Because Okinawa is..

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47MartialMan said:
I bet you just googled it.....
Uh actually noÂ….my wifeÂ’s father is a Buddhist PriestÂ…Â….there are literally 100Â’s of books around the house on Buddhism, most of which I have read.
RRouuselot said:
I knew you meant this Sutra........but wuth your "gift" for spelling who can be sure what you really mean........
Yeah, yea "high and mighty" never make a spelling error....Mr. Perfect......Mr. Know-It-All.....Mr. Debunker.........Mr Off Topic....
47MartialMan said:
Yeah, yea "high and mighty" never make a spelling error....Mr. Perfect......Mr. Know-It-All.....Mr. Debunker.........Mr Off Topic....

i neever mayke speleeing erorrrs......I'n purfuct.
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