New Administrator Announcement and Moderator changes.

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Arnisidor has accepted my offer to become an Admin here at MartialTalk. He is the most visible of all of our moderators, and has helped a great many folks out. His depth of knowledge has been a major boon to many of our 'new to the arts' members.

Cthulhu has been promoted to "SuperModerator" status which is 1 step below Admin. His encycolpedic knowledge of arts and historys has helped build MartialTalk.

Both of these guys are a plus to any forum, and I feel honored that we have them here. I can't say enough good things about them. :)

Renegade, tshadowchaser, Rob_Broad and Kirk are our forum moderators here, and are doing a heck of a job. :)

I am very greatful to these gentlemen for the time, effort and care they give MartialTalk. Without their help, I don't think we could have made it this far. Their advice, guidence and support has helped me immeasurably.

To them, and to all of our members I say thank you. Thank you for makeing MT 1 of the best forums on the net.


Bob Hubbard
MT Admin.
I appreciate the trust. It's been a pleasure to help. I love seeing how many real-world training sessions have been spawned by discussions on MartialTalk--people are not only discussing the martial arts, they're getting together in real life as well. This place is great. Congratulations once again on what you've created here Kaith!
Congrats to all! :) Funny you should mention that arnisador ...
I met 3 people this weekend that I first met on this site!
Originally posted by Kirk

Funny you should mention that arnisador ...
I met 3 people this weekend that I first met on this site!

I trained this weekend with one person I met on this board (and one of his students). I love that about this place.
I want to congradulate both Arnisador and Cthulhu on their new posistions. They are well deservied and both do a great job.
Now if we could only figure out how to prononce Cthulhu.
Originally posted by tshadowchaser

I want to congradulate both Arnisador and Cthulhu on their new posistions. They are well deservied and both do a great job.
Now if we could only figure out how to prononce Cthulhu.

Cthulhu is an ancient name. I will let the owner
here explain if he wishes. :)

But, the way I have heard it pronounced is as


I could be wrong, since it his name and he could
pronounce it differently. :D

Have a nice day

These guys are all super nice guys who do really well at taking care of this site and the people who visit. Their work in making this is a great place to be is very appreciated.

I also suspect they are all closet homosexuals and not the good kind of homosexual you see on TV sit-coms but the bad kind you see in the movies.

Hey...SOME ONE has to be the voice of dissent around here.

:fart: :fart: :fart:
Arnisador, Cthulhu:

Congratulations on this accomplishment!!!!

Cthulhu, hope to meet you at the FCS Gathering later this month!!!
Originally posted by Palusut

Arnisador, Cthulhu:

Congratulations on this accomplishment!!!!

Cthulhu, hope to meet you at the FCS Gathering later this month!!!

Unfortunately, barring some bizarre change in events, I won't be able to make it. This FCS Gathering happens to be on my wife's birthday. You will get to see my instructors, Aldon Asher and arnisandyz. Pound on 'em for me a little, will ya? :)

Cthulhu has been promoted to "SuperModerator" status which is 1 step below Admin. His encycolpedic knowledge of arts and historys has helped build MartialTalk.

Supermoderator is the coolest name in the universe.
Originally posted by theneuhauser
Supermoderator is the coolest name in the universe.

Be careful he doesn't stop too soon or your lips will be right up there.

anyways, gou, i just think it sounds cool.

and dont forget that this is my universe were talking about here which includes a limited vocabulary.

but it doesnt hurt to have the mods on your side someday, right?

ok i guess i was smooching a little:eek:
Hey, we're all a handsome bunch here...just gotta watch the smooching....some of us have S/O's that dont go for that....and I gotta be 2x carefull...My girlfriend outranks me in 2 arts. :D
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

Hey, we're all a handsome bunch here...just gotta watch the smooching....some of us have S/O's that dont go for that....and I gotta be 2x carefull...My girlfriend outranks me in 2 arts. :D

Yes, Bunny is a nice cute little pit-bull when on the matts. I said it before and I will say it again, she keeps coming at you. I have much respect for her nad all the women that get out on the matts and mix it up with guys like myself. :asian:

This is not to take away from the respect I have for Kaith for doing the same thing. Renegade had to ask him to stop, or I believe Kaith would have kept coming until one of us passed out. :D

Have a nice day guys and gals
