JUNE CASTRO - June Castro is a true master of Kali, Escrima, and kickboxing. She is one of the highest ranked females in the MA world.
I saw this and then clicked on the link to find out more and found
June Castro is an eigth degree black belt, one of the highest ranked female instructors in the world. She began studying the art of Shaolin Kenpo Karate at the age of four, under the strict tutelage of her father, the renowned Great Grandmaster Ralph Castro.
Through the years she has won numerous trophies in both state and international competition. June is also an instructor in Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do Concepts.
June also has several top selling instructional videos currently on the market. The titles include: Kickboxing For Fitness, Women's Self Defense, How To Bully Proof Your Child, and Shaolin Kenpo, parts 1 and 2.
She is rated by Black Belt Magazine as one of the country's top ranked martial artist. In addition, June is a contributing editor for Unique Publications, and writes a monthly column for Inside Kung Fu Magazine entitled, Physical Fitness.
June is also the host of a television series called, "Total Health".
Just curious, she is listed as a true master of Kali and Escrima, and I am not say she is not, and the Bio lists other arts, just curious is all.