Master Black Belt
loki09789 said:I am a teacher, and I agree there are some stupid policies and practices that are being implemented, but REMEMBER that the teachers are not the implimentors, Administrators and Superintendents/School Boards (some of which have NEVER taught or don't have very much time in the trenches before they go for higher degrees and higher paying jobs) are the policy writers and final decision makers.
TEACHERS are the people trying to help your children learn the critical thinking and subject skills as well as acceptable social behavior so they can be productive, positively impacting citizens as well as NON-Judgemental and prejudicial about things they don't know a lot about.... like bashing teachers/education/military/religion/LEO/Race when you are not directly involved, knowledgeable on the subject.
I couldn't agree with you more on the fact taht teachers aren't the one's creating these rules and procedures. i agree that tardies especially those that are consistantly tardy should have some type of punishment. but i believe that making them pay is ridiculious, based on the fact that i knew a lot of high schoolers that didn't work, therefore their parents would end up paying for their tardies. restroom breaks are fine, i have one family member who happens to have a small bladder and her teacher had told her she couldn't go to the rest room and she lost control of her bladder. this was extremely embarassing for her, and we all know how kids can taunt one another. i do like the fact that your school that you taught at did have extra bathroom passes, i think that could be acceptible. it is good to monitor some of these students but most of the students are their to get an education and don't go around causing problems (i.e. smoking in the bathroom, writting on the walls, starting fights). there is always a handful of students that make it bad for the rest of the students. as for teachers, i think that most teachers are under paid and deserve more respect for the things they put up with from the students and even in some case parents.