Celebrity Martial Artists

Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
Do you mean Glen Danzig? or is Dan danzig someone I should have heard of:confused:

There's no Dan Danzig in IMDB. I think it may be Glen Danzig of Misfits and Samhain. Funny to imagine devilish Danzig in any traditional uniform, eventhough JKD doesn't really have one.
Originally posted by OULobo
There's no Dan Danzig in IMDB. I think it may be Glen Danzig of Misfits and Samhain. Funny to imagine devilish Danzig in any traditional uniform, eventhough JKD doesn't really have one.
I think I could take him... errrr just don't tell him I said that:D
Thats formerly of the Misfits (pal) Glen might come find you for that one. He won't let interveiwers even bring that band up in a question or comment.
Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
I think I could take him... errrr just don't tell him I said that:D
Thats formerly of the Misfits (pal) Glen might come find you for that one. He won't let interveiwers even bring that band up in a question or comment.

I know he's not in the band anymore, but i didn't know he was so touchy on the subject. He's a pretty big guy. Not the bear I'd be pokin. Likely to come at me with crusafix dagger or somethng. :uhoh:
Originally posted by OULobo
I know he's not in the band anymore, but i didn't know he was so touchy on the subject. He's a pretty big guy. Not the bear I'd be pokin. Likely to come at me with crusafix dagger or somethng. :uhoh:
Glen likes to wear gloves that have metal on the knuckles ( saw it in a video interview) He wears it onstage just in case. Most likly he would smack ya with a stick if ha met ya on the street in a dark alley. "Bringer of Death" is an awesome song, I often sing that one in my head while sparring.
Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
Glen likes to wear gloves that have metal on the knuckles ( saw it in a video interview) He wears it onstage just in case. Most likly he would smack ya with a stick if ha met ya on the street in a dark alley. "Bringer of Death" is an awesome song, I often sing that one in my head while sparring.

I'm more partial to "I'm Broken" by Pantera. Now that is a band of scary individuals. I once heard Rollins say in an interview, that they look like they just wondered out of the bayou lookin for trouble. If Henry is, even slightly, scared of them, then so am I.
Originally posted by phlaw
I know alot of professional athletes study martial arts also.

Wasn't there a football player (MN Vikings I think)who wanted to try and make the Olympic Tae Kwon Do team?

He had better be good. A really good practitioner to even think about trying to make the team. If he's just in it for leisure forget it. As with any Olympic sport, one has to be hardcore, and especially with TKD... :asian:
I saw a book in Borders the other day:
Inside U, by Byong U

He's a TKD instructor. On the cover is a blurb from Jennifer Garner about what she's gained by studying with him.
I remember seeing a video from the 80's. All the Van Halen guys were at the IKC (I think) with Frank Trejo. I believe Frankie Muniz (Malcolm in the Middle, Agent Cody Banks) does TKD.
John Bon Jovi lets not froget is a black belt in karate not sure if was before or after his band took off but i hear it from a few people and read in some rock magazine that interviewed him
Originally posted by Jay Bell
haha..sorry guys, I meant Glen Danzig.
Yeah, now that you mention it I remember reading that he was into sticks. I wonder if it was Blackbelt or A Metal Mag. I wish He would come out with a video of him smacking people around. That would rock. Most of his videos have him standing around looking evil or something. A man that wrote the lyric, "Carve a hole in your distorted soul. I'm here to bang it!" should show us what he's got. Enough with the talk.
I think I read somewhere that Jason Alexander (George Costanza, Kentucky Fried Chicken Spokeperson) does JKD. I'm not completely sure about that.
Originally posted by Turner
I think I read somewhere that Jason Alexander (George Costanza, Kentucky Fried Chicken Spokeperson) does JKD. I'm not completely sure about that.

That is interesting...he doesn't strike me as the type.
Originally posted by Turner
I think I read somewhere that Jason Alexander (George Costanza, Kentucky Fried Chicken Spokeperson) does JKD. I'm not completely sure about that.

Finger jabbin' good.

I think I remember hearing that Danny Bonaducci (The Partridge Family) practices some form of martial arts. Zack Ward (the moronic younger brother on Titus) was featured in a Black Belt Magazine article. He practices JKD.
Originally posted by M F
I think I remember hearing that Danny Bonaducci (The Partridge Family) practices some form of martial arts.

he was also on FOX's celebrity boxing. i think he beat up Screech from Saved By The Bell and then ran around the ring celebrating like he just beat Frank Shamrock...

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