Last minute gift ideas?


Master Black Belt
Ooookay, so there's someone (female) who is having a birthday this weekend. I want to express my affection for her but I'm not sure what to get. Doesn't sound too hard but here are my problems:

The birthday is this Sunday so there's really no time to ponder, ship items, etc.

I most likely can't spend any money because that would start a fight with my wife over the amount dedicated to the gift. That alone limits me severely.

I have a complicated matter as far as what I can express. I want her to know that she is so important to my world that I wouldn't want to imagine life without her. At the same time, of course, I can't express my undying love and devotion.

So, seemingly any material gifts are out because of the 1st and 2nd restriction. Letters and poems and such via e-mail or e-card seem obvious. I wanted to see if anyone (particularly my females friends here) had anything in particular they might suggest.

Sorry I waited until the last minute. Thanks in advance for any ideas.
Design a simple webpage where you say exactly what you need to say to her. Don't give anyone the address except her. It's universal and secret at the same time!
Solidman82 said:
Naked photos of me! I know you have a few laying around somewhere.:p

I didn't think you knew about my hidden cameras...or apparently my homoerotic voyuerism that even *I* don't know about! lol

OnlyAnEgg said:
Design a simple webpage where you say exactly what you need to say to her. Don't give anyone the address except her. It's universal and secret at the same time!

Saaay, that's not bad, Egg! I felt the whole letter/poem/e-card thing was my only option but felt it was overdone. Your idea keeps the simplicity and emotional content of such a thing but addsthe element of intimacy. Very nice.

... of course, I shouldn't think of this expression of affection as "intimate" should I? no, no, that would be wrong.

I've been hampered by my inability to spend any money on this young woman...well, that and the fact that she's not *my* young woman.

Thanks for the ideas, all. If anyone else has any other ideas feel free to jump in.
Hmmm. Trying to figure out a web page is a bit hard. I'm trying to come up with a theme for it.

I'll also have to decide what to say. I know y'all can't help me with that; guess I'm just thinking.

My last bit of poetry for her was way too dark. It spoke more of anguish and desparate need than fulfilling gratitude at her presence. It read as such:

Your light beckons me from places I cannot go,
Teasing my upturned face, expectant and longing.
I am a candle lit inside the sun,
Consumed by your radiance and burned away.

Y'see. I can write this sort of stuff because of my former muse but not to my former muse. Aaagh. *beats self with hammer of insanity*