Celebrity Martial Artists

Originally posted by Galvatron
Glenn Danzig is muscular, but he stands all of about 5'7" tall.
He studies JKD but isn't nearly as proficient as he wishes (and leads people to believe he is).
I did some heavy bag workouts with him before and was less than impressed by his speed and technique.
His attitude left alot to be desired also. He had a really bad "My way is the best way" attitude.

Sweet!! You got to work a heavy bag with Glenn Danzig. I'm not really suprised either by his attitude either. Still I never knew he was that short in reality. I thought he was at least 6' plus.

I'll tell you another scary rock dude who I wouldn't like to meet in a dark alley. Peter Steele from Type O. That guy looks pretty big and mean too. Got any digs on him.

Galvatron, man you definitly get to meet some interesting people and you like to tell it the way you see it. Props.
I always knew Danzig was short, but yeah, he is pretty big. Saw the band in concert once before he went all crappy and industrial. Great show.

I knew he was claiming JKD training, but I never saw anything where he gave any indication of skill level. However, knowing his ego, I have no doubt that he exaggerates his martial arts ability.

Originally posted by OULobo
I'll tell you another scary rock dude who I wouldn't like to meet in a dark alley. Peter Steele from Type O. That guy looks pretty big and mean too. Got any digs on him.

Peter Steele is a MAMMOTH.
When I first met him the first thought that ran through my mind was "Remind me to NEVER pick a fight with this guy".
I can't say enough nice things though about him, he was a super-duper cool person. No ego or attitude at all. He's very sharp-witted and intelligent too.
I don't know if he does or has trained in any martial art though.
Originally posted by Cthulhu

I knew he was claiming JKD training, but I never saw anything where he gave any indication of skill level. However, knowing his ego, I have no doubt that he exaggerates his martial arts ability.


Glenn wasn't all bad. He wasn't a prick or anything, he just had a really big ego. You could tell that Glenn Danzig is Glenn Danzig's biggest fan.

He just really rubbed me the wrong way with his constant insistance that he knew every technique the proper way, and all other ways were wrong. I REALLY wanted to tell him to stuff it and let's spar, but I had to swallow my pride because we were opening for Danzig for an entire tour and I didn't want to get into an argument with him over something that, when you think about it was really petty and thereby possibly risk getting us tossed off the tour.

All i can say is that based upon what i saw of him from the impromptu bag session we had, was that if he took from "One of Bruce Lee's original students" as he claimed to have, I hope he kept his receipts from the lessons.
member webster NO not the one running for governer of CA thats Gary Coleman LOL Any way webster Is one of Billy Blanks Karate students not tae bo Saw that On The E! Channel before Howard Sterin :rofl:
According to this, David Hyde Pierce of "Frasier" kickboxes.

I wonder if it's a Tae-Bo style exercise program or actual kickboxing?

Eddie Izzard was on "The Tonight Show" last night and said he used jujutsu in a fight. He had never studied it, he said, but had learned a technique from a book.
Fred and Barney from the Flinstones dabbled in the martial arts.
A Judo, a judu, a chop, chop, chop!!!
Really I had no idea. What method/branch is he with. One big guy you obviously wouldn't want to upset.;)
He's with the "Gaylord Method" of the Chuan Fa branch, Kajukenbo Association of America. His instructor is Sifu Macario Gaming.
Dean Stockwell earned a Lakan Dalawa (2nd Black) in Modern Arnis and was in a movie with GM Remy Presas!
I believe Elvis's first black belt was in Chito-ryu, which he earned under Hank Slomansky while he was in the service. Hank Slomansky was also Dan Inosanto's instructor during his time in the Army.

I didn't know that Elvis had multiple black belts--I had though it was just Kenpo. Someone else mentioned TKD in this thread.

Teddy Roosevelt experimented with Judo, I believe. He may even have inhaled!
From the research that I have read, it was earned. TR had a gym and mats installed at the White House and it was common talk around the White House about all the noise and yelling that would come from that room. He received private instruction from Yoshiaki Yamashita, the man who introduced judo to America in 1902.
Originally posted by John Bishop
Teddy Roosevelt is the only President to have held a black belt rank, (judo).

The current Russian president Vladmir Putin also studies judo. Is it true that he too has earned a BLACK belt?
I don't know about Putin.
I guess I should have been more clear in my statement. I meant "American President".
In the "One Punch, One Kill" thread in the General forum, someone stated that the author of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever was a sShotokan Karateka.

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