Can this be real?

I just want to know whether one can send energy outside of his body and move object (include a person) without touching?

May be you can move a person without touching, but you can't move a dead object without touching. If that's true, what does that mean?
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No. Is this really something about which you're uncertain?
Since I have not seen any video that one can move a dead object without touching, I believe the reason A can move B without touching is because B moves himself.
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How much money will you be able to make if you can demonstrate this on TV - move any object (include a person) without touching?
There is a foundation started by a stage magician and famous skeptic James Randi, AKA the "Amazing Randi" that will give a one million dollar cash prize to anyone who can prove metaphysical or supernatural powers including all this "chi power" BS. There have been several attempts but all who have tried have failed in glorious fashion because it is all a bunch of nonsense. It's really easy to get ahold of the organization, it cost nothing to try, if anyone could really do what they claim then the prize money would have been claimed by now, but instead when put under even the tiniest bit of scrutiny it all falls apart.
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It’s totally real and I can teach it to you remotely. As an extra bonus I can include my class on moving internal organs at will. All for the low low price of 10k. PM anybody but me.
Yours truly
Nigerian Prince

My apologies to any Nigerian Prince that might have been, currently are or will be members of this forum.
Just find another interested clip to share. Does anybody have experience like this (either on the sending side, or on the receiving side)?

Back in 1979, there was a CMA demo in San Francisco. I went up on the stage and wanted to experience as the receiving side (the person who gave demo was 刘木森 Liu Mu-Sen). The seponsor praying mantis master Brendan Lai pulled me back down the stage and didn't want me to participate. I lose the only chance that I could experience this (on the receiving side). Even today I still wish I could be on the stage. If I can just experience it once in my life, I'll believe it.

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Just find another interested clip to share. Does anybody have experience like this (either on the sending side, or on the receiving side)?

Back in 1979, there was a CMA demo in San Francisco. I went up on the stage and wanted to experience as the receiving side (the person who gave demo was 刘木森 Liu Mu-Sen). The seponsor praying mantis master Brendan Lai pulled me back down the stage and didn't want me to participate. I lose the only chance that I could experience this (on the receiving side). Even today I still wish I could be on the stage. If I can just experience it once in my life, I'll believe it.

So, do you think he only has power in one leg or both?
Just find another interested clip to share. Does anybody have experience like this (either on the sending side, or on the receiving side)?

Back in 1979, there was a CMA demo in San Francisco. I went up on the stage and wanted to experience as the receiving side (the person who gave demo was 刘木森 Liu Mu-Sen). The seponsor praying mantis master Brendan Lai pulled me back down the stage and didn't want me to participate. I lose the only chance that I could experience this (on the receiving side). Even today I still wish I could be on the stage. If I can just experience it once in my life, I'll believe it.

30 years ago Dr Yang Jwing Ming told a story, at a seminar I was at, when he was still in Boston, about the qi projection thing. I will not tell the whole story, I simply do not want to type that much
Guy comes int with students and demos his massive powers of Qi
Dr Yang's students ask if he would do it on them
Guy says no, you are not trained to be able to talk it
Dr Yang says I've trained in Qigong for many years, so you can demonstrate it on me
Guy says no, it might hurt you
Dr Yang says that is on me, you have nothing to worry about
Guy still will not
They banter back and forth for a bit, guy still coming up with excuses as to why he can't do this on Dr Yang
Dr Yang finally says all this means is you are fake and have taught your students how to fall down...he then asked him to leave his school
Guy left
Don't know, don't care and have no idea how that question is even applicable to the conversation
Well, 🤔.

you introduced him to the conversation

What does or did Dr Yang Jwing Ming teach ?
what did or could he do, to prove what he teaches , taught was real ?
What would one go to learn from him for ?

Have read a few books by him.

Other then that what would be the proof that he asked others prove his own work.

A test had he been interested, would have been to see if he could have duplicated
what the teacher demoed either to his own students or the teachers...
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Well, 🤔.

you introduced him to the conversation

What does or did Dr Yang Jwing Ming teach ?
what did or could he do, to prove what he teaches , taught was real ?
What would one go to learn from him for ?

Have read a few books by him.

Other then that what would be the proof that he asked others prove his own work.

A test had he been interested, would have been to see if he could have duplicated
what the teacher demoed either to his own students or the teachers...
and yet what you are asking has nothing to do with the conversation, nor am I going down the rabbit hole you want me to go down.... are you claiming you believe in the whole qi projection thing...when even Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine says its fake
Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine says its fake

Really what is fake ? .any links to the study

🤔 studied taiji in Beijing

The rabbit hole is called credentials

Dr Yang Jwing Ming, has written a number of books concerning Qi...
Are you using him as an authority on what has yet to be validated by western science, " æ°£ (Qi) "

What does the Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine say on QI projection 🤔

A little history that some might find interesting

" Bear in mind that Ao and M Yao were separated by a dining table at this point. M Yao lifted his hand and made a very small fa li motion towards Ao’s face.

Ao felt as if a large mass of paper had hit his forehead, it scared him witless. Have you ever come across this ability?"
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Windwalker, is that you in this clip?


I just got this clip from another MA forum and I have no idea who is in this video. I just want to discuss whether this is real or not which has nothing to do with who is in the clip.

If this is real, I have just wasted all my life and train the wrong thing. I always want to be able to do this since I was 5.

When someone told me that her teacher could stand on top of a well, punched down into the well, and made water to jump out of the well, I didn't believe that was possible. Believe me, if this is possible, I want to learn how to do it too.


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If this is real, I have just wasted all my life and train the wrong thing. I want to be able to do this too.

Had you "really" wanted to do would have already...

A small clip of some of my training...
It is quite claims of being a teacher of it.
A small part of our taiji practice..

Whether touched or not the process by which it works is the same..

It's pretty common, with those I know in China...

Not so common in the US...but there are teachers
that publicly teach this aspect

You might try connecting with this group

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