Children in Resturants

Do Loud Children in Resturants upset you

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  • No.

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Things like this get out of control because people on the whole are not assertive enough. I find that, "Would you mind keeping your kids under control so I can enjoy my dinner, or should I just speak with the manager?" usually works well. If they get huffy about it, so what? They're in the wrong, not me.

I usualy look at the child and smile at them. In a nice way. I get one of three reactions. One of happy smile back and usually the child will behave if I just look up form time to time and smile or wink at the child. The second reaction is the fear reaction. This comes in two forms. The first being the child where they can react and be quite or cry. Usually their crying though is quieter than the screaming a second before. The other rection is fear in the parents. Then they look at me like what am I doing? At this time, I smile at them. If they let it go, no big deal. If not then I say in my loud voice so the whole place could hear, "I was just looking and smiling at your child, as it seems you are not aware of its' existence or willing to parent the child. So please excuse me, for trying to enjoy my time out, and also helping everyone else at the same time." This usually settles the issue. If not then I just start talking real loud to myself, and or making loud noises, and or screaming myself. Usually the child gets is before the parents that I am imitating them and they stop. Sometimes the parents take offense. I just smile, and ask them if they thought I was talking to them. If so I apologize for them thinking that their behavour matched the description of my rant. The third reaction is being totally ignroed by the child. I then have told them to stop myself. Usually quiet, but if that does not work, I have no problems standing up and embarrsing the parents by saying "NO!" to their child. NOTE: I never touch anyone. I just talk, and or smile or give direction.

I have dealt with a child kicking a seat behind me on a plane, where he would not listen to me or his parent. So, I just dropped my seat as far back as possible and then stared at the parent. The child was picked and taken to the bathroom, and when returned no kicking occurred. Usually just being polite it enough.

So I agree say something, even if it embarasses the parents. This is how they learn.
IMO, people that get upset because of loud children most likely have never had children. People who have had children are generally tempered to them. Honestly, I don't hardly notice.

What is more annoying are loud nextel using adults! :rolleyes:

I'm not entirely sure. I'm a telecommunications engineer and am very well tempered to the sounds of cell phones, Nextel-style 2 ways, and the people that use them.

Even though they don't bother me that much, I still think they absolutely don't belong in a restaurant.
I'm not entirely sure. I'm a telecommunications engineer and am very well tempered to the sounds of cell phones, Nextel-style 2 ways, and the people that use them.

Even though they don't bother me that much, I still think they absolutely don't belong in a restaurant.

Maybe I should have prefaced that with "What I find more annoying... " :uhyeah:
Maybe I should have prefaced that with "What I find more annoying... " :uhyeah:

I guess that's a difference in where my opinion stands. In a restaurant (and other places) I usually value courtesy towards others and respect towards others as more important than what personally bothers me.
I answered "no" in the poll because it's the parents that bother me. And yes, I do mean bother. :uhyeah:
I usualy look at the child and smile at them. In a nice way. I get one of three reactions. One of happy smile back and usually the child will behave if I just look up form time to time and smile or wink at the child. The second reaction is the fear reaction.

Actually, the government is looking to use Parsons to aid in a screening process for potential seriel killers; the very few kids that don't scream in horror and crap themselves when Rich stares and smiles at them are definatily little Jeffrey Dahmars in training. Just look up the "Parson's Project" online. ;)

Anyway, how about parents that take their young kids to Hooters? WTF is up with that!?
Anyway, how about parents that take their young kids to Hooters? WTF is up with that!?

At least Hooters is a restaurant. I find the situation Tarot is describing...parent(s) taking children to be more disturbing.
Well it's not so much that I don't *like* children as it is that for the life of me iv've never been able to finish a whole one.
Well it's not so much that I don't *like* children as it is that for the life of me iv've never been able to finish a whole one.

I take it you love kids. They're crunchy, aren't they? A tad difficult to finish one that is squirmy, isn't it? :wink:
Long as theyre properly cooked. This latest crop of kids leaves much to be desired, you have to blowtorch the meat to get all the fat off them, and their flesh tastes as though its full of unnecessary drugs and marinated in sodey pop....................I'm tellin ya they just don't make em like they used to.
Long as theyre properly cooked. This latest crop of kids leaves much to be desired, you have to blowtorch the meat to get all the fat off them, and their flesh tastes as though its full of unnecessary drugs and marinated in sodey pop....................I'm tellin ya they just don't make em like they used to.

Agreed. The natural ones from yesteryear do differ from the modern ones... It's all in the training.
I don't really care if the kid is loud. I blame the parents for letting them do whatever they want and not having the constitution to do something about it.
Misbehaved children anywhere bother me. I understand children have their moments, but at a place like a restaurant it is the parents responsibility to teach their children proper behavior in a public setting. If the child can't behave then it's time to go home. I don't think it's too much to ask of a child to be age appropriately non-disruptive. Worse are the parents who ignore the child's rude behavior or think everyone else will find the child's rude antics *cute*. Gag me. I have 2 children. Ages 13 and 16 now. When they were young we took them to restaurants and other places with us, and we taught them to behave. We were also complimented constantly on the well behavior of our children. We did not expect them to act like adults by any means, but courtesy and politeness can be taught to the youngest of children.
Actually, the government is looking to use Parsons to aid in a screening process for potential seriel killers; the very few kids that don't scream in horror and crap themselves when Rich stares and smiles at them are definatily little Jeffrey Dahmars in training. Just look up the "Parson's Project" online. ;)

Anyway, how about parents that take their young kids to Hooters? WTF is up with that!?

You rotten bugger! I'm sitting here trying not to laugh too loud and wake up my 2 littlest Ruffians. :) :lfao:

As a parent of 4 healthy, ACTIVE boys ages 3, 5, 7 & 9 there is nothing that sets me off that rowdy, loud kids in a resturant. Sure if it is a place like Chucky Cheeses, then it is to be expected; which is why I have been to that resturant ONCE. My 4 know how to behave in public, they behave the exact same way I was expect to behave when I was a kid in public. It didn't kill or warp me to have to tow the line and I feel it won't hurt them either. I have to go along with Terrys' first post, and it sounds like we view things the same way. My oldest is starting to beam whenever somebody comes over to our table, or up to us in a store and comments on how nicely behaved my boys are being, he is seeing the WHY now that he is older and it thrills me. And yes, we get comments all the time about how well behaved they are; at home though... 4 boys + lots of trucks + independent personalites = Chaos usually. :)
i think parents should control their kids or keep them at home. My parents would not take my bro and i out till we where old enough to behave, and even then if we didnt we got the check and left.
i run an afters school program. before that i was a camp counselor.

i am immune to annoyance by children.

ah true, its not so much an annoyance but being polite. I love children i think they are great but if i wanted to have to hear one while im out at dinner i would have my own (and im not planning that one any time soon)
Bigshadow said:
What is more annoying are loud nextel using adults!


Bigshadow said:
One other thing. It depends on the restaurant. If it is a family style restaurant, no I don't get upset. However, if it is a fine dining restaurant, I believe it is considered rude, but I still don't get upset.

You should be applauded for your patience///
My story: Sitting in my favorite Dennys..Lunch rush was tapering off so it was half full..Sitting in a window seat are 2 females so engrossed in coversation they don't hear the 5 year old WAILING about spilled pop or dessert..The looks given to them were ignored..The manager wouldn't say anything..
So I walked over to the table laid my bill down and said in a voice that bordered on a snarl "Since you ruined my lunch you might as well pay for it"..I left...I returned later and was told that they paid my bill without any comment..
I gotta start reading titles more closely...I thought for a second the title was "Children in restraints" and got excited thinking we were alllowed to put unruly children in them now. :D

I voted no, it is not the kids that bother me but moreso the parents of those children.

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