Is he gasping for air or just breathing hard? I have mild asthma and don't always keep my inhaler around. So...it doesn't take a whole lot for me to start breathing hard, but I can keep my exertion up for hours at a time (on a hike, for example).
I was in horrible shape when I started MA. My instructors stressed the "do what you can" part...and to not be worried if I wasn't keeping up with the class, because they could tell I was trying. They never slowed the class down for me, and I'm glad they didn't.
He is gassed. It's actually like how I used to feel when my high school football coach made us run wind sprints and then do ups/downs until we puked. If we trained outdoors I would worry about him getting heatstroke. As is, he looks tortured, and I don't believe it is healthy to reach such a high heart rate when he isn't used to it from prior athletics. IMO you need to build up to it.