Just to lay down a baseline of meaning:
Self Fulfilled Prophecy is what you convince yourself to believe, good or bad, and then having it come true because of that mental state.
Example: A waiter is carrying a huge tray of dirty dishes and, feeling the strain of the effort, starts thinking ("self talking") "I'm going to drop this, I'm going to drop this" and ends up dropping it because at that crucial moment, he acted consistently with the prophecy of 'dropping it.'
Training application example:
"I keep turning the wrong way in the form" So you will CONTINUE to turn the wrong way in the form. But, taking charge of the focus of the self talk/prophecy/expectation and 'programming positively' you change the phrase you repeat to "Turn to the right after the xyz technique" over and over to focus on what should happen instead of the mistake.
How many others use this stuff in their training/life...?
Self Fulfilled Prophecy is what you convince yourself to believe, good or bad, and then having it come true because of that mental state.
Example: A waiter is carrying a huge tray of dirty dishes and, feeling the strain of the effort, starts thinking ("self talking") "I'm going to drop this, I'm going to drop this" and ends up dropping it because at that crucial moment, he acted consistently with the prophecy of 'dropping it.'
Training application example:
"I keep turning the wrong way in the form" So you will CONTINUE to turn the wrong way in the form. But, taking charge of the focus of the self talk/prophecy/expectation and 'programming positively' you change the phrase you repeat to "Turn to the right after the xyz technique" over and over to focus on what should happen instead of the mistake.
How many others use this stuff in their training/life...?