Calling Somebody's Dojo A McDojo Is Offensive

FYI, presenting such a list would constitute art bashing and would thus be against the rules of this website. Kudos to Gyakuto for refraining from specifying which arts would be on such a list in his opinion.
And of course that’s why I didn’t…errr you know….cos I know all the rules and… the..the things and stuff🥺

No, it’s just not polite!
I like Vai’s lack of bluesines…and recently his tonal centre has become harder to home in on. But I like Gilmour’s bluesy playing to…it’s much easier to copy!😄
Now wait a minute, when I asked you a similar question you said something along the lines of most dojos are babysitting and belt selling, though you declined to name any particular art or dojo. Generalized comments of this nature are sure to draw some attention. It’s not that I necessarily disagree with the sentiment, but rather the brusque and abrupt delivery of the comment, which is somewhat adversarial in tone. Unless of course you are trying for that.
Now wait a minute, when I asked you a similar question you said something along the lines of most dojos are babysitting and belt selling, though you declined to name any particular art or dojo. Generalized comments of this nature are sure to draw some attention. It’s not that I necessarily disagree with the sentiment, but rather the brusque and abrupt delivery of the comment, which is somewhat adversarial in tone. Unless of course you are trying for that.
I didn't denigrate any art or tradition. If I tell you that fast food sucks, does that mean I'm denigrating food?
FYI, presenting such a list would constitute art bashing and would thus be against the rules of this website. Kudos to Gyakuto for refraining from specifying which arts would be on such a list in his opinion.
Really? I thought folks trained for all kinds of reasons. Either we endorse that or we don’t.
I remember hearing about a U.K.-based Japanese senior swordsman who applied to the Japanese government for the legal papers to challenge someone with whom he had an argument, to a duel to-the-death! He received them and the other guy avoided him thereafter!😄😆

Reminds me a little of the first school I trained in, years ago.
The dojo was in a pretty rough area, and from time to time you'd get people coming in, trying to the on the sensei.
He'd calmly turn around to the pigeon-holes where the forms lived, grab an indemnity form ("In the event of death or permanent disfigurement..." lol) and ask them to sign. Don't think he had too many takers.

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