Because Okinawa is..

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47MartialMan said:
Could it be that not all instructors take pictures or think of taking them? or that there wasn't a camera easliy available/aceesible? Weren't cameras a rare object to have?
Re-read my post. It says photo or drawing. You would think if there is a photo of Sakugawa tode floating around then why not Azato........
RRouuselot said:
Re-read my post. It says photo or drawing. You would think if there is a photo of Sakugawa tode floating around then why not Azato........
So are you saying that he was a fictious charecter?
searcher said:
1) What about Seisho Aragaki?
2) He taught many of the masters of today's karate style: Kanryo Higaonna, Funakoshi, Chitose, Mabuni.
Many consider him to be the premier martial artist of his day, but he is so often overlooked.
1) Yes, another "unsung hero" of his day. I have found a few drawings of him and bits of info but he is rarely mentioned.
2) Which is why I find it odd he has not been mentioned more often.
I think that you need to realize during ww2 the allied forces intent on okinwan as a landing spot shelled, mortered and f**ked up Okinwan. There are Photos of shurie looking like a field that was thourghly and crudely plowed. The Castle was obliterated. With complete devestation of the town of Shuri what record would survive???
The Kai said:
I think that you need to realize during ww2 the allied forces intent on okinwan as a landing spot shelled, mortered and f**ked up Okinwan. There are Photos of shurie looking like a field that was thourghly and crudely plowed. The Castle was obliterated. With complete devestation of the town of Shuri what record would survive???
Does this imply to photos of people?

Lucky some survived
The Kai said:
I think that you need to realize during ww2 the allied forces intent on okinwan as a landing spot shelled, mortered and f**ked up Okinwan. There are Photos of shurie looking like a field that was thourghly and crudely plowed. The Castle was obliterated. With complete devestation of the town of Shuri what record would survive???

I have a book of photographs taken in Okinawa during and right after the battle of Okinawa.
You would not believe the destruction. I am surprised a single photograph or document survived.
However, like with much of karate history on Okinawa, there is/was always verbal transmission.
From the Photos I've seen the Village was reduced to a scarred, burned and pitted field. Lierally according to soldiers account only 2 sepaerate walls survivesd from the entire village!!I would hate to guess at what Karate artifacts never made it. There are photos posted on the "net-look at em and see for yourself
RRouuselot said:
I have a book of photographs taken in Okinawa during and right after the battle of Okinawa.
You would not believe the destruction. I am surprised a single photograph or document survived.
However, like with much of karate history on Okinawa, there is/was always verbal transmission.
With only verbal transmission, how can one bleieve or prove that such a person existed?
47MartialMan said:
With only verbal transmission, how can one bleieve or prove that such a person existed?
Corroboration from several sources.
Do you actually think about the questions you ask before you write them?
Lets say one person said so. Then anither took it off that one. Then two more took it of those. Does the person still exist?

You say Corroboration from several sources. My own situation has the same. Yet you doubt me.
47MartialMan said:
1)Lets say one person said so. Then anither took it off that one. Then two more took it of those. Does the person still exist?

2) My own situation has the same. Yet you doubt me.

1)Reliable sources have corroborated his existanceÂ…Â…Â…end of discussion.

2)So you say. However, you have yet to cough up a certificate you claim to have that might lend some credibility to your story, you claim to have trained in a style that doesn’t exist, you claim to have trained from an Okinawan and yet when you gave his name it was two Japanese family names, not Okinawan, and also claimed it was his first and last name which is ridiculous, when I pointed this out you then claimed he went by several names as did your other teacher that supposedly ripped you off and THEN changed tack and claimed you were a “victim”…… Each time a discrepancy in your story was shown to you you then tweaked your story to go in a different direction.....sounds like BS to me.

So your situation with your bogus teachers is not even close that of the aforementioned.
This has been an informative thread for the most part

Mod. Note.
Please, return to the original topic.
Sheldon Bedell
-MT Moderator-
tshadowchaser said:
This has been an informative thread for the most part

Mod. Note.
Please, return to the original topic.
Sheldon Bedell
-MT Moderator-
I thought so as well until 47MartialMan decided to go on a petty vendetta and pick issue.
47MartialMan said:
So the Japanese took karate as they took Okinawa?
You “questions” seem to be more like comments that try to agitate or bait.

Maybe you should ask something that looks like a sincere question.
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