Can this be real?

I suppose I should change that sentence. The Chi/Qi part is irrelevant. That sentence should really read "none of which exists, according to my knowledge, for telekinesis".


you don’t answer a question and change the point.

No one has mention telekinesis .
Can you or have you experienced telekinesis ?

What is the basis of your knowledge of it?
What does that mean if you can moe a person but you can't move a dead object?
Yes mind tricks won't work on non-living objects.

Only person I know who was filmed affecting objects is John Chang with his mopai system. But many of his feats like setting paper on fire could be reproduced by stage magic, so still a lot of doubts.
I didn't say anything about any of that. I said that the statement that it is pseudo-science and quakery is false, and we have proof of this. We do not have any similar proof that people can push others with their mind, despite many people making the claim throughout the years, and it being an incredibly easy thing to test.
I don't think it's an easy thing to test at all, because most of the people who claim they can to it are charlatans. There are two seperate issues here: 1) Is it possible? and 2) Are people who do demos of it actually doing anything? I think #2 is very easy to test. #1 is very difficult, just like acupuncture was at one time. I can claim to be an acupuncturist and just stick needles in someone and convince them they are better, even though I have done nothing of value. That doesn't negate the value of real acupuncture.

And keep in mind, a lot of the no-touch energy theory comes from the same Chinese medicine origins as acupuncture. I think it unlikely that they could have been right about acupuncture for thousands of years before science validated it, but they were completely wrong about energy work.

you don’t answer a question and change the point.

No one has mention telekinesis .
Can you or have you experienced telekinesis ?

What is the basis of your knowledge of it?
I was clarifying my point. You were asking about qi, and i realized that i shouldn't have specified qi as that was irrelevant.

And everything in here is based around the concept of telekenisis.
I don't think it's an easy thing to test at all, because most of the people who claim they can to it are charlatans. There are two seperate issues here: 1) Is it possible? and 2) Are people who do demos of it actually doing anything? I think #2 is very easy to test. #1 is very difficult, just like acupuncture was at one time. I can claim to be an acupuncturist and just stick needles in someone and convince them they are better, even though I have done nothing of value. That doesn't negate the value of real acupuncture.

And keep in mind, a lot of the no-touch energy theory comes from the same Chinese medicine origins as acupuncture. I think it unlikely that they could have been right about acupuncture for thousands of years before science validated it, but they were completely wrong about energy work.
You can test each individual claim. If every individual making the claim eother refuses to provide evidence, or id found to be falsifying the evidence, there is no reason to believe it.

And I'm not addressing reiki. I don't onow nearly enough about it to make an atgument either way. I'm addressing the idea that you can push people without touching them in the way the original video shows.
Just find another interested clip to share. Does anybody have experience like this (either on the sending side, or on the receiving side)?

Back in 1979, there was a CMA demo in San Francisco. I went up on the stage and wanted to experience as the receiving side (the person who gave demo was 刘木森 Liu Mu-Sen). The seponsor praying mantis master Brendan Lai pulled me back down the stage and didn't want me to participate. I lose the only chance that I could experience this (on the receiving side). Even today I still wish I could be on the stage. If I can just experience it once in my life, I'll believe it.

To be as blunt as possible, this is all 100% bull excrement. It's nonsense. you are wasting your time to find any merit or benefit from this kind of garbage. Any further discussion beyond this is an exercise in futility. It's not real. It's never been real. People who do this are conmen. Period. Full stop. QED.
Well, I mean, we do know what the definition of telekinesis is. When you compare that definition to what is being discussed, it's pretty easy to connect the dots.
Some may not know what the definition of telekineses is....

You brought it up,,,how is it you don't know what it is...

what is the definition of telekineses...🤔

Not following the connecting the dots, not knowing much about the telekineses you brought up..

I do know a little about what is called "凌空勁 volley jin"

that is being discussed... thought to based on...

TCM theory

"So scientific investigations can tell us when acupuncture works, but can they tell us how it works?

The answer depends on what sort of explanations we are interested in investigating. According to traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is based on the idea of Qi (pronounced and often spelled Chi), which is envisioned as a type of life-giving energy that circulates through the body in special channels.

Acupuncture is thought to release blockages in these undetectable channels, restoring the flow of Qi through the body. According to this view, Qi is a mystical force that cannot be sensed or observed —

and because science focuses on testing ideas about the natural world with evidence obtained through observation,

these aspects of acupuncture can’t be studied by science.
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Can we get back to our discussion - move object (include life person) without touching?
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Some may not know what the definition of telekineses is....

You brought it up,,,how is it you don't know what it is...

what is the definition of telekineses...🤔

Not following the connecting the dots, not knowing much about the telekineses you brought up..
This response alone tells us you don't know who you're talking too. If you can't spend the 5 seconds to read who you respond to before claiming what they say..what does that mean for the rest of your theories?
This response alone tells us you don't know who you're talking too. If you can't spend the 5 seconds to read who you respond to before claiming what they say..what does that mean for the rest of your theories?

They'er not my theories,,,

Thought I was addressing "Steve's" posting

Was I mistaken....

Is there a problem ?
None of which, to my knowledge, exists for telekinesis via chi.

Are you suggesting this is what or how its done ?

"the supposed ability to move objects at a distance by mental power or other nonphysical means."

might wanna review the theory

anyway while an interesting discussion I see no point in continuing it...
It is an interesting that I found should be approached
by understanding the basic theory...

without which, most or none of it will tend to make much sense...
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