Censorship, Moderation and MartialTalk

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Originally posted by Master of Blades
......let me go and collect my Iron Wood sticks and we shall see who is the Alpha male around here :D

It's again unfortunate for you that we have been studying as long as or longer than you have been alive young one. :rolleyes: You will still lose, face facts, you will always assume the horse stance to collect your boots to the groin.

On that note I must go and spend time with my family at the moment and will not return until tomorrow.:cool:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
Hmmmmm......it seems I have finally met a challenge......let me go and collect my Iron Wood sticks and we shall see who is the Alpha male around here :D

Cool Sticks. I have been training in Modern Arnis longer than you have been alive :) I accept your challenge!

Now I am having a good Night! :D
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
It's again unfortunate for you that we have been studying as long as or longer than you have been alive young one. :rolleyes: You will still lose, face facts, you will always assume the horse stance to collect your boots to the groin.

On that note I must go and spend time with my family at the moment and will not return until tomorrow.:cool:

Have fun and wish them the best from me :D
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Cool Sticks. I have been training in Modern Arnis longer than you have been alive :) I accept your challenge!

Now I am having a good Night! :D

Lol.......okay you asked for it! :mad:

*Walks forward Sticks raised and..........trips cracking his ankle*

Damn looks like I cant.....:( But heres my understudy......Rich, meet, MY FATHER :ticked: Hes a 2nd Dan in Hapkido and been doing Kali for 22 years......have fun, I'll be right over there :rofl:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
Lol.......okay you asked for it! :mad:

*Walks forward Sticks raised and..........trips cracking his ankle*

Damn looks like I cant.....:( But heres my understudy......Rich, meet, MY FATHER :ticked: Hes a 2nd Dan in Hapkido and been doing Kali for 22 years......have fun, I'll be right over there :rofl:

Sounds like Fun :)

BTW Check out the Chat room!
Given the thread drift, I'll no longer be checking this thread regularly and carefully for on-topic messages related to the moderation of MartialTalk. Please, if you make such a post and wish for a response call it to my attention via PM.

-MT Admin-
I like the thread to stay somewhat on topic. OK to get off for a while, but not for 3 pages the way you guys do. I just read 3 pages to see that nothing was said of interest to me... even though yall were having fun. Furthermore, now the moderator does not even feel compelled to monitor the thread he started to get feedback about running this forum.

Oh well, guess you can do what you want when you want, but I will be reading less posts headed the way yall went. Bummer, I usually stick em out cause yall have something to offer.

To those folks who have expressed their concerns, both publically, and privately, I thank you.

I'm going to close this thread now, as its been several pages without new 'input' on the issues.

We have taken in to consideration what we've been told, and there are many things in the works for the future that will address them.

If anyone wishes to contact me directly:
Email : kaithrustaz@martialtalk.com

Snail Mail :
Bob Hubbard
PO Box 1372
Buffalo, NY 14220

If you would like to talk voice, PM or email me your phone number (and your real name...I aint calling long distance n asking for "The Nightmare". :D) I'll call anyone in the contenental US or Canada.

Good day all, and thank you.

Originally posted by Michael Billings
Furthermore, now the moderator does not even feel compelled to monitor the thread he started to get feedback about running this forum.

Clarification: Mr. Hubbard started the thread. I personally decided to point out that due to the extensive thread drift I would no longer be reading this thread regularly and carefully for concerns. I was not speaking for Mr. Hubbard, only myself.

Your post goes to the heart of an issue that concerns us: Thread dift making the martial arts conversations here less useful. We'd like to see the "fun" thread drift principally limited to The Locker Room. In the arts fora, threads may drift but should remain generally on the topic in the subject and focused on the martial arts.

As always, PM a mod. to have a thread split or a note posted to keep it on track. We can no longer monitor all threads as closely as we once did!

-MT Admin-
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