How do you engage an opponent?

Hello, You may want to get the book : Book of five rings written by Miyamoto Musihi ( the greatest swordman from Japan)

Has all the info's you are looking for!

This book is also use by Japanese and American businessman for todays business world!

The strategies in this book..a must read!


PS: Learning about too "un-engage an opponent...? ...something to consider...always!

His tactic of jabbing at the eyes to set up a cut or thrust is very applicable to empty hand.

Throw a jab/ finger thrust to the eyes and strike low with a kick, punch or shoot for a takedown.

BTW- A major factor in Caeser's win at Pharsalus over Pompey Magnus was do to his instructing his reserves to jab their pila (Javelin) at the calvery troop's eyes, to open then for attacks to the body or horse. They routed the calvery that was attempting to flank, sending them back into Pompey's left flank.

Ancient warfare tactics and stratigy is very applicable to hand to hand combat.
Good posts here guys...

I left out.... agressing from above, below or behind the threats field of view and peripheral vision...

Feining copitulation is also sometimes necessary to gain the advantage of suprise or ambush...Especially if caught unarmed against a firearm favorite is "who, who, whoa, what do you want from me"...I know a guy that pretended to curl up and whined "please dont hurt me" and when they got close enough he ambushed them...
Not to say thats whats effective or not but it does work and it may need to be improvised on the spot....

Get them talking...if they are talking they are not striking,stabbing or shooting... When they talk = strike....
SGTmac raised a good option before and thats to act like a complete rabid maniac, especially if there are multiple threats...
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Almost all the Martial Arts training I've seen has focused almost completely on the defensive side of things. And noticed that when sparing, a lot of Martial Artists have trouble figuring out how to move in on their opponent. I haven't had much training time as of late, and probably wont for awhile. But this is something I've been interested to try and figure out.

Do you have a strategy on how to move in on an opponent? And what of opponents of different sizes, and shapes? How does your strategy change when dealing with different body types?
Only just seen your post but would like if i may to give you two thoughts. Firstly if this an opponent in an arranged competition they will usually be fighting with the same style so some precognition of their actions will be in your armoury for the fight. Secondly , although some suggestions previously may be very good or not you will be the only one who can make a split second decision at the time of a real life confrontation.

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