2 arrested in taped assaults posted on YouTube

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
2 arrested in taped assaults posted on YouTube
By AMY FORLITI (AP) – Nov 18, 2009
MINNEAPOLIS — Police in Minnesota have arrested two people in connection with assaults that were videotaped and briefly posted on YouTube.
St. Paul police Sgt. Paul Schnell said Wednesday that one 19-year-old man and one 17-year-old boy were taken into custody late Tuesday. They haven't been charged, and police are pursuing additional suspects.
The six-minute video shows young males taking turns pushing people off bicycles, pushing down a jogger, and pushing young children. In one case, the attacker snatched a hat off someone's head. In another incident, the victim fought back and punched the attacker.

Ha! Good. Let's see how funny their video is when they're in prison.
Pushing young children???
WTF is wrong with these idiots?
Hey if it's funny to them it's funny to them... eventually they'll get theirs... hopefully someone will think it's funny to push them (the idiots) in front of a speeding bus.
unfortunately our society wont send them to prison. just some probation and hand slaps. most they'll do is be detained while being processed, then released.

Sad but true. Of course, odds are the punks will go back out and repeat their actions, which if they do, then the next time they land in court, they should be sent up the river for a while.
If this is the best thing they can find to be up to by this age, I see no benefit to society in their continued existence.

*shrug* Perhaps eventually, after enough cases my view will come to be held by enough to make a difference. Until then expect to see the problem worsen.
Sad but true. Of course, odds are the punks will go back out and repeat their actions, which if they do, then the next time they land in court, they should be sent up the river for a while.

Or they do it to the wrong person, and wind up with a knife or bullet in them.

What a couple of Douchebags.
If this is the best thing they can find to be up to by this age, I see no benefit to society in their continued existence.

*shrug* Perhaps eventually, after enough cases my view will come to be held by enough to make a difference. Until then expect to see the problem worsen.

In no way am I meaning to defend the accused here, but...seriously? You want death for what, at best, amount to jackass assaults? They certainly earned more than a slap on the wrist, but death penalty does not fit the crime here.
Evil enough to commit the crimes and stupid enough to film and post them... oh yeah, the (in)justice system will have these two back on the streets in no time.
In no way am I meaning to defend the accused here, but...seriously? You want death for what, at best, amount to jackass assaults? They certainly earned more than a slap on the wrist, but death penalty does not fit the crime here.

In no way do I actually *believe* they'll get death, or that at this point the majority of society would now( or possibly ever) give it to them.

I merely comment that I see no benefit to society from their continued existence. If by this age they still think this is acceptable They are broken merchandise.

At least one is college age and one about to graduate assuming both are not dropouts. If they are not in college or a trade school, why aren't they in boot camp yet or at least not working full time yet. Any of those options are perfectly acceptable for a productive member of society, and we do not need individuals such as these and should stop tolerating them to the ridiculous degree we do.
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