Boxers beat the Korean national team 1971 Houston, 3-0


Black Belt
The Korean national TKD team vs three pro boxers, AKB Kickboxing rules as far as I can tell from the description.

Has anyone heard of this match and Yong Lees disgraceful disqualification?

Was anybody there in the stadium? Is Yong Tae Lee a big name in TaeKwonDo? I have never heard of him was he ever with General Choi?

Fight Purses
* Mike Quarry .................. $1500 > {Guarantee} + {Plus 10% of the Gate Receipts = $665} ... $2165 Total
* Yong Lee ...................... $1200 > {Guarantee} + {Plus 5% of the Gate Receipts = $333} ..... $1533 Total
In Other Bouts
> Maurice 'Termite' Watkins ...... KO 4 .... Chong Lee
> Gene Wells ........................... KO 2 .. Dong Wook Lee
. The event was apparently called "Karate Masters versus Boxing Professionals." Here's the piece:FULL CONTACT TAE KWON-DO Vs Boxing

During this year Houston is host to one of the biggest farces ever. The event is called 'Karate Masters versus Boxing Professionals and International Martial Arts Demonstrations'. Barely 300 fans attend what has been billed as the "first major fight between professional Boxers and Karate Masters." It was not Karate's finest hour with Karate losing all of the bouts, 2 by knockout, resulting in the Martial Arts losing face. Lightweight Chong Lee (2 time Korean Champion) against boxer Termite Watkins. Lee looks great in the 1st round with fast high kicks but Watkins just slips the kicks and forces the Korean to the ropes and drives in flurries of body punches. It is 3 rounds of the same. By round 4 and at 1 minute and 53 seconds into the round Watkins drives in punches that drop the Korean for the count. Dong Wook Lee (World Champion and 2 time member of the Korean National Tae Kwon Do Team) against Boxer Gene Wells. Wells midsection becomes red from the kicks but he drops the Korean in the 1st round. In the 2nd round and at 1 minute and 5 seconds (after 3 more knockdowns of the Korean) Wells puts an end to it with a blow flush to the jaw of the Korean. The final bout featured Master Yong Tae Lee against Boxer Mike Quarry. Lee can not get his way and he resorts to headbutting the boxer. Lee storms out of the ring when he is informed to cease and desist from using the head butt. Spectators were convinced they were ripped off and many demand their money back or leave the facility shaking their heads.
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I googled both World Champion Dong Wook Lee and Yong Tae Lee +TaeKwonDo and came up empty.

Are they from some Mcdojo branch or what's the deal?

Chong Lee got this hit, but who knows if it's the same guy.
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TaeKwonDo was pretty darn strong and technical by 71 or 72, so this is by no means trivial opposition that was beaten, even If the Koreans listed don't seem to have much name recognition, judging by Google.
I just came across this cite. I was there. What happened, in my opinion, which does not agree with what was posted. I was a student of Young Lee. We helped do what ever needed to be done. Mr. Lee, as I always respectfully called him, charged ticket prices that would rival todays prices which was outrageous back then. So that is why there were only 300 - 500 people in a facility that could house many more. Chong Lee and Don-Wook Lim were kata or form masters not fighters. They did not train as a fighter would and were unable to stand up to professional fighters. Termite Watkins, again my opinion, felt sorry for him and avoided hitting him in the face. He just body punched him into submission. Gene Wells chased Don-Wook Lim as again a fighter vs not even a fighter. The crowd, small as it was was very vocal, letting it be known that they were not entertained. Yong Tae Lee was not a kata master he was a head butt master fighter. He was so upset about what happened to his fellow Koreans that he could not speak English that night. When the referees told him repeatably to stop head butting he nodded he understood but went back to head butting. He even head butted Quarry out of the ring through the ropes. I saw him train for the fight. He only head butted. Try hitting your head as hard as you can on the base of an everlast heavy canvass punching bag that has been used in a Karate school for practice. Actually don't try it even gentile as it is painful and not good for your brain. Yong Tae Lee could strike the bag after swinging it out and then hear butting the base (the most solid packed down part) over and over again. Somebody that can do that can never, again my opinion, be knocked out by any boxer or MMA fighter. A man that can do that does not fight conventional. He thought that the rules were anything goes. So again in my opinion, if allowed to fight his fight Quarry would have been seriously injured but it ended with diqualification as previously stated. But Quarry was not dominating, he was trying to fight conventional vs a Head-butt expert.

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