From reading every post on this thread (except for the one with the sarcastic laundry list of TKD firsts) It's obvious we ALL are VERY passionate about "OUR" beloved TAEKWONDO (Yeah baby! :highfive

So please remember the one thing we ALL have in common is our love for the ART and the SPORT- and in my opinion, The passion we feel for TKD should unite us.(Despite our individual opinions) I fell in love with the ART Loooooong before it became an Olympic sport. As far as it remaining an Olympic event--I can take it, or leave it. I tell my students, as practitioners, we are fortunate to be a part of TKD's history- and that each of them bring their God given talent and uniqueness to the Art. I am about passing along and promoting the ART and the TRADITION first, the sport second. For one day... all of us who teach will depart form the earth . We owe it to TKDst yet to be born- to help keep it the most widely practiced martial art in the world. "So shall it be written...So shall it be done"