Martial art and movies

Y'know, Columbia Pictures had to pay DC Comics to even use the name "Karate Kid". DC already has a character who goes by the name Karate Kid.

He's a member of The Legion of Super-Heroes. The comic is about a group of teenagers in the 30th (now 31st) century. He's from Earth. He's one of the foremost martial artists in the galaxy. ... just sayin'.
I'm not kidding. If you watch the end credits of the movie, they refer specifically to DC Comics and the name "Karate Kid".
This slays me! I was a fan of the Legion as a kid, but thinking they had to pay for this...that's insane! Maybe they were just playing it safe.
Could be. The movie was popular so I'm sure they didn't want to risk having to pay royalities or damages. I mean, Daniel LaRusso (aka Daniel-san) is about as far from Val Armorr (aka The Legion's Karate Kid) as it gets.

In the past The Legion's Karate Kid was a caucasian although the new series has revamped the characters and now he's Asian. Comics were never very PC back in the day. Almost everyone was white. The ones that weren't had names like Black Panther, Black get the picture. Fortunately things have evolved.
Well I don't know exactly what film started my enthusiasm for MA, but I loved Bud Spencer and Terrence Hill.
They don't make films like that anymore. Too Bad.

grtz, Bob Hessel
Paulo Tocha, Blood Sport (Sad, I know!)




Hey, I was only, like, 10. Speakman got me interested in arnis (or whatever stick-fighting is called now-a-days) and EPAK. I still watch all those old, lame movies when they're on. . .I can't help myself.
Jet Li, but not the actor. The real Jet Li. It's amazing, he's quite amazing. If you ever get the time read some of the Essays on his growing up in the Martial Arts. Quite a good read.

I think it's good, while the fights are rehearsed and usually hammed up, they are real. Generaly. It's a good way to spread the intrest in martial arts. This is very good. I honestly believe that if the world was in Martial arts less tragedy would happen. Some still would because stupid peopel will always be stupid..
It's a good way to spread martial arts around the world.
I support it 100%.
Movies, of course, spurred my interest in the arts. Starting at a later age in life, I went into MA knowing full well I would never be Wong Fei Hung (as portrayed by Jackie Chan). I went in because of movies. I stay because of me.

I agree that anything that creates an interest and desire for MA should be encouraged; be it Turtles, Chachis, Jackies, Jets, Bruces or Bunnies.
If anyone cares, I found the original Best of the Best on dvd at Best Buy this week. I had looked for years for it on dvd but it was unavailable.

The dvd is simple; no booklet insert, cool design, or special features. I was glad to have found it though.

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