Children in Resturants

Do Loud Children in Resturants upset you

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I gotta start reading titles more closely...I thought for a second the title was "Children in restraints" and got excited thinking we were alllowed to put unruly children in them now. :D

How SWEET that would be....

Lisa said:
I voted no, it is not the kids that bother me but moreso the parents of those children.

I guess I should have worded my question differently..Ultiatly its the parents fault..I have taken my Grandson into resturants when he was 5 yoa and younger without any incidents...
I gotta start reading titles more closely...I thought for a second the title was "Children in restraints" and got excited thinking we were alllowed to put unruly children in them now. :D

I voted no, it is not the kids that bother me but moreso the parents of those children.

In the end it is the parents fault the way there dhild acts. Lisa hit the nail on the head
What is more annoying are loud nextel using adults! :rolleyes:

Nothing, absolutely nothing!
What really surprises me...well, not too much I how blind some parents can be to their own childs actions, even when the child is right next to them, but let someone bring this to their attention, in a voice loud enough that brings everyone elses attention to them as well, they suddently snap out of the 'clueless' phase they were in and correct their child.
What really surprises me...well, not too much I how blind some parents can be to their own childs actions

I could tell you horror stories of children actions at the weddings I use to DJ...
This is exactly why I rarely go to resturants. :ultracool

If my evil spawn will not behave properly, they will have dinner at home.
If I go to a resturant and they get out of line I will leave and their next meal will be something they totally despise. :rules:

I find that "Take Out" is a fine alternative to fine dining. Kids eat in kitchen, I eat anywhere else.:)

Went to IHOP today. Two moms and their toddler girls out for breakfast next to a couple and their toddler boy out as well. Moms were finishing talking while the girls were let out of their high chairs and mildly played close to the table ... restraunt wasn't crowded in the least and they weren't too loud nor in anyone's way. Moms kept them under a fair amount of control. Sounds okay and it was okay by me in that it didn't disturb my meal.

My thinking, however, is that these girls will think it's okay to do this and will want to at the wrong times. It's inconsistency and it doesn't serve them well nor benefit anyone else.

And THEN, the boy's parents let HIM down. He (and his parents) must have assumed he was running a victory lap around the restraunt ... because that's what he did. Everyone else in the restraunt, as though of one mind, turned and stared at the parents until they fetched him and put him back in the chair. When he started to throw a fit, they packed up and left, so at least we didn't have to stare them down for that.
Yes this upsets me. It is also bad when you work at a restraunt and are asked if you can do anything about it. Ive been asked to say something to the parents of the loud child, this is never fun. Ive actually been threatened by parents when I have asked kids not to run and yell in the lobby of the restraunt I worked at. I remember when I was kid, if I got loud I was in trouble, and not that "go sit in time out" trouble, Im talking 'belt' trouble. I did it once and as God as my witness I never did it again.

And THEN, the boy's parents let HIM down. He (and his parents) must have assumed he was running a victory lap around the restraunt ...

Same situation occured to me while in Fla with my Mom..Except everytime this "little darling" run past Mom's chair he bumped it and it jarred her and she felt it..Finally after the 5 th time I stood up and asked him "To please stop bumping my Mom's chair"..He ran back to his table wide eyed..His Mother stood and said "Don't you dare to discipline my child"

"Then keep a leash on him". was my answer..They left immediatly..The manager picked up our tab..
The thing is, I don't think these parents realize they are setting their children up for failure, to be punished! If parents create or advocate a situation where their children are going to get into trouble or hurt someone else or be disruptive and where other people - NOT the children's parents - are calling them on it, these children grow into narcissistic, self-important, discourteous, disrespectul, ill-intentioned, heedless asses! And then they wonder what the hell happened and ship these snot-noses off to brat camp so they can be fixed!

I honestly think most parents are afraid to hear their children whine or cry or complain. Or maybe they're afraid of tantrums or of saying no. Or maybe they feel guilty when they say 'no.'


Note to people who've not yet had children: it is a thankless, heartbreaking job. By the time they've figured out what's what and CAN say thank you like they ought to, they don't live with you anymore. Sometimes your job is to make them cry, let them get angry, disappoint them, etcetera. If they don't learn from someone they love, who do you think they will learn it from?

No kid ever died solely by the act of shedding tears.

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