How was it different?
I’m a hopeless romantic. There was a time when earning the rank of Black Belt meant something. To me it still does, or at least it should.
I worked in a youth lock up years ago.
We were down stairs, the women’s unit was upstairs. One of the women who worked there heard I was a Black Belt and approached me. She had been a brown belt in Karate, I forget what style, for two years. We started talking about training. I mentioned something about sparring. She had never sparred. She told me that she had never actually seen sparring. I asked her if that was because sparring was on a particular night that she couldn't make because of her schedule. She said, no, I don't think we have any sparring.
I really didn't know where to go in the conversation from there. Eventually she said she didn't know that there was actually an American Karate. She probably still doesn't. I just can't wrap my mind around a brown belt that had never seen sparring. I still can't.
None of the schools I go to or have gone to function like that.
I'm glad, I stay away from those schools, too. But there seems to be a whole lot of them. To each his own, I guess.
Im not a head instructor but if I was I might ask my students that, and I would ask my students what they hope to get out of it.