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[2]Commemorating the establishment of the basic kata of karate-do (1937)
(Front, from right) Chojun Miyagi, Chomo Hanashiro, Kentsu Yabu, Chotoku Kyan(Back, from right) Genwa Nakasone, Choshin Chibana, Choryo Maeshiro, Shinpan Shiroma.It is said that the traditional Okinawan martial arts called
Te and Chinese
Kenpo were blended together and developed into
Karate later underwent significant developments in Okinawa based on several factors, including the policy of banning weapons following the political centralization of King
Shoshin (1477-1526) and the Satsuma Clan's invasion of Ryukyu (1609).
Chotoku Kyan (2nd from left, 1941)It later developed further through a process of systematization into 'Modern
Karate', which actually had a lot to do with the efforts of the men known as the
Chuko no so (The Revivers), including Sokon Matsumura (1828-1898) of the
Shuri-te style, Kosaku Matsumora (1829-1898) of the
Tomari-te style and Kanryo Higaonna (1853-1915) of the
Naha-te style.
In 1908, 'The 10 Articles of
Karate' prepared by Anko Itosu were submitted to the Educational Affairs Section of Okinawa Prefecture. After that,
karate started being introduced into the school gymnastics curriculum, thus acquiring broad accessibility, in contrast to the previously secret principles of
Isshi-soden (the complete transmission of a
ryu's techniques only to your heir).
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