Application of Taegeuk Sa Jang; steps 10B and 12B

\In my mind, if I'm performing a form and the focus is on a chop, I'm focused on delivering my hand onto the right point. If I'm doing a block, I'm focused on my arm covering the right point. If I were to practice both, I would need to practice each separately, because my mind is focusing on something different during each application. Where am I hitting, vs. where am I covering.

I think everyone would agree with that.

Most times now, I "think on the fly" and will sometimes perform the "same" motion as a block or a strike just at my whim when I am training forms.

Back in the day, my teacher would sometimes direct which way to choose. At first, we'd learn the form and the basic motions, then go drill the techniques and learn the different ways to apply the "same" move (as a strike, block, throw, whatever) sort of one step style. Try out all the different mechanics. Just drilling.

To me, if you want to get the most out it, do it sorta like that and have fun and get creative. But don't just try it, train it.

If you want, you could eventually just choose. After training it various ways you may find you only like or use a certain technique as just a block and do your forms as such from then on. Personal choices.
Things like you preferring to throw a hook vs an inside hammerfist in a given scenario.

Others may choose inside hammerfist, and they'll be able to do it so long as they train it.