Can you Describe yourself...

Xue Sheng said:

Truth be known I have had the opportunity to be on both sides of that question. I have never liked it on either side. As the interviewee you are stuck. If you do not answer it can be a mark against you and if you do answer it may or may not be a mark against you.

On the interviewer side. <snip.However from an interviewer point of view, at least to me, it shows a lack of actual desire to find out about who you are interviewing and it truly tells you nothing. It is more of a time filler to me and I will not ask it. It is simply not a good question.

If<snip!> I still donÂ’t like the question.

What he said....


Intelligent, devious, trustworthy, focused, and kind.

1. Reliable
2. Good Worker..I get it done.
3. Perfectionist..about certain things.
4. Goofy..I don't take the majority of what life is too seriously.
5. Individualist

I know, that's 10. WE can't agree on anything...
Jenna said:
David .. I guess if you have separated intelligent AND clever that the clever implies cunning! Niice. and I can only imagine that if your current AV shows one of your younguns that you need to be ALL these things at one time or another.. or maybe all at once!! thank you for sharing and good luck to you my friend!
Thank you! This thread is pretty interesting... I cheated though or was it being clever....;) I used my chinese zodiac to get the 5 words, because it is pretty much dead on about me. I am the Monkey. :D
Hehehehehe... ANOTHER Great question Jenna... And so many interesting responses!

My List... Lemme See:

1/ Surprising
2/ Passionate
3/ Inquisitive
4/ Impatient (ESPECIALLY while driving! LOL)
5/ Compationate

Kind of makes you wonder if I'm ADD or not doesn't it! *grin*

Kacey said:
instructor (not the same thing)
Kacey my knowledgable friend :) I know you have thought bout this but if you are around can you say how do teachers and instructors differ? thank you

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Gemini said:

I know, that's 10. WE can't agree on anything...
Ahh 5 x 2 = 10 and Gemini = twin?? Sorry I am a little slow today (and every day prolly). Hey Don :) you are one of a matching set of two, yes?? If so are you the good one or the one that went to the darkside?? ha!

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Jenna said:
you are one of a matching set of two, yes?? If so are you the good one or the one that went to the darkside?? ha!
Both, m'dear! Which ever one you bring out. :wink2:
Crane557.. I wonder has being committed and decisive ever put you at odds with the caring and thoughtful side of you.. or can you manage to keep everyone onside in your decisiveness? thank you for sharing this!

Hey I was wondering where you went. I believe that part of being caring and thoughtfull is comitting yourself to putting others first, but yes sometimes I have to put aside my actionary side and just be nice. Glad to hear from you!

Jenna said: five words OR LESS? Simple. I wonder how you would answer?


Hello all my super savoire faire friends :) I have been for interviews over the last week for lots of vroomy grease-monkey jobs and I will not bore you with preamble but I was asked this exact question today at a big and fancy dealership to which I fumbled around for suitably big and clever interview answers as well as trying to throw the guy a little curve ball to give myself breathing space.. but whatever I said was not really the REAL me .. at least not all the time.. just the interview "me" which is not even a real person ..and anyway sorry that IS boring preamble... and but how would you describe THE REAL YOU in five words.. or less if you do not even need five? And I understand you are perhaps not strapped into to the same five words ALL the time and so in that case.. just what five words are you RIGHT NOW?

Thank you :)
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
DeLamar.J said:
then it stands to sense Jay that every sixteenth person is just like you.. surely not? Do you really fit that mould? or is it just more trivia same as knowing something bout yourself like an astrological starsign?

Rich Parsons said:
Same for you Big Rich.. I took one of these long time ago looking for career path.. pffft. I think it had me pegged as a counsellor :idunno: or something daft.. I mean.. Just a bit of fun? or does this really pinpoint you as a person?

Thank you
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Jenna said:
then it stands to sense Jay that every sixteenth person is just like you.. surely not? Do you really fit that mould? or is it just more trivia same as knowing something bout yourself like an astrological starsign?

Thank you
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Of course a personality test can never be 100% accurate. But if you want to know about me without meeting me, INFJ is a damn good guideline to go by. It's not 100%, but most everything in the discription is pretty damn close.
That test actually had me freaked out for about a month because of how accurate it was. I became obsessed with it for a while, reading and studying every type. I think that personality test is the best thing next to having an actual psychological profile. It's a great guideline to the way a person behaves. The test is very basic, covering four basic types of personality. In my opinion there are about 50 different types of INFJ's out there if you go deep enough.

An Extrovert's primary focus is the outside world. Extroverts tend to be outgoing and talkative, and like to make their thoughts and feelings known to others. An Extrovert needs to be surrounded by people in order to be happy. 50% of the population in the U.S. is Extroverted.
An Introvert's primary focus is inside themselves. Introverts tend to be quiet and private. and like to keep their thoughts and feelings to themselves. An Introvert needs to get away from people sometimes otherwise they'll be overwhelmed. 50% of the population in the U.S. is Introverted.
Sensory people are focused on the here and now, concrete reality, and things that can be seen, heard, tasted, smelled, and felt. S types are most comfortable with the tangible and the present. People who are extremely sensory can't see the forest for the trees. 75% of the population in the U.S. is Sensory.
iNtuitive people are focused on the "big picture", future possibilities, and the "hows" and "whys". N types are more comfortable with abstract ideas and theories. People who are extremely iNtuitive can't see the trees for the forest. 25% of the population in the U.S. is iNtuitive.
Sensory types and iNtuitive types are incompatible in a relationship.
Feeling types make their decisions with their hearts, based on the human element.
Thinking types make their decisions with their heads, based on hard logic.
Among men, 60% are T-types while 40% are F-types, among women, the opposite is true, 60% are Feeling and 40% are Thinking.
Perceivers like to go with the flow and explore new horizons. They have a a preference for improvisation and newness. Perceivers seek to grow, to find new experiences, and to test the limits. 45% of the population in the U.S. is Perceiving.
Judgers prefer order and schedules. They have a preference for structure and stability. Judgers seek to preserve what already exists, to follow tradition, and to maintain organized surroundings. 55% of the population in the U.S. is Judging.

Pretty hard to sum up the whole of my self image in only 5 words, Jenna. With all sincerity, I could talk about myself for hours... :lol2:
Ok my friends have landed their interplanetary vessel behind yonder trees and are looking suitable specimens... let us see who has not yet been probed...

Elder999.. I know you will not reply but oooh devious AND trustworthy.. but not devious ABOUT your trustworthiness you are straight down the middle when it comes to that? Is there ever a time when you are not trustworthy? thank you :)

Paul B you are a goofy perfectionist but you are a good worker and get stuff done.. I think you would make an interesting interviewee for sure! Individualist.. that is a good word.. I like those who do not always comply with what everyone else believes to be right... thank you :)

Don.. well now am I REALLY talking to Don or someone else who just LOOKS like Don? ha! of all your traits why would I pick out pessimistic? Why are you pessimistic Don? I am sure that is not true, is it? That does not come across here at least... thank you :)

Rob :) yes that you are surprising I would not doubt! But impatient when at the wheel? Do you drive FAST Rob.. tell me you drive fast! I like that, ha! I bet I drive faster though! ADD? I believe ADD is not a condition applied to the sufferer but rather to those around them who do not have the verve and passion to keep up ... I am suer many have trouble keeping up with you!! thank you

Jay.. wow a low-rent Buckaroo Banzai! I love it.. ha! hey I do a little axework myself.. I will lay some tracks and send them to you and together we will conquer the music industry.. unless "Bass Player" means you are some sort of fishing competitor I am not familiar with... ahem excuse my ignorance of these things!! LOL. Thank you!

AC my courageous friend.. servant.. that is a favourite of mine and I think there is nothing better in all the world than being a servant.. and not servile but rather being able to serve for who are we if we serve no one but ourselves.. thank you

Flatlander.. I wonder when you say critical is that internal or external or both? And aggressive and friendly too.. aggressively friendly? that sounds like the makings of a cult leader right there! Go for it I hear the tax breaks for cults are great these days!! LOL yes you are correct it is difficult to sum up yourself in a few words but feel free to talk away I am all ears

Thank you all again for being sporting.. my alien friends alas did not find what they were looking for.. apparently you are all previous UFO abductees already.. that is it.. just let the memories return slowly..

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Jenna said:
then it stands to sense Jay that every sixteenth person is just like you.. surely not? Do you really fit that mould? or is it just more trivia same as knowing something bout yourself like an astrological starsign?

Same for you Big Rich.. I took one of these long time ago looking for career path.. pffft. I think it had me pegged as a counsellor :idunno: or something daft.. I mean.. Just a bit of fun? or does this really pinpoint you as a person?

Thank you
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,


It does not pigeon hole me hence my laughter, but a small percentage of people actually fall into that group so it just shows I am different, which most people already know that fact.
Jenna said:
Thanks all for sharing! :) and here is a little coupon for you which entitles you to a free indian head massage.. just take it upstairs to room 101 and say you have my blessing :)

hey ed where you been.. wow these are nice in combination.. and righteous AND broad-minded.. that is away from the norm for sure.. I wonder are you righteous among your peers or just among your thoughts, ha! just jokin I am I am.. thanks for sharing!

And thank you all again!
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,

Hi jenna, i've been around. I'm righteous in my thoughts and around my peers although its not always easy. I have some strict morals and find i often have to challenge ignorant or flippant comments from peers. My morals lend to broad mindedness as a lot of my morals speak out against predjudice and hate, even when its a lazy comment said as a reaction with no thought i encourage people to think about what they say and knock on effects. I'm also broad minded enough to listen to their reasoning but righteous enough to point out flaws. People don't always like it and take offence but i try to illustrate my point in a way they can absorb it.

Now i'm off to get my head massage, ta!

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