Censorship, Moderation and MartialTalk

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Originally posted by Kirk

*sniff* *sniff* Ah, the profound smell of sarcasm! :p
My wife taught me that women are never sarcastic, they are fascetious.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Well this isn't sarcasm.

Step into a horse to receive your boot to the groin!:)

:disgust: Havnt had one of them for a while......
Originally posted by Master of Blades
Well its good to know someone is trying to keep order in this place :rolleyes:

Well between Seig & I we should rule the locker room without any problems. You see your new buddy Chaos is calmed down already.:eek:
...not to bring this thread back to topic I think that standing up against a convicted pedophile and taking a strong stance for the right to free speech shows that perhaps we all need to pick and choose our battles at times but that for the most part this board is commited to free speech for all.

Just my 2 cents.
Originally posted by GouRonin
...not to bring this thread back to topic I think that standing up against a convicted pedophile and taking a strong stance for the right to free speech shows that perhaps we all need to pick and choose our battles at times but that for the most part this board is commited to free speech for all.

Just my 2 cents.
When all esle fails, Boot 'em in the groin.
Originally posted by RCastillo
Ya know, somwhere a Urologist is reading this, and smiling.:)

This is what makes the world go round. Someone pays Seig to boot 'em in the groin then they pay the doctor to fix 'em up.
Originally posted by GouRonin
...not to bring this thread back to topic I think that standing up against a convicted pedophile and taking a strong stance for the right to free speech shows that perhaps we all need to pick and choose our battles at times but that for the most part this board is commited to free speech for all.

Just my 2 cents.

Gou Ronin,

I thought this thread was about Censorship, Moderation and MartialTalk?

On that issue, I think there are some who have epressed their opinion that they are not happy, and that there are some who are happy.

Arnisador, has posted that there most likely will not be a strictor policy enforced. Which I think was not the complaint. The issue has been raised and discussed, now it is up to the Martial Talk Team, and I include all of its' members as well as the Moderator and Administrators, to report anything, and to feel comfortable to post also.


Have a nice Saturday everyone ! I just wish the rain would stop so I could work on my Yard. :(

Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Well between Seig & I we should rule the locker room without any problems. You see your new buddy Chaos is calmed down already.:eek:

uh uh. I rule the locker room......This is MY domain :ticked:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
uh uh. I rule the locker room......This is MY domain :ticked:

Tisk, Tisk. You don't want to prove male dominance here in the locker room you will lose.:asian:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Tisk, Tisk. You don't want to prove male dominance here in the locker room you will lose.:asian:

That would be true.

Let's all just get along :)

Hey MOB, * Boot to the Groin *
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
That would be true.

Let's all just get along :)

Hey MOB, * Boot to the Groin *

That might work.......were your *Boot to the Groin* as good as mine........so in other words......Rich! Have a Steel tipped *Boot to the Groin* Courtesy of your friend MOB :D
Originally posted by Master of Blades
That might work.......were your *Boot to the Groin* as good as mine........so in other words......Rich! Have a Steel tipped *Boot to the Groin* Courtesy of your friend MOB :D


That is the Steel cup I wear. How is the arch of your foot as I see you missed. :D

OH BTW I also wear steel tipped and heeled shoes, so watch out for the front kick turning in the heel snap kick into the kidney :D

Let me know if see Red?
Originally posted by Rich Parsons

That is the Steel cup I wear. How is the arch of your foot as I see you missed. :D

OH BTW I also wear steel tipped and heeled shoes, so watch out for the front kick turning in the heel snap kick into the kidney :D

Let me know if see Red?

Hmmmmm......it seems I have finally met a challenge......let me go and collect my Iron Wood sticks and we shall see who is the Alpha male around here :D
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