Chris, When ever I read these kind of threads I am reminded that guys are under tremendous pressure to make the first move and are scared of being rejected. This makes me sad. It also reminds me to be very very kind to the guys who do approach me as I appreciate the gesture.
Unfortunately, many women are not like this. Also, many men would rather be pushed in front of a bus than approach a woman they don't know. The usual underlying cause of this is a cruel rejection (or multiples thereof) early in life at the start of one's dating life. It doesn't take much to shatter a young man's self-esteem, and it can take a long time (sometimes years) to build it back up again.
I will say that any type of "game" is a piss poor idea if you want a long term relationship. You have to be yourself, warts and all and love the other person exactly as they are, warts and all. It's not glamorous or easy, it takes work and introspection but it's the only solution that works long term.
Well, it is a game. A numbers game and a psychology game. People are nuts, and understanding the opposite sex can be difficult. Modern people are particularly broken and poorly socialized. Sometimes people need help breaking the ice and putting themselves out there. It can be very hard for a guy since some women get a charge out of knocking a guy down a peg if he approaches her.
Now for me, part of the game IS being yourself. But that takes guts, and you have to know how to present yourself. A very large percentage of that is body language and hence a big part of the game.
The nice thing about learning body language is that it can convince the opposite sex that you have confidence that in reality you don't (yet). Fake it till you make it, right?

Being able to pull that kind of thing off gives one confidence for real eventually.
Now, to deal with the question of women rewarding bad behaviour... to a degree that's true, but not in the way the OP thinks. Women, on average, thrive on emotional stimulation. Hence "chick flicks". Whether the emotion is positive or negative doesn't always matter. That's one thing jerks excel at: getting emotional reactions out of women. Women often mistake that emotional rush as emotional
connection. This is especially true with young women. That's why the jerks get the girls initially... he makes her laugh, he makes her cry, he drags her through the whole gamut of emotions. For some women, that's a drug. The nice guy doesn't make waves and just tries to make her happy. That's about as exciting as watching ice melt for a typical woman. There's a happy medium between the two extremes for a man, and that's where the real stuff happens. Finding those inner qualities that bring out that confidence is the key for a man. It's about being yourself, being your BEST self, and presenting those qualities in a way that makes more women take notice.
Best regards,