Dun Ringill Unmasked

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Dun Ringill

Yellow Belt
I'm sure everyone is wondering why I did what I did. My actions are a result of Clyde T. O'Briant, Wes Idol, and Billy Lear. Their conduct on the internet is inexcusable and I wanted to give them a taste of their own medicine. I am not a senior, however I used to post my opinions on principles and concepts and repeatedly got bogged down by a mudslinging contest and absolute arrogance by these gentlemen.
Oh, how I wish I could have been at the homecoming friday evening to see Clyde ask for Dun Ringill in his american flag gi and his sensitive little pony tail pulled to one side. How come nobody asked why I was posting 2 hours before the event when I should have been on a plane traveling to the gathering? The amount of time he spent on trying to unmask something that didn't exist was incredibly humourous to me. The kenponet is a travesty, a good idea that went horribly wrong. These people live in their internet based dreams of mediocrity. Of course, the internet is where the money is at, and if Parker were alive now he would be all over the internet. I'm tired of listening to the same old garbage about anonymous posters, ip addresses, tracy vs. parker, Larry Tatum's legitamacy--Who cares?
Tom Bleecker--nobody cares about Bruce Lee or your next book.

Larry Tatum--you are a musician now? C'mon.

Mike Pick--I've never met anybody that writes in such a style as to utilize every near-obsolete multisyllable word but says absolutely nothing but gibberish.

Wes Idol--please keep policing the internet, it's your calling.

Billy Lear--are you ever going to get your black belt?

Clyde--Does anyone take you seriously?

Ed Parker whored himself out, I mean who really sees the validity (other than fame and fortune) in walking next to Elvis presley? If these gentlemen had treated people with a little more respect then they wouldn't have looked like complete idiots on friday night. While they begged for the appearance of Dun Ringill I was 3,000 miles away laughing hysterically. Isn't Clyde a 6th degree? Doesn't he have anything better to do than find out about me? What do you think the real seniors in the art thought about your announcement on Friday night? I noticed that not a lot of seniors cared who I was, this is certainly an interesting observation. EPAK is what happens when the spiritual context is taken out of the martial arts and it is mass-marketed as purely self-defense. TRACY's is what happens when that same mass-marketing is called "traditional." Even 13 years after Parker's death everyone is still clamoring to be the "successor" to something that was modeled after a ballroom dancing studio. How ridiculous is that?
The funny thing is that while all these people are putting their name out there on the kenponet and at seminars some kid is busting his butt training in a rat-infested garage and would easily defeat the likes of all the internet warrriors. I guess the lesson to be learned after this is "be careful how we treat one another on the internet, because you never know who could be behind the keyboard." I'm sure Martial Talk will ban me from their website, I don't really care. I did what I had to do. Clyde, Wes, Billy, I guess the last laugh belongs to me. Maybe next time you people will think before you run around in public questioning people's rank because their last name is not Pick or Tatum. Oh and by the way, I coined the term The Larrynet. I have had a lot fun at Clyde, Wes, and billy's expense. I hope everyone enjoyed the puppet show. This is my last hoorah for mainstream martial arts. So save the responses I probably won't get them. I'm sure in 10 years from now these gentlemen will be working hard on their 10th degrees and I will still be a shithook in the world of kenpo. But, I can live with that if the kenpo world exists on webpages and in the minds of weekend warriors, I'm sure I won't be too disappointed.

Thanks for the laughs,

Originally posted by Guiseppe Betri
Dun Ringill sent me a private message. He revealed his identity to me inside of that message. I suggest everyone use caution, this man is no slouch. He certainly deserves the utmost protocol and respect. My 20 years of Kenpo wisdom pale in comparison to the experiences this man has been through. Thank you and Salute.

Guiseppe Betri

I think they both should be banned.
Thanks to those who have reported this matter. We have taken action on it. I will lock this thread.

-MT Admin-
"Dun Ringill" was asked to provide us with both his name and location. He indicated that what he was using was correct. We know this to be false.

As a result, he is now banned from this site, and the results of our research will be shared with Josh at Kenponet.

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