Censorship, Moderation and MartialTalk

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Note: my 1st post was directed towards any and all people who whine when they do not get their way in regards to a Mod decision. It wasn't directed towards people who simply "disagree" with the Mods. There were plenty of people on the thread Regarding RyuShiKan who did not agree with the mods, but they were able to talk about it like adults. They made their points, and accepted the decisions by the Mods even if they didn't agree. These people don't fit my "insults."

There are others who posted on that thread who do fit my "insults." My intention in posting it in the first place wasn't to name names, but to get people to think. I didn't even require a response.

You, however, decided to make this personal. That is fine. So guess what; since you seem to want to fit every description of my original post, consider it addressed directly to you. You want to get personal....just remember that your the @$$ whole who started it through your inability to be rational, and execute self control when you are upset.

I'm sorry that your such a whining moron. Your family must be proud.

Now....if I were you....I would back out now before it gets ugly(ier); we can both apoligize and squash the whole thing. That will take some initiative on your part, however.
Originally posted by PAUL
I'm sorry that your such a whining moron. Your family must be proud.

Now....if I were you....I would back out now before it gets ugly(ier); we can both apoligize and squash the whole thing. That will take some initiative on your part, however. [/B]

No reason to bring his family into it. :cuss:
Originally posted by PAUL
Note: my 1st post was directed towards any and all people who whine when they do not get their way in regards to a Mod decision. It wasn't directed towards people who simply "disagree" with the Mods. There were plenty of people on the thread Regarding RyuShiKan who did not agree with the mods, but they were able to talk about it like adults. They made their points, and accepted the decisions by the Mods even if they didn't agree. These people don't fit my "insults."

There are others who posted on that thread who do fit my "insults." My intention in posting it in the first place wasn't to name names, but to get people to think. I didn't even require a response.

You, however, decided to make this personal. That is fine. So guess what; since you seem to want to fit every description of my original post, consider it addressed directly to you. You want to get personal....just remember that your the @$$ whole who started it through your inability to be rational, and execute self control when you are upset.

I'm sorry that your such a whining moron. Your family must be proud.

Now....if I were you....I would back out now before it gets ugly(ier); we can both apoligize and squash the whole thing. That will take some initiative on your part, however.

You started out with insuts, and kept them going till the end,
kudos to you.

Whatever dude. I rarely ever saw the need to post a reply to
your posts in the past, and I doubt I will in the future. You go
your way, I'll go mine.

Threats don't scare me.
Originally posted by Kirk
You started out with insuts, and kept them going till the end,
kudos to you.

Whatever dude. I rarely ever saw the need to post a reply to
your posts in the past, and I doubt I will in the future. You go
your way, I'll go mine.

Threats don't scare me.

Thanks for the Kudos; I can always keep a trend going. Shizzzz, wanna guess how long it took me to stop tight rolling my jeans? You don't want to know. Also, I'm glad your not scared of threats; you wouldn't be as much fun if you were.

I'm satisfied with us going seperate ways. Hopefully we'll better communicate in the future if we cross paths, minus the insults.

In all seriousness, Happy St. Patties Day

... you all know I enjoy this forum a lot more than others. I have publically stated it here and on other forums. I don't mind the moderation, in fact I prefer it.

As a rule, I don't ever like Big Brother looking over my shoulder, but at the same time it has enabled MartialTalk to be a place where a lot more of the type of info I want can be shared. These are usually not the topics which heat up. Look at the history of the ones that do. You are often dealing with "hot" topics already. It is easy for the conversation to devolve into a flame war when strong feelings or issues are already the topic. None-the-less, how many flame wars are there? Da*n Few!

Kirk, what can I say? You have strong opinions and are ready to assert them. This ain't a bad thing, but it will lead to toes being stepped on. So what? We can all handle that. Others are in the same boat, and it still floats.

Now if it is a Mod, it is a different thing. Mods and Admins have to be consistant within themselves. I did not know how it worked and am glad to get the info. Because if, in all cases, warnings or thread locks are decided on by concesus, then there is a nice checks and balances system built in. It should help ensure Mods don't not get too personal and lead to an abuse of the power. It can happen, apologize, deal with it in Mod or Admin chatroom, but get back with the affected party and let them know there has been consideration of whatever the complaint was. If you leave it hanging, then the feelings build up and are just waiting for "the next time." It is the "getting back with them" thing that is important. If it is a specific complaint about a Mod, then an Admin should get back, if it is about an Admin, then Kaith should handle it. If it is about him .. I guess you can bring it up with him, and if not happy with the answer, either gut it up and move on, or leave the forum. It is his ... but he has made it the members for the most part.

It looks like if there is too long a delay in a moderator jumping on a problem, that the thread can get too far along fora minimal warning is enough. More Mods, sounds like a good plan to me. More Kenpo Guys as MODS!!! I'll vote for that! Kaith, I am glad to know you keep the Association heads out. I was not sure as to the rationale for not having DC as a Mod but your reasoning is good. I still think he would be fine but your choice.

Overall KUDO's Kaith ... and I ain't got no reason to kiss up. In fact, I want to hang with Kirk next seminar we do together. I know I used to like to argue more than I do now. I guess I see too much of it day to day ... Maybe it is an age thing, and I am getting old.

I really like the idea of a suggestion box thread. One of my personal pet peeves is "don't complain if you are not willing to be part of the solution", or at least offer suggestions instead of just criticizing. This offers a nice format for that.

Originally posted by Kirk
I know you're just lookin' out for me here

Actually, just tossing in an opinion for you to chew on and hopefully make you think a moment before continuing.

Doesn't matter to me because...


C'mon...you have to remember...

"Forget it! It's CHINATOWN!"


Oh some days I feel so alone...

Three of the last four mods. we've brought on have been kenpoka (Kirk, Rob_Broad, and nightingale8472; the fourth recent mod. is tshadowchaser).

If we have association heads as mods. it runs the risk of making it look like we endorse a certain organization. (In addition, we'd really rather have particularly knowledgeable members like Mr. Conatser posting about their arts, not scanning another art's forum monitoring wayward threads!) Mr. Hartman was an exception because he helped Mr. Hubbard build the board. We are concerned about being seen as being associated with a particular art or association. For obvious reasons some have viewed us as being FMA-oriented but that is not our intention. We want to be as inclusive as possible! (Note, Cthulhu was a Okinawa-te practitioner when he joined who has since become a FMA practitioner.) We are heavy in FMA-mods. and we'd like to get a more diverse mod. group for any number of reasons, but it isn't necessarily easy. We're trying!

We're trying to imrpove the rapidity of response because we know we have talked some issues to death internally. (Sometimes the problems solve themselves which is good!) We know what many of the problems are and are working on them, but input is always helpful.

Kirk mentioned that he saw relatively few complaints. Some people use the Report feature which notifies all mods. However, many people will report a post or thread by PM to Kaith or me because of our visibility or a desire to keep things lower-key. We prefer the Report to Mod. feature but contacting a single mod. is always OK. Complaints about mods. should indeed be sent to an admin. (we have an admin.-only area) and complaints about an admin. can be sent to Mr. Hubbard. Complaints about Mr. Hubbard may be sent to him or if it's a sensitive matter contact Cthulhu or me and we will approach him about it if you prefer. As I would hope all can see, Mr. Hubbard takes this very seriously and it's hard for me to imagine that something couldn't be taken directly to him.

Someone mentioned that Cthulhu and I outrank Mr. Hubbard as martial artists. Indeed, this is so, but it has never been an issue. It's his board, plain and simple, and the ranking issue is no more relevant than the fact that I'm better-looking than either of them.

We really appreciate constructive criticism. This board is for you! We also want to address any misperceptions that may arise. Please, feel free to contact any of us individually about any issues you'd rather not raise in public.

-MT Admin-
Originally posted by arnisador
It's his board, plain and simple, and the ranking issue is no more relevant than the fact that I'm better-looking than either of them.

"Forget it! IT'S CHINATOWN!"

Originally posted by GouRonin
"Forget it! IT'S CHINATOWN!"


My father made me watch that flick as a kid... I see the reference, Gou. And I'm 20. So you got some of us young 'uns on side. Not that that's necessarily a benefit, mind. :P

On the thread as a whole. I've not been here long enough to form any real complaints or generate any real rivalries or friendships, although there are a few whom I respect (and they know who they are, generally, and if not... well, PM me and I'll let you know). Therefore, I don't know if I have much right to comment, and since I haven't been censured yet, I also don't know how much my 2 cents will count for.

That said, I've seen threads locked and people censured. And usually it's for good reason. Sometimes I disagree, but considering that there are kids on the site, there are some things that should be deemed inappropriate. In most cases, I'd say that the mods have been good about that. I remember one thread that got out of hand (the one about instructors and students dating), and I'm glad the mods locked it before it got any worse.

I'm also a bit peeved at the way people bash the mods here. I'm not naming any names or pointing any fingers, but I've seen far too many people go after these folks for making decisions they disagree with. Fine, you're allowed to protest a decision. Fine, you're allowed to be upset if you lose out. But that said, were I a mod, I'd expect to be given at least some common courtesy, and I would hope that any mod would extend the same courtesy to the forum's users. By this, I mean one should treat people with respect, and not allow one's passions to cloud one's reason and say something all parties will regret.

That is "the spirit of MartialTalk," IMHO. The common courtesy and respect due to a fellow Martial Artist and human being. You don't want to give that to someone, then you deserve what you get. This is not a knock on Kirk or others who have beefs with the mods. I simply wish to point out that if one wants to be treated with respect, one should act to treat others in the same manner. Kind of a "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" thing.

The mods and the users on this forum are all human. Sometimes they make bad decisions, sometimes they make good ones. If you lose one argument on this site, you don't go out and torch the person you lost to after every post they put out. If sometimes things don't go your way, well, ****, then I guess you're human. You want to earn respect? Then the best policy is to take a deep breath, count to 10, and come back to fight another day. If the mods do something bad, talk to Kaith or one of the others you trust, and be patient. They'll fix it in time. Don't go mouthing off. Nothing positive will come from that.

And since it's Chinatown, I'll be forgiven if I insert one of these

For Gou's sake. :P
Originally posted by Cliarlaoch
My father made me watch that flick as a kid... I see the reference, Gou. And I'm 20. So you got some of us young 'uns on side. Not that that's necessarily a benefit, mind.And since it's Chinatown, I'll be forgiven if I insert one of these
here...For Gou's sake.

Thanx...and remember, no matter how bad it gets, just lean back and yell...

...forget it! IT'S CHINATOWN!

Originally posted by GouRonin
D@mn it Paul! Stop that! You made me think of Eric Cartman when you said that and I spit my milk all over the keyboard.

I have to ask you to refrain from making me laugh while drinking.

Gou Drinks MILK!?!

Holy Cow Bat MAN!

Now that is funny :D :rofl:
Thank you for all your hard work that you put in to give martial artists a place to talk.

I have no complaints, just kudos for a job well done.

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