideas and one's choices better--unless, of course, you a) deny that you've made choices, and b) you refuse to keep an open mind.

Again, thanks for the discussion. I'd be very pleased to see of the same, sans the supercilious assertion that SL-4 is the berries and everything else (I study at Larry Tatum's, incidentally) ain't worth the time of day if you're interested in real kenpo.
My apologies if I don't have your name correct.
I thought that I made it clear in other posts on here that, it was for better for me, as I am not passing judgement on it for everyone. I know many people in Amercian Kenpo, and frankly at least 3/4 of them wouldn't be interested in the material that Dr. Chap'el offers, and a lot of them, simply because they wouldn't be able to understand what is going on. The rest, just because they don't want to for what ever reason. Now I didn not imply that anyone on here or in American Kenpo is stupid, so don't imply that. Some people just don't have the patience, or willingness to explore what is going on, and a few probably do lack the intellegance, as I am sure we all know that not all people in American Kenpo understand the concepts and principals involved; correct.

(The fact that I have to explain my self that much to avoid offending someone reading something into the statement is a problem).

I hope that statement helps you understand in more than one way, that I personally feel, it is the journey that you wish to take that matters, without bashing someone elses, as I never have. Yet some on here have attacked Dr. Chap'el for his, based on what they read into his posts or articles, and the little part about Sir Names was about a lack of respect for people in general, and that was implied by me to test the cognative abilities of the people that were posting the attacks. But yet you should give me credit for keeping the content on track, as it was Mr. Lear that took and ran with the tangent that I offered up.

As far as your last comments saying that I'm utterly wrong if I believe that Sub Level 4 is Superior to other forms of American Kenpo, I don't think so, it is Superior for me, I've been to other schools, in fact I trained at 3 other facilities (2 of which are considered to be world famous in the Kenpo World that is), and ran a school for one instructor for 2 years, all before I began to train with Dr. Chap'el. So I believe that I am able to make the decision on what's best for me. Have you ever gone out to Dr. Chap'els school? That is really the only way to make the informed decision, and go with an open mind, as your previous statement would mean that your mind is closed. I think that Mr. Tatum has a lot to offer, in fact he even gave me some advice after competing in forms at the IKC, back in the day. So if that is what you enjoy, great, I have no problem with that, and don't think anything is wrong with that either. I know that I have at least expericenced American Kenpo, on many different levels to know what is best for me, and others have passed judgement before exploring their options, and what things are.
Good luck with what ever you do.
(The fact that I have to explain my self that much to avoid offending someone reading something into the statement is a problem).

I'd have to agree that it's a problem, but I doubt that we'd agree on what kind of problem it is. To me, it's a problem with your ability to either a) communicate your ideas effectively, or b) say something and then maintain credibility when you deny that you have said it. Here's why I feel this way:

Originally posted by amk2

...I know many people in Amercian Kenpo, and frankly at least 3/4 of them wouldn't be interested in the material that Dr. Chap'el offers, and a lot of them, simply because they wouldn't be able to understand what is going on

In that statement, you call into question the intelligence of "a lot" of 3/4 of the American Kenpoists you know. Presumably, "a lot" refers to more than 50%, though you may wish to debate that interpretation (and if you do, you'll make the argument for not being able to communicate your ideas effectively).

Two sentences later, you write:

Now I didn not imply that anyone on here or in American Kenpo is stupid

But, unfortunately, you did. You have just called into question the intelligence of at least 3/8 of the American Kenpoists you know (after stating that you know many people in American Kenpo), and this can reasonably be interpreted as calling them stupid.

Frankly, AMK, I don't have an opinion on the points you are trying to make. If Dr. Chapel teaches an effective martial art, more power to him; having not studied with him I can't say whether it's better or worse than what I'm learning (and even if I study with him I might not think it better or worse, just different). But you should be aware that the way in which you choose to try to make your points immediately puts people on the defensive, because you are attacking people and in the same breath (or keystroke) claiming that you are not attacking anyone.

Originally posted by amk2

Some people just don't have the patience, or willingness to explore what is going on, and a few probably do lack the intellegance, as I am sure we all know that not all people in American Kenpo understand the concepts and principals involved; correct.

(The fact that I have to explain my self that much to avoid offending someone reading something into the statement is a problem).

The use of a dictionary or thesaurus is usually appropriate when attacking the INTELLIGENCE of others. Grammar helps as well.

Have a great Kenpo day


P.S. I do expect Robert to grade my posts without predjudice
It's not an issue of "grading," Clyde's posts, because Clyde doesn't raise issues of other people's ability to communicate or their intelligence. He simply does what any good debater does: tells you he disagrees, tells you why, and presents evidence in support of his case. I might add that he also doesn't refer you to books of logic, as though there were some magic secret in them about proper communication. Instead, he notes that he is available to try the case on the mat or in the street. Oh yeah--he also doesn't claim credentials, or experience that he doesn't have. In his own weird, crude way, he's being exactly what an intellectual should be.

As for taking a trip to Mr. Chap'el's (and I'm sorry. I worked damn hard for my doctorate, and I'm not gonna honor a claim of one unsupported by documentation), I suppose you're right. But I haven't the time--and why leave the well to go look for water? If you're wondering why I'm taking this tone, it's got something to do with being patronized ("good luck with..." my foot).

I'm afraid that I've been around every single, solitary thing in SL4 over the last ten or so years. Just for openers, every single thing in it in is inherent in the open system of so-called motion kenpo. As is everything else in martial
arts. It is for us to find what's already there, staring us right in the snoot.
Originally posted by SingingTiger

I'd have to agree that it's a problem, but I doubt that we'd agree on what kind of problem it is. To me, it's a problem with your ability to either a) communicate your ideas effectively, or b) say something and then maintain credibility when you deny that you have said it. Here's why I feel this way:

In that statement, you call into question the intelligence of "a lot" of 3/4 of the American Kenpoists you know. Presumably, "a lot" refers to more than 50%, though you may wish to debate that interpretation (and if you do, you'll make the argument for not being able to communicate your ideas effectively).

Two sentences later, you write:

But, unfortunately, you did. You have just called into question the intelligence of at least 3/8 of the American Kenpoists you know (after stating that you know many people in American Kenpo), and this can reasonably be interpreted as calling them stupid.

But you should be aware that the way in which you choose to try to make your points immediately puts people on the defensive, because you are attacking people and in the same breath (or keystroke) claiming that you are not attacking anyone.


Actually a lot, as in a statistical number usually just means more than expected, but less than half, as if it were 50% or more then it would be defined as a majority. It is a subjective term. I challenge you to find a definition of it as 50% or more So you'll make the debate for me not being able to communicate my ideas effectively, uhm.....

I think that it has to do with others lack of communication skills, have you ever heard the pharase: "You have two ears and one mouth." It is something that they always say to sales people. The most important part in communication is listening. The other problem is that you short changed my paragraph, and a paragraph is a subdivision of a written composition that consists of one or more sentences, and deals with one point. So if someone quotes me the way that you just did, it doesn't contain the whole point, that makes it the readers lack of communication skills, as not following through with the point. So when some people read something into a statement, and don't fully understand something it is easier to try and discredit the statement, by some such method that you have just illustrated. (Not that you did that to me, as I took it as you are trying to teach me something, which I can respect.)

If you choose to engage in a communication with someone it is your job to try and fully understand the other persons point of view, this is done by asking questions, not jumping to conclusions. So after this if we disagree on who the blame goes on for the lack of communication skills, I think that we will have to agree to disagree.

Good luck,

Originally posted by rmcrobertson

As for taking a trip to Mr. Chap'el's (and I'm sorry. I worked damn hard for my doctorate, and I'm not gonna honor a claim of one unsupported by documentation), I suppose you're right. But I haven't the time--and why leave the well to go look for water? If you're wondering why I'm taking this tone, it's got something to do with being patronized ("good luck with..." my foot).

I'm afraid that I've been around every single, solitary thing in SL4 over the last ten or so years. Just for openers, every single thing in it in is inherent in the open system of so-called motion kenpo. As is everything else in martial
arts. It is for us to find what's already there, staring us right in the snoot.

Well, just so you know Dr. Chap'el does have documentation on his Doctorate, and I have seen it. I'm glad you worked hard on yours big deal.

I challenge you to go to a good Aikido, or Jujitsu school, ask them if you can do an experiment their.

Perform an Inward Block, a Vertical Outward Block, and an Outward Extended Block. Tell them to try and manipulate your arm while you are executing the blocks, and after you get them in position both. Are you still standing up? I don't think so, I have seen others from your school (including one of your higher ranking fellow students, I would quote his name, but it has been some time, and I only recall his first name) block, and second to stances that is the next most important aspect of Sub Level 4, so I don't think it has been staring you right in the snoot.

By the way before I really did mean that I was wishing you luck.

Now I just think that you like to put others down and cause problems, because you have some issues with your confidence.
Originally posted by amk2

I challenge you to go to a good Aikido, or Jujitsu school, ask them if you can do an experiment their.

Perform an Inward Block, a Vertical Outward Block, and an Outward Extended Block. Tell them to try and manipulate your arm while you are executing the blocks, and after you get them in position both. Are you still standing up? I don't think so, I have seen others from your school (including one of your higher ranking fellow students, I would quote his name, but it has been some time, and I only recall his first name) block, and second to stances that is the next most important aspect of Sub Level 4, so I don't think it has been staring you right in the snoot.

What in the hell are you talking about? What experiment with manipulation? Youl'll have to explain this more.

If the stances are one of the most important aspects of Sub Level 4, what is Mr. Chapel doing in the BB article? They resembled a neutral and forward bow but that was as close as they got. Is there something I'm missing when evaluating his stances compared to what I do.

If you know the guy's name (you know, the higher ranking student), feel free to mention the name, we might know him.

Have a great Kenpo day

Originally posted by ProfessorKenpo

The use of a dictionary or thesaurus is usually appropriate when attacking the INTELLIGENCE of others. Grammar helps as well.

Have a great Kenpo day


P.S. I do expect Robert to grade my posts without predjudice

Man you know your bad off if Clyde is correcting your grammar!! Just know I love you man, your like the mean hairy older brother I never had!! HAHAHAHAHAHA
Mr. AMK,

I think your suggestion that people judge for themselves is reasonable.
Can you provide directions to the Martial Science University?
When is the next seminar?


Originally posted by amk

One more story that has been passed down by Mr. Sean Kelley, is a story that Jimmy Woo used to teach at the Pasadena school, and he talked of internal aspects of the arts, and even talked of one in which you could avoid death via strangulation or hanging, and someone he told this to, died of asphyxiation attempting the technique. Mr. Parker found out about this and their relationship ended as the students were obviously not ready for this type of information. So who is to say that Mr. Parker didn't think that some were ready for some the information and passed it on to some and not others. Just as he did with the knife material, and other aspects that Mr. Parker taught different things to different people.

So Mr. Parker didn't think that his student's were ready for the information that resulted in this student's death, eh?

Originally written in: Ed Parker's Infinite Insight's into KENPO, Volume One, Mental Stimulation.(Chapter One, Page 3, Paragraph 4.)

"It must be emphasized that a human body can only do so much and nothing more. Stories passed down over the centuries have credited Martial Artsists with the ability to perform incredible feats. One should always analyze such stories. Use logic when studying the Martial Arts and refrain from believing hearsay. Several deaths have resulted from believing stories that hold no truth. A former student went to another instructor who bambarded him with mystical trash. He believed what he was told and attempted an experiment which caused his death. This should never have happened. If there is one thing that training in the Martial Arts should teach, it is a clear understanding of one's limitations at various levels of progress."

According to what Mr. Parker wrote he believed the information that caused that student's death was mystical trash. At what point did Mr. Parker believe a practitioner was ready to learn mystical trash? I'm curious.
Originally posted by amk



I think Mr. Trejo was pretty clear about his opinion when he posted this:

Many have tried and many have died. You mess with the best you die like the rest.
I don't wanna disrespect anyone, but I've been teaching Ed Parker's Kenpo almost my entire life and if what I am teaching is "Motion Kenpo" then I challenge anyone and everyone to put your *** on the line and stand infront of me with what you think "Real" Kenpo is. Hence, I will put "YOUR" kenpo *** in Kenpo motion. Name the time and place. My E-mail is I'll be there!!!


KumuPalani sacrifice&pagenumber=5
Originally posted by nightingale8472

I think Mr. Trejo was pretty clear about his opinion when he posted this: sacrifice&pagenumber=5

I didn't know Mr. Trejo was here! Cool. The next 3 day weekend I get, I'll go read that thread nightingale8472. :) I tried tonight but it is very long and complex to say the least. :eek:

Otherwise, I think that the crux of the issue is that Mr. Trejo has been teaching his system, with Mr. Parker's blessing, in public for his entire adult life and a few thousand people have seen him use it and do stuff like win the Internationals in both Forms and Fighting and there is no question about what is he doing, whether it works or not, where it came from and what it looks like. :karate:

I think Mr. Trejo is reiterating this point and taking offense at anyone who claims otherwise. He has good reason to do so, his life's work and the majority of Mr. Parker's life's work have been called into question.

I understand that Mr. Parker, Mr. LaBounty, Mr. Kelly and others used to go around "correcting" people who challenged them so as to "prove" that their stuff worked like they said. I am glad to see that Mr. Trejo is ready to remind anyone who seriously doubt this that Mr. Parker's system does indeed work.


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