Christian Left vs. Christian Right

I was raised in a Christian House Hold.

What I have been told by my own Extended Family Members who are Fundamentalist Christians, just like what most of the "Moral Majority".
"You cannot believe in God. You know too much about science. You study Electrons and Nucleons (* Spelling incorrectly as it is a quote *), and other little things, that no man should no about or understand."

"You are excommunicated from our church, for you openness to others"

These two stick in my mind.

When, I was younger back in the early to mid 80's, I had a quote, "Hi, I am Rich, the 'Self' Elected President of the Immoral Minority, just under 6 Billion strong. As the Moral Majority and their Million Members exclude everyone else who is not in their group. Oh, How did I get, the job, I voted myself in. You want to vote yourself the Emperor or goddess, then do so." :D

What gets me is the Self-righteous way, that many approach me, and that is if I do not believe the same way they do, then I am immediately wrong. Nice close mindedness, in my opinion.

When people ask what Religion I am, I reply Zen Christian. I walk the path, I walk and I do not expect anyone else to walk the same path or with me. I do expect them to walk their own path, and ours is the same path for a while that is fine. Yet, their experiences will be different then mine would be, and hence a truly different path, even though it might look the same from the outside. My beliefs do not exclude anyone else. For my beliefs are that there were / are messages that people need to hear. Either for cultural development or for survival, and those messages were different, in different time periods and to locations. For a Protestant to presume that their interpretation is the only, most certainly upsets the Catholics, as well as the Jewish and Muslims. Yet, could it not be that there were more than one message sent, by multiple people? The problem with Religion is that it tries to freeze the people or its members into a state of being. The Jews acknowledge the prophets up through Muhammad, yet are still waiting for the Son of God. Which upsets the Christians. The Christians recognize the prophets up to Jesus Christ, and that is the end of it, and there can be none greater. The Muslims recognize the prophets up to Muhammad, and since he was the last he was the greatest (* Sunni who believe that Muhammads' Nephew was also a prophet, I believe *). Now could not, a great being who many call "God", have planned to talk to different people at different times, with a message to help them? Yet, humans and their egos get involved, and now it has to be that this one that they belong to is the best and only truth. :rolleyes:

I have had nice discussions with some ministers and priests of different churches and religions. I have also had good discussions with those who educate themselves, beyond the immediate rhetoric. Yet, when people get the knee jerk reactions about their religions, when someone asks a question, for they have also questioned their belief or the faith, then I have a problem. The religious right, seem to be the biggest, knee jerkers to me. They get upset, and feel threatened by questions or actions of others. They want it their way. Well, I want it my way, and I think the U.S. Constitution supports my way of each person who makes up a portion of 'The People" have the right for religious freedom, and that it shall not be forced upon them.

My thoughts and not yours.

PS: I also dated a nice young lady who is a Minister. She actually restored my faith in women kind after a nasty divorce. We were just not 'Right' for each other, and her new boyfriend is a great guy and better for her. :) We are still friends, I even have two of her cats while she is overseas, doing her duty as a Navy Chaplain.
heretic888 said:
An intriguing statement concerning Paul.

Especially considering the Acts of the Apostles is a late 2nd century forgery (first referenced around 185 CE, and blatantly contradicting Paul's own accounts in Galatians)....,

and that the "rulers" Paul references are archones in the original Greek -- which have nothing at all to do with legal authorities, but with supernatural demon-powers which control the physical kenoma.
Whatever...I just thought that you were implying that Christians who were for the death penalty had no basis for it in the New Testament. Like anything else in the Bible, you can find something to support your point.
Once again... nicely done, Rich. :asian:

Couple things I'd like to add:

1) I don't suppose it ever occured to people that "God" isn't a being at all?? That the anthropomorphization of the divine in religious texts is something of a facade, a mask, a symbol?? Maybe??

2) Unfortunately, I would argue that that "one and only truth" is a natural stage in the evolution of the human psyche. In Piagetian developmentalism, it is referred to as concrete-operational cognition. Jean Gebser referred to "mythic absolutism". Its not necessarily a "bad" thing, but in a postconventional society like the United States its probably not something most adults should be fixated on.

3) There are strands in most religions that advocate the divine speaks to different people in different ways. Its a shame these aren't focused on more.

4) It was a great disservice to the history of the Western world, in my opinion, that Manicheism never took root as a world religion and was instead destroyed by what later became Catholicism. Mani in many ways advocated much of the ideals that Rich is pronouncing.

5) Zen Christian?? HAH! I love it. :D

Tgace said:
Whatever...I just thought that you were implying that Christians who were for the death penalty had no basis for it in the New Testament. Like anything else in the Bible, you can find something to support your point.

Point taken. ;)

But, that stuff about "Paul" is still a load of dookey.
Tgace said:
On categorization....

All this fear cannot be coincidence?

Fnords anyone?

Can you imagine what life would be like if we didn't have to fear as much as we do, I mean really, how many of these prophecies, really come about? Maybe we'd see that we don't need the government's hands in our pockets, eyes on our backs, and words in our mouths...
TigerWoman said:
I was age twenty in the era of back alley abortionists and so many women were butchered on those tables because it wasn't legal. I don't want to return there. As long as there are decent doctors willing to help women support their choices, the government or moral majority has no right to dictate their beliefs over a woman's own. Not in her shoes.

If you could pay for it, you got your abortion hands down. There was no butchery for some. If you were poor, you get to make the decision, starve slowly and drag the family down, or use the coat hanger...

The Rights position on abortion is nothing but a copout. Abortions STILL will happen. Babies will STILL die. Yet, that ethical easy road beckons and it makes them feel so good that they are actually saving those poor children.

The bottom line is that people are having abortions because this "culture of life" the Right promotes happens to have a rather large (actually gargantuan) gap between birth and death.

This is a complex problem and no "law" will solve it. It's going to take people who really care about their morals and who really care about life.
heretic888 said:
I find it interesting that "Christians" claim to support capital punishment --- given the New Testament's attitude on such practices.

Capital punishment, how about war?
heretic888 said:
But, that stuff about "Paul" is still a load of dookey.
Maybe. Call the Vatican and maybe they will remove it. ;) But for now I believe the Church wants us to read it as it stands. I understod the point from the first reading.

Give to Caesar what is Caesar's. Give to God what is God's
Maybe. Call the Vatican and maybe they will remove it.


There have been much better attempts at including the now-popular Gospel of Thomas in the canon, than there is in excluding the Pauline pseudapigraphica from it.

In any event, the Vatican's response is the same: the canon is closed, end of subject.

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