Boys arrested for stick figure drawings

Were these kids just caught drawing said picture? Or did they deliver it to the victim? Unknown.....Were these kids past discipline problems? Unknown....
This seems to be an update on the story. But unfortunately it's not very specific or detailed.
9-Year-Old Accused Of Attempting To Cut Off Boy's Fingers

POSTED: 7:26 am EST January 28, 2005
UPDATED: 7:38 am EST January 28, 2005

A 9-year-old boy in Marion County, Fla., was charged with aggravated assault Thursday for allegedly trying to cut off his classmates' fingers with a pair of scissors, according to Local 6 News.

Police said the unidentified student has a history of violence and mental health issues.

The boys were not injured, Local 6 News reported.

The boy was placed at the Juvenile Assessment Center.

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