Originally posted by Michael Billings
I agree in a rational logical way with Mr. Buonfiglio. But there can be times when that calm or "mind like the moon" or "mind like water" as the Japanese refer to it, is not obtainable.
I think there is a hightened state of awareness in which you can channel your energy into what I call "Positive Aggression". I have heard lots of stories from lots of people, including SGM Parker, calmness never seemed to be a state they were in when they got in a real fight, outside of the tournament setting.
In re-reading Marcus's post, maybe the "... combat mindset which in of itself triggers the fight or flight response and allows the mind unrestricted and unfiltered response to the stimuli of combat"; is similar to my concept of positive aggression. I agree that the control of emotions is the ideal to strive and train for (unless you are a Taoist of course), but best not be unfamiliar with emotions which may arise in actual combat ... but you never felt in your school, tournaments, or any other setting.
Just something else to think about.
Or would this be what Bruce Lee was talking about when he spoke of, "Controlled Violence"?