Being in shape


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
Does this really matter in the Martial Arts, I mean I have seen some pretty heavey and out of shape dudes that could kick the living **** out of someone. So how much truth is in it.
in reality?

no, you DONT need to be in perfect shape to defend yourself.

it's a good idea to keep yourself in decent shape, but no it isnt required
I agree with Twin Fist. I know some people in my class who are not in the best shape, but I certainly wouldn't want to be standing toe to toe with them if I could help it.

But being in shape does help, I think. I can certainly say that if I was in better shape, a lot of things would be easier to do. For instance: sparring endurance. I could definitely use more in that area.
Does this really matter in the Martial Arts, I mean I have seen some pretty heavey and out of shape dudes that could kick the living **** out of someone. So how much truth is in it.

Big burly truck drivers come to mind. I think it could be rather easy to under estimate someone that looks heavy with a big belly. Bouncers are another group of individuals that in some cases could steam roll through many people at the same time. Give these people some techniques and they could be down right dangerous.
Being in shape is not a requirement.

But you might as well be in top shape if you are going to defend for your life.

I know plenty of overweight smokers who could do some damage.

Now that being the case if I am going up against someone who can do damage out of shape I would like to be at peak when dealing with them.

Another factor that may come into play is the ability be it learned or innate to use your body movement correctly.

So even if you are out of shape by applying correct alignment,structure,timing and distancing you can still out do someone physically fit.

I think alot of factors come into play but if all things are equal the one who has the will,strength and endurance is the one who most likely will win.
Not a requirement for self defense but a really good idea.
Being in shape gives you one more advantage. That
advantage may be what you need in the moment. Having
said that though I know several really big people who
would be a handful whether they are in shape or not.

Never underestimate anyone!!!
Hello, Where being in shape and condition is on the REAL STREETS...maybe facing more than one person...adrenline and blood flowing is easy to run out of breathe here?

Need to run from a hand gun or knifer ? ......being out of shape? ...will get you kill or beaten up?

If a pack of wild dogs chasing you? or a gang? ....will you be able to escape?

Off course most of us will never face these challenges......

Two keys to a true martial artist? .....ONE is being great condition...second is building skills to become a part of you!

Sure there will will need only a few seconds to defend yourself....BUT?

What happens if the fight last longer?

....funny building condition and like pumping an air pump....once you stop...the air in the body starts to run out..

Today I use an electric pump........Aloha
Big burly truck drivers come to mind. I think it could be rather easy to under estimate someone that looks heavy with a big belly. Bouncers are another group of individuals that in some cases could steam roll through many people at the same time. Give these people some techniques and they could be down right dangerous.

I like to stay in shape so I can out run those dudes...
Not a requirement for self defense but a really good idea.
Being in shape gives you one more advantage. That
advantage may be what you need in the moment. Having
said that though I know several really big people who
would be a handful whether they are in shape or not.

Never underestimate anyone!!!

I've got to agree with Brian here. Another reason is simply for one's health. One doesn't have to be in "good shape" to kick butt, but I still want to be for my own health. (I'm not getting any younger).

I watch folks like Jhoon Rhee who can do 100's of push-ups & is still so flexible into his 70's. I'd rather be closer to that than to not be.
Any person who trains regularly (or does any other exercise regularly) is in better shape than any person of similar build who does not - so right there, no matter what shape the person is in, the person is in better shape to defend him/herself than if the person didn't train.

As far as fitness in general - I would hypothesize that a person with more knowledge and less fitness would do better in defending him/herself than a person with less knowledge and more fitness - but a person with more knowledge and more fitness would do better than either.
As I get older, I get a thrill that I can still do things that other people my age can't.

My kung Fu teacher is in his late 40s and so sleekly muscular and more flexible than I. I find that inspiring.

So, whether or not I have to stay in great shape for self-defense, I like to just because it feels good. (Except my ankle...and those bruises...and that shoulder thing...)
I think being in shape is very important when it comes to self defence. Not being one of those people Terry is referring to that can naturally just obliterate some one regardless of fitness or training I feel that I need to get into shape to even up the odds a little. Endurance and being able to fight tired are good attributes to have in a self defence situation. Flexibility may also be an issue if out of shape.

That is not to say people should get into shape before learning a MA! You don't have to be in good shape to learn, the fitness will develop through learning.
I'm going to say yes.

Ok, some out of shape guys can still scrap pretty good for a short period, but that's not the question.

Martial arts is something people do a few times a week and is a physical activity. If a person is training regullarly they will be in decent shape. If they are not, they aren't really training that hard.

It's just like any other sport, if you play soccer 3 times a week, every week, and are still in horrible shape, chances are "playing soccer" amounts to more standing around talking about playing soccer then actually playing soccer.

Coaches are not always in great shape, but they aren't soccer players, they are coaches.

I don't think a person could call themselves a soccer player or basketball player or anything else, then they could call themself a martial artists if they are not in at least decent shape.
in that case.......

ed parker? not a martial artist
ron chapel? not a martial artist
mas oyama? not a martial artist
funikoshi? not a martial artist

see the error in your thinking ?
While it is the desired state to be in shape, the reality of life is that it is not always possible to be at your peak, so that is why good technique and practical self defence is so important.
For a woman, there are times of your life that you are more vulnerable. For example , when you are pregnant. Or when you are run down with sleep deprivation looking after children.
For a Man there are times when you may be ill or have an injury, or be suffering with sleep deprivation from looking after children.(we can hope:))
That is not to mention the effects of old age , which make us more vulnerable.
A good martial art should take into account all these factors and give us techniques that work for all states of fitness.
As martial artists we should always strive to be as fit as we can, but it is reassuring to know that we have some techniques that we can use when needed not matter what our physical state.
HEY! ROUND is a SHAPE!There is a certain dark and twisted pleasure to being a big fat guy and really whuppin' some in perfect shape guy, but, yeah being in shape is beneficial if only for health reasons.
It's just like any other sport, if you play soccer 3 times a week, every week, and are still in horrible shape, chances are "playing soccer" amounts to more standing around talking about playing soccer then actually playing soccer.

Or posting on a forum board! (joking! Don't pelt me with rotten eggs)

But what about those masters who are so skilled, they can throw football players across a room with the tiniest flick of the wrist (which of course begins at the tantien)? No muscle! It's not about muscle. Right or wrong?

If right, you can be out of shape if you are masterfully skilled.

I am not masterfully skilled I gotta do pushups and run if I want to feel capable and safe.

Then again, self-defense entails lots of skills that have nothing to do with the physical...

My mind is spinning...the room is spinning...

Oh, Terry said martial arts, not self-defense. Does it matter in martial arts?
Or posting on a forum board! (joking! Don't pelt me with rotten eggs)

But what about those masters who are so skilled, they can throw football players across a room with the tiniest flick of the wrist (which of course begins at the tantien)? No muscle! It's not about muscle. Right or wrong?

If right, you can be out of shape if you are masterfully skilled.

I am not masterfully skilled I gotta do pushups and run if I want to feel capable and safe.

Then again, self-defense entails lots of skills that have nothing to do with the physical...

My mind is spinning...the room is spinning...

Oh, Terry said martial arts, not self-defense. Does it matter in martial arts?

Yes for Martial Arts not for self defense does one need to be in shape to really learn.
When the belief that all you have to do is throw those 5-10 seconds of perfect technique and you opponent will be defeated gets tossed out the window you will damn well be sure that fitness is important. Of course it will then be too late.

All this talk about overweight truck drivers....are not big, strong, fitness buffs just as capable? And stronger, faster and with better endurance?

Good fitness training teaches working through pain and exhaustion. Pushing your body physically and your brain to keep going. Things that can only help your SD.

Look at some overweight cops. Would you say that being in shape is important for them? Obviously that are doing the job without it...its not important...until it is.
You need to be in shape if you want to be able to be competitive in Karate and TKD not so much...but thats not to say you shouldnt be.