Bode said:
Is that a suggestion that only competitors train with uncooperative people?
No, it's saying that once people stop cooperating it becomes competitive.
Training (in our school) is not always done with a compliant opponent. In the early stages it must be to promote proper mechanics, but as time progresses the attacks become more aggressive, faster, and overall uncooperative.
ok, so you are progressing into a competitive environment...?
The point is that in a competition, take point fighting for example, you can deliver a blow that makes "trembling shock" and be considered a winner. In the street the point winning blow would have done nothing to end the fight.
ok, why does everyone that argues against competition go back to pointfighting? Yup, it's silly, we all agree. It's like playing football and "pretending" to tackle each other while the refs decide if the pretended tackle was good or not.
I know a number of great competition fighters who leave competition because they lost to someone who just happened to be a bit faster and younger (Thus the athleticism comment) and give them a love tap that scored a point. They consistently say, "That wasn't a fight. Take it to the street and see what happens." And watching them it's obvious who would win.
So go full contact...
Grappling competitions are much the same.
No, they are full contact.
I don't know what street you are fighting in...
None, fighting in the streets is something I would try to avoid.
As far as the UFC and "fewer rules"... that is laughable. The rules of the UFC are geared towards enabling grapplers to win. Don't believe me, here are the list of fouls:
Actually, they are geared towards striking lately.
Makes sense, the 45 min stalemates on the ground are not good for the ratings.
- Butting with the head.
Works best on the ground, scorring a standing head butt is a rare thing compared to on the ground.
- Eye gouging of any kind.
Again, works best on the ground, you need control of someone to hit a target that small.
- Biting.
- Hair pulling.
That is grappling...
- Fish hooking.
Again, grappling.
- Groin attacks of any kind.
Ok, I'll give you this one, but it's pretty even. Strikes and grabs work.
- Putting a finger into any orifice or into any cut or laceration on an opponent.
- Small joint manipulation.
- Striking to the spine or the back of the head.
Well, that is striking, so I'll give it to you. But I think they would be hard to get at without some control getting you on the guys back...
- Striking downward using the point of the elbow.
Only applicable on the ground when on top of someone.
- Throat strikes of any kind, including, without limitation, grabbing the trachea.
Bit of both
- Clawing, pinching or twisting the flesh.
- Grabbing the clavicle.
- Kicking the head of a grounded opponent.
One for striking!
- Kneeing the head of a grounded opponent.
Grappling, this is done from a control position
- Stomping a grounded opponent.
- Kicking to the kidney with the heel.
Grappling - Done from guard
- Spiking an opponent to the canvas on his head or neck.
- Throwing an opponent out of the ring or fenced area.
- Holding the shorts or gloves of an opponent.
- Spitting at an opponent.
umm... neither...
- Engaging in an unsportsmanlike conduct that causes an injury to an opponent.
- Holding the ropes or the fence.
not really either
- Using abusive language in the ring or fenced area.
- Attacking an opponent on or during the break.
- Attacking an opponent who is under the care of the referee.
- Attacking an opponent after the bell has sounded the end of the period of unarmed combat.
- Flagrantly disregarding the instructions of the referee.
- Timidity, including, without limitation, avoiding contact with an opponent, intentionally or consistently dropping the mouthpiece or faking an injury.
- Interference by the corner.
- Throwing in the towel during competition.
That is, per your comment, "fewer rules."
Got any that use less?
The first UFC's did, "No biting" No eye Gauging" and that was it. Got penalized with a fine afterwards.
If you are going to make such a statement then tell us what the rules are because I am certain everyone would like to know. Maybe I've been leaving my house every day not knowing these rules.
Rules change from one situation to another, but there are always rules.
If you assume that everyone on the street operates under ANY form of rules you are asking for possible death.
Sure, maybe not by choice but they are forced to follow rules. Environment is one, numbers is another.
The reason terrorists destroyed the world trade center
I thought it was American foriegn policy?
Training and repetition harden the neural pathways. If you train under a set of rules of course you will find there are rules in the street!
So best train under as few as you can and varrying them to build adaptability into your "style" because you never no what "rules" you might get stuck with. Right, isn't that what I have been saying?