Body blocks


Blue Belt
What do you call each body block, it's very confusing.

Well firstly there's body block coming from the outside of your body coming in front of your body. At our club we just call that body block or momtong makki. I would think it would be better to name it turning body block?

Then you have the body block with your arms wrapped in front of your body,then your arms cross finished with the block in front of your shoulder, palm facing outwards. We refer to this block as outside body block or bakkat momtong makki.

Lastly there is the block beggining the same as outside body block, but finishing with the palm facing towards your body, which we call inside body block or an palmok momtong makki (inside forearm body block)

What do you call each of these moves?
what do you call body blocks?

Getting Hit.

sorry couldn't help it. first thing that came to mind when i read the question.