Ok, hear me out. This idea literally just came to me 10 minutes ago, so it's not fully thought through.
A resounding majority of us on this site believe there is great value in cross training. A lot of us also believe that other local martial arts teachers are not our enemies (I've met the other 'cobra kai' minded type and believe them to be in the minority). I think a structured broadening of experience might be a cool idea.
With that said; what are your thoughts on a Black Belt exchange program with another local school? (It could be high ranked colored belts maybe, but 1st Dan BB seemed best to me).
What does everyone think of the following?
- After 1st Dan, the respective teachers send their recently minted BB to each other's school for maybe 6 months. How long would be appropriate? Should they wait a year before starting this program?
- Should the exchangee act as a guest (retaining their home rank) or wear a white belt and start from the beginning?
(I would go with white belt, but think this decision might depend on how similar the styles are).
- My first inclination would be to arrange such an exchange between dissimilar arts (striking with grappling, or internal with hard style, etc). Thoughts?
- Should each student continue to pay tuition to their home club, or to their billet school?
- Like I said, this is not a fully crafted idea. Is this whole thing complete rubbish and destined to collapse upon itself like a dying star?
What pitfalls do you see as either hurdles, or insurmountable obstacles?
I've actually toyed with the idea that getting a BB from me would require cross-training in something, so I'd be very much in favor of something like this. How it's handled probably depends what the purpose is. If someone sends me their BB to learn NGA (or, more specifically, my NGA-based curriculum), they'd start as a white belt and work their way up as far as they prefer. If the BB is sent to me to learn some principles to influence their primary training, then I'd treat them as a long-term visitor, and suggest they wear what they'd normally wear for training (assuming it's suitable to our activities), including any rank insignia from their primary art.
Whether to do disparate arts or similar ones depends what the purpose is. Send me the average adult Karateka for 6 months of training, and I'll limit what I teach, because they'll likely never get good at taking falls (most folks over 30 take a year, if they ever get good at them). So they'd get my approach to striking (probably quite different from theirs) and what grappling I can transmit without them needing good falls. Send me someone who already has grappling (and falling) experience, and I'd focus differently for them, including finding where what we do is different from their approach, so they can explore that area more. And if their school doesn't teach striking, they'd get a lot of that from me.
As for the billing part, if you exchange equal numbers (or nearly so, anyway), it wouldn't matter much.
All that said, the period of training at the other school, and when that should happen, is really dependent upon many things. I don't think we could find a common rank to use, since a BB from me would take 7-10 years, and someone else's might take less than 3. If we're trying to exchange at a similar level, we'd need to figure out somplace where there's relative parity, and that depends on more than just relative experience at each school. Period of training could be anything from a couple of months to a full year (the latter would probably only work for really passionate students, who also have a real interest in the other art).
This was part of why I was teaching in a school with another art. I had the vision of eventually having a class dedicated to cross-training between the arts, on an invitation basis.