Bad wallstreet occupyer behavior

And the Constitution is good enough for me when it comes to defense. We don't live in a free market yet, so we need the state for some things at the moment.

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Bob, the alternative is total collapse. You will lose all your liberty and all of your property. It will be fed to the beast. We have no choice but to cut the guns and butter state deep and yeah its going to hurt, but that's the price we'll have to pay. There is no way around it unless you want to give up your freedom and property.

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So, the options are:
-total collapse, and lose my freedom and property
-let the government take it, live in government housing, work a government job, and eat government food, so I can keep my freedom and property.

Didn't they try this in Cuba? Soviet Russia? North Korea? A few other places?

I mean, how do I not have freedom now?

How do I not have property now? That Prius I'm driving around in...who owns that again? The house I'm going to buy....that won't be mine?

Last I checked, I didn't need to carry papers, don't need permission to move about the country, can even visit other countries without waiting months for permission. Hell, I've got an invitation to Europe next year. You mean I have to get a permission slip? ****. I don't even know where to start looking for that.

I think it would hurt a lot more if we downsize like you suggest. Once Chinese tanks level Maui and Mexican drug lords have taken Tempe, we might wish we'd kept some of those jets flying and tanks operational.

Are you ok with being told what job you'll be doing? Told to shut down your school and cease teaching the art you love because it's not on the 'allowed' list?

Not me. I want less government, however I recognize that only a fool lays down their arms in a hostile environment. But, rather than argue, lets wait 2 years. We can check how California is doing then, considering they just put up a huge welcome sign for illegals, quintupled their tax burden by offering free educations to illegals, and are working hard to fully demilitarize their law abiding citizens. I bet the crime rate drops like a rock soon, the economy booms, and lifestyles will just be awesome.

I'm sorry, but I just can't see things the way you appear to be seeing them. I still view these protesters (paid by Obama supporters) and their nutty demands (which show a lack of understanding of economics, human nature, or practicality, as well as history) as dangerous to a free society.
The collapse will lead to more government. And I'm not saying we don't need any guns. We just need to downsize big time and end the empire. How much does China spend on defense?

Downsizing won't lead to anything but more wealth and freedom for us all.

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Date: 2011-09-26, 5:09PM EDT
Reply to: [SUP][Errors when replying to ads?][/SUP]
The Working Families Party (WFP) ( is New York's most energetic, independent and progressive political party. Formed in 1998 by a grassroots coalition of community organizations, neighborhood activists, and labor unions, we came together to build a society that works for all of us, not just Wall Street CEOs and the well-connected. WFP is independent from corporate and government funding and in-addition we are community based; community funded and equally uninfluenced by both major parties. Our agenda focuses on economic and social justice, corporate accountability, job creation, environmental protection, and investment in education and healthcare.
For the past twelve years the WFP has been at the fore front of progressive politics,​
Leading the fight and helping to frame the debate. The WFP has a proud record of fighting for issues that matter and has been instrumental in implementing key pieces of legislation such as Raising New York's Minimum Wage, Enacting Living Wage Laws, Creating Thousands of Jobs In the Green Economy, Passing Healthcare Reforms on the Local Level, Fighting for Affordable Housing, Keeping Tuition Costs Low, A Progressive Tax Code, Reliable/Cost Effective Public Transit System, Public Financing Of Elections and Corporate Accountability . In addition, we have an unapologetic stance on supporting and pushing good candidates to enact progressive legislation​
The WFP is seeking immediate hires.​
You must be an energetic communicator, with a passion for social and economic justice.​
Only outgoing, articulate dedicated, determined candidates will be considered for the positions.​
For those candidates that qualify WFP offers substantial paid-training provided by senior leadership, on varied issues such as: advocacy, public speaking, mobilizing, fundraising, networking and organizing. We invest in passionate people with excellent communication skills and a full benefits package is offered to those candidates that qualify. In addition, there is opportunity for advancement and travel to our satellite chapters and out of state affiliates.​
This is not a policy job! Through direct action you will be shaping NY state politics for the next 20 years.​
If you care about New York and want to help educate and mobilize around legislative campaigns-then we look forward to hearing from you!​

  • Compensation: $350-$650 A Week Depending On Responsibility & Length Of Time On Staff
  • Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
  • Please, no phone calls about this job!
  • Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.

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PostingID: 2618821815
The collapse will lead to more government. And I'm not saying we don't need any guns. We just need to downsize big time and end the empire. How much does China spend on defense?

Downsizing won't lead to anything but more wealth and freedom for us all.

Why? How?

There isn't a limit currently on wealth. Though some idiots want to cap the max you can make.
But right now, if I want to put the time in, and do what I need to do, I can make a few million by Christmas.
I'm unaware that there's a quota set for 41 yr old geeks from WNY who like shooting hot chicks in their underwear and bragging about it on web forums.

Wealth is limitless. Everyone can get a share, they only have to -work- for it.
Having a highly marketable idea helps.

Anyone want to buy a slightly used pet rock? :D

  • Compensation: $350-$650 A Week Depending On Responsibility & Length Of Time On Staff
  • Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
  • Please, no phone calls about this job!
  • Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.

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PostingID: 2618821815
That isn't, btw, the $20per hour "Living wage"...
Being released from the tax burden of empire, American citizens would prosper like never before. The threat from terrorism would drop because our foreign policy is no longer creating terrorists. Entire departments could be dismantled, starting with homeland security and propaganda....err I mean education. Productive sectors of the economy would build rather being flushed down the blowing stuff up hole. Cutting defense is the first step toward a new American renaissance.

Your thoughts on wealth probably need a new thread. They are checked by the system of currency we use now, though. It's limited by definition.

I'm back. It was fun. Gave lots of lefties and righties earfulls.

Sent from my Eris using Tapatalk
Being released from the tax burden of empire,
There is not and never has been an American Empire.
American citizens would prosper like never before. The threat from terrorism would drop because our foreign policy is no longer creating terrorists.
**** *** *** ******** ****
Entire departments could be dismantled, starting with homeland security
Which, conservatives said was completely unnecessary.
and propaganda....err I mean education.
Which conservatives said was completely unnecessary
Productive sectors of the economy would build rather being flushed down the blowing stuff up hole. Cutting defense is the first step toward a new American renaissance.

Your thoughts on wealth probably need a new thread. They are checked by the system of currency we use now, though. It's limited by definition.

I'm back. It was fun. Gave lots of lefties and righties earfulls.

Sent from my Eris using Tapatalk
[h=2]This Week in Government Failure[/h] Posted by Tad DeHaven
Over at Downsizing the Federal Government, we focused on the following issues this past week:

Follow Downsizing the Federal Government on Twitter (@DownsizeTheFeds) and connect with us on Facebook.
sorry, but i literally cant believe any adult can suggest this ............crap with a straight face.

I have to ask, are you high?
None of this stuff represents what I see of the occupywallstreet crowd. I see American friends online that are still angry that Wall Street triggered a double dip recession. In fact, the double dip seems to be the real trigger here. And they're getting angry looking at the compensation differences. They're angry that CEO's were rewarded for failure.

South Africa
Hong Kong
China (Shanghai)
New Zealand
South Korea

[TD="width: 100, bgcolor: #FFFFDF"] Country [/TD]
[TD="width: 150, bgcolor: #FFFFDF"] Year 2000 CEO compensation as a multiple of average employee compensation* [/TD]

[TD="align: right"] 531 [/TD]

[TD="align: right"] 57 [/TD]

[TD="align: right"] 54 [/TD]

[TD="align: right"] 51 [/TD]

[TD="align: right"] 48 [/TD]

[TD="align: right"] 47 [/TD]

[TD="align: right"] 45 [/TD]

[TD="align: right"] 38 [/TD]

[TD="align: right"] 37 [/TD]

[TD="align: right"] 25 [/TD]

[TD="align: right"] 23 [/TD]

[TD="align: right"] 22 [/TD]

[TD="align: right"] 22 [/TD]

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[TD="align: right"] 16 [/TD]

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[TD="align: right"] 11 [/TD]

[TD="align: right"] 11 [/TD]

[TD="align: right"] 11 [/TD]

[TD="align: right"] 10 [/TD]
Source: Towers Perrin & Finfacts
(*Employee compensation used to calculate these averages were those working in industrial companies with about $500 million in annual sales.)

Most of my American friends are 20-35 yo and they're even split for conservative and liberal (Most of my Canadian and British friends are liberal.) Things are going to need to change because this isn't a left vs right issue as I'm seeing it. Social mobility has decreased and cost of living has increased and wages haven't moved. I see anger and hostility growing and if something doesn't improve for the middle classes in the US it's going to get messy.
It was government involvement that caused the depression we're in, and it's government involvement that is causing it to last past the normal 2-3 year period.

They have
1 flooded the economy with more money, trillions of dollars. Result, higher prices.
2 bailed out 'cant fail' businesses. Result, higher debt, businesses still screwing up.
3 Allowed other businesses to fail. Result, displaced workers.
4 2 + 3 equals interference in the normal righting process, delaying the redistribution of resources needed to right the economy naturally.
5 paid out multiple 'stimuluses'. Result, short term ease, long term debt.
6 taken control of numerous companies. Result, government is now in the banking, investment, loan and auto industries. Unconstitutional. Further interference delaying the normal correction.

As to CEO earnings, here's a few questions:
- Why is no one marching on the NFL to bring Quarterback pay into line too?
- Does a CEO earning $1B mean there is $1B less for you?
- How many of those CEO's make a pittance in salary, but earn nice bonuses if the company does well?
-- Would you want to work under the same terms? (Note, I do. My salary is $1 per year.)
- Do you really think that the 'rank and file' who 'works 9-5' deserve the same compensation as a CEO who may work 7 days a week and put in 12+ hour days?
- Should the US limit peoples ability to earn because other countries do too?
It was government involvement that caused the depression we're in, and it's government involvement that is causing it to last past the normal 2-3 year period.

They have
1 flooded the economy with more money, trillions of dollars. Result, higher prices.
2 bailed out 'cant fail' businesses. Result, higher debt, businesses still screwing up.
3 Allowed other businesses to fail. Result, displaced workers.
4 2 + 3 equals interference in the normal righting process, delaying the redistribution of resources needed to right the economy naturally.
5 paid out multiple 'stimuluses'. Result, short term ease, long term debt.
6 taken control of numerous companies. Result, government is now in the banking, investment, loan and auto industries. Unconstitutional. Further interference delaying the normal correction.

As to CEO earnings, here's a few questions:
- Why is no one marching on the NFL to bring Quarterback pay into line too?
- Does a CEO earning $1B mean there is $1B less for you?
- How many of those CEO's make a pittance in salary, but earn nice bonuses if the company does well?
-- Would you want to work under the same terms? (Note, I do. My salary is $1 per year.)
- Do you really think that the 'rank and file' who 'works 9-5' deserve the same compensation as a CEO who may work 7 days a week and put in 12+ hour days?
- Should the US limit peoples ability to earn because other countries do too?
QFT and amplification
1 flooded the economy with more money, trillions of dollars. Result, higher prices.

Prices are not uniformly higher. Core inflation is still very low - we were actually in a few quarters of deflation a while back. Cheap money is obviously not the reason for price hikes in certain sectors (i.e. energy and health).

Do you really think that the 'rank and file' who 'works 9-5' deserve the same compensation as a CEO who may work 7 days a week and put in 12+ hour days?

This is just agitprop. The rich are rich because they are better people. You have no idea what average CEO working hours are. You can't point to one CEO like Bill Gates who famously worked long hours and then claim they all do. I work 80 hour weeks. Where is my $500 million if that's how it's supposed to work? CEOs also get paid when they fail spectacularly, not too many of us can claim that, no matter how hard we work.
Prices are not uniformly higher. Core inflation is still very low - we were actually in a few quarters of deflation a while back. Cheap money is obviously not the reason for price hikes in certain sectors (i.e. energy and health).

Yes, inflation is very low, 0% in some areas in fact. Not a good thing.

This is just agitprop. The rich are rich because they are better people. You have no idea what average CEO working hours are. You can't point to one CEO like Bill Gates who famously worked long hours and then claim they all do. I work 80 hour weeks. Where is my $500 million if that's how it's supposed to work? CEOs also get paid when they fail spectacularly, not too many of us can claim that, no matter how hard we work.
I work 60+ hour weeks. Not rich either. I don't get paid when things suck either.
I also never said 'all do'. I'm sure Trumps work week is quite short these days.
I wonder what it was in his early years.

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