You know what we used to do three or four times a year? When there was a particulaly crowded class, we would have everyone take off their belts and switch them around with everyone else. Black belts would wear white, yellow or green etc, greens would be wearing black, blue yada yada.
Before the class started we’d all stand in front of the mirrored wall and yak for a bit. Black belts would say, speaking from their heart, “Man, green belt was my favorite rank, it was so much fun” etc etc. We’d point to a blue belt who was wearing a Black Belt that night and say, “You look cool in that, brother.
Then we would bow in and go crazy hard training, one of those nights where everyone was drenched to the belt. We’d sit around on a cool down at the end and talk about the colored cloth you wore around your waist that night. And how it didn’t really matter, all that mattered was training, learning and working your butt off.
And there was really no need to ask to be tested. Tests happened a few times a year. Everyone in the school was welcomed to test, even if you had been promoted a week before, no matter, jump right in. Tests were purposely the hardest physical workouts we had. Sure, you were drilled on your knowledge and understanding, but the workout was the important thing.
And every single student that joined our dojo had the rules taught to them. And they agreed with them before they were allowed to start. And one of the biggest rules was “Don’t go asking about tests. Because if you come to class and work your tail off, you’ll never have to worry about one, you’ll always be ready.
It wasn’t a dojo for everybody. And thank God for that.