kenpo tiger said:
Did you read Mark's entry upthread? Also, HardheadJarhead's regarding the Greeks,
.. yes I did... always an fun and interesting read that stuff...
kenpo tiger said:
...just common sense and logic, which both of these gentlemen have in abundance. Just read their posts elsewhere.
...of their abilities i have no doubt
kenpo tiger said:
I doubt any of the men participating in this debate are attacking you personally. This coterie of debaters tends to get a bit testy when they respond to posts they disagree with. That doesn't mean they hate you, just that they've temporarily placed their manners aside (or taken the gloves off, whichever you prefer).
... i can accept this...
kenpo tiger said:
Personally, I find what you have to say interesting in that it presents a viewpoint I'm not normally privy to. We don't have many like you in the East, especially NY.
...that thump you heard was me falling on the floor in shock... thats a nice refreshing statement you make, thank you.
kenpo tiger said:
...I find it curious that you (and they) are so passionate about your personal beliefs that everyone should share them. Why, if it's enough for you to know that you aren't going straight to Hell with the rest of us?
... well... this one is easy, and is actually for two reasons...
First of all Jesus "commands" His followers to go in to the world and spread his Word.... this though, is a truth of the bible that most christians choose not to notice or accept, because it makes them feel uncomfortable, and puts them into a position of conflict with an unbelieving society... therefore, you see many posts (or voices in real life) stating that this person or that person doesnt represent true christianity etc... simply because they are evangelising and spreading God Word, something which they were commanded to do...
The second reason is love... and I know this one will take a lot of heat from numerous people, but think of it like this.... if i don't believe in Jesus, or the bible, but instead am an avid participating member of our modern humanistic society, i really don't care what happens to you in the afterlife, if there was one at all...blah blah blah as long as I and you life a "good life" and don't hurt anybody, etc.. (but thats for another thread), .....
BUT.... because I DO believe in Jesus and what the bible sez.... I do care about your afterlife....WHY? well... if my belief is correct... then what God is offering is the single most fantastic thing in the myriads of universes he "may" have created (my injection there for emphasis)...and the wonders of it are totally unimaginable and incomprehensible to man even with the descriptions of New Jerusalem in the Bible... and then taking this further... if the life we are going to have after this one is true, as God states in the bible... then why wouldnt I want YOU to have it also? AS you can see, it is because true born-again christians (who have Jesus within them) love you, that they/we/I want to tell you about our faith.. so that all of you don't miss out and can share in its wonder also...etc... we are excited about the future and want to share it with everyone....
Kinda long answer, and probably not articulated as well as it should be.. but thats the gist...
kenpo tiger said:
I asked you earlier if you've ever visited the Holy Land. As a true believer in your faith, it would be (assuming you have not) an experience for you to walk the Via Dolorosa and visit Gesthemene and Bethlehem. I lived there and those places were part of my everyday experience, along with those of my faith. It was inspiring to actually see the places mentioned in both Bibles.
...s'funny you brought this up again.. I actually remembered this question after i turned off my computer... but figured I'd wait until next time on line...
No we haven't been there yet... but boy are we chompin at the bit to do so... we are planning on going with an organized tour group.... but with two young babes (2 years and the other 7 months) travel for another couple of years is not in the picture... But yes, we can't wait to get there. I did at one point in time, try to convince my wife that we should move there permanently... but.. instead, we are now sitting up in Canada...oh well :ultracool
kenpo tiger said:
So, Revelations says we're all going to return to Ha-Eretz (The Land, literally translated), build the temple for yet another time in order to have it destroyed. That wasn't quite the way it was taught to me. Please explain the logic behind this prophecy. It intrigues me. KT
...well... if your wondering the "why's" of why God is doing this, I can't tell you what God's reasoning is other than what he tells us in the bible.
...basically though, as you have read, it is a time of re-gathering of His people in to their land (His Land). The numerous parts of this prophecy are to be a sign to all peoples of His strength, and to call as many of them to himself... he allowed his people to be scattered thousands of years ago, and is now, despite much world opinion and efforts to the contrary, is gathering them back again and given them again their holy language (the re-birth of israel as prophesied thousands of years ago, and is one of the most astonishing things to happen in history. This is a sign of his control to all the world, again calling his people to himself. Furthermore, he will allow the temple to be rebuilt, and then allow the enemy to take it over. This again, is to show himself to his people, because this act, will display for all the peole of israel that this "false-messiah" who sits in the temple is actually the abomination... which was fortold long ago.. this is another obvious sign to his peole and a call to them to accept him. This abomination will be the very person who arises out of the revived roman empire to coordinate a 7 years peace treaty with israel. (its interesting to note here the re-gathering and revival of the holy roman empire (which never died) "aka" European Union, at the very same time in history that Israel was re-born and the jewish peole are regathering in their very own land once again...hmmm...)...I could talk a lot more on this topic.. but for now....
Anyway, this regathering, temple building etc... is Gods love for his people in showing them once and for all, in front of the whole modern world, that He is in charge, so that as many as possible will accept Him as He presents himself to us...
There are many more items conencted with this we could discuss, but I hope I got the basic idea behind it all...and again.. WHY did GOD choose to do it this way? I have no idea.. except for what He chooses to tell us in the bible...
I hope this helps you KP.