Being tactful and using magic words

Going back to the OP I think being politically correct and being tactful are great but there are just times when saying whats on your mind with explicit words gets the point across faster and is understood better. The heck with if it bothers someones sense of right or wrong, let them know your feelings in plain words

Inndeed, that is one thing I like about a lot of people who train MA they cut trough the BS and express honestly what they think. If there is one thing I hate it is small minded persons constantly out to get you ("win") hiding their trollish intent behind a thin smokescreen of "civilized" condecending words.
Inndeed, that is one thing I like about a lot of people who train MA they cut trough the BS and express honestly what they think. If there is one thing I hate it is small minded persons constantly out to get you ("win") hiding their trollish intent behind a thin smokescreen of "civilized" condecending words.
That's why I dig my Finnish friends so much, they just say it how it is. And also 'cause they got those Summer cabins deep in the woods.
That's why I dig my Finnish friends so much, they just say it how it is. And also 'cause they got those Summer cabins deep in the woods.

Not to mention every cabin got their own sauna, required by Finnish law I think :D


And after a few of these in there everyone will tell you what they really think :)
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I recognise the vodka but those Finnish friends of mine have clearly been holding back on the sauna accessories going by that pic of yours : )
yes, but why are you waving that flag in my face when I have my harem of devoted and deadly sauna body guards around me? : )
yes, but why are you waving that flag in my face when I have my harem of devoted and deadly sauna body guards around me? : )

The waving of the flag signals is time to go outside for a dip in some lovely ice water :D

Ha! yes, they made me do that too and in the middle of the night, an amazing but very shocking (to all areas of the body!) experience!

I must say I really dig those saunas next to the cabins and how they are wood fuelled, the heat is very different from the saunas I am used to.