An appeal for other traditional ninja styles - GC

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Enson said:
what sensei would this be?

If you use the title this way in the Bujinkan, it's automatically understood to refer to the Soke, Masaaki Hatsumi. Michael Pearce is a senior Bujinkan instructor living in Japan.
Dale Seago said:
If you use the title this way in the Bujinkan, it's automatically understood to refer to the Soke, Masaaki Hatsumi. Michael Pearce is a senior Bujinkan instructor living in Japan.
i didn't know who he was because he didn't have any info about him.
thanks for clearing that for me
I have been in a few brawls myself,but i dont look at that as a positive, it doesnt make me more of a man or put me further along the track to being a warrior. Isnt the better/more intelligent warrior one who can avoid conflict unless there is no other alternative?

**ky, Andrew, I enjoyed your post and it says a lot but fails to uncover the truth of what I am saying.. and saying openly… but here are a few examples to help out in my riddles…. if I were a football trainer and had a gang of young men looking to me for leadership to do a good job on the pitch I would expect I had more to give other than the football books that I have read to coach these guys. If I were a solider and had a leader in the face of battle I would really hope they had experience under fire to help me live through the horrors of war on the battle field.
With these I will admit to any and all police officers who come in to train shooting with me that I do not have their experience on the job or in the field where they work everyday. I only train them in what “I” have experience in, shooting targets well.
When a younger fighter comes in and needed upgraded training in his field of HNB then I have that experience.
If asked by a reporter about street fighting then I can talk freely without making up lies and stories to make myself look good.
Andrew I don’t feel fighting is negative or positive. It’s karmatic. It comes from a reaction to cause and effect.
If you live a life that is focused on negative then so be it.. it comes.. and so forth..
Training to ready yourself for conflicts doesn’t give you the right to say you have experience in the field you are training in without first getting out and getting that experience.
And of course it is very important in my personal life to avoid all conflicts.. mainly physically.
This doesn’t mean I have to make up things about my past or lie about my experience.
Feelings of good and bad right and wrong are not the point with my post.
My point is hearing someone confess to things they have no idea of personally.
I hope you understand.************

I may be wrong but i just read your post as though you were highlighting Don's lack of fighting experience as a negative while promoting a sense of masculinity because yourself and others HAVE been in fights...sounds a little childish to me but i may have misinterpreted what you were trying to say.

**ky, Andrew, Yes, it is negative as far as being experienced in it is.. of course.
If you are going to write about things you in fact have no experience with then you need to be called out on it.. and Donny shihan has been called out many times over his misleading lies and false personal attacks over the forums he visited.
Ha ha, I can’t see how any points I have made have anything to do with ‘masculinity’ or in and yo.
The significant points are.. don’t lie or be misleading.
If it is an opinion then say so without making it sound like 'you' have some knowledge of the subject from experience.
If you are going to be traditional in bujutsu start with honor.******

ralph severe, kamiyama
"And of course it is very important in my personal life to avoid all conflicts.. mainly physically."

I strongly agree with that, and its a great attitude to have, unfortunately it is rare among people these days...Thankyou for clearing up your post, it now makes alot more sense.I have little knowledge of your history with Don so i will say nothing further.

much respect
Thanks for the reply.
As you will see in his post he will avoid what I'm posting and mislead others with more of his dancing around the subject.

Donny shihan use to be a nice guy.. a really good guy.. but somewhere he changed.
Hey I hear everyone changes.

ralph severe, kamiyama
stop posting please this is so pathetic and does not serve any use, you guys should be ashamed and need to grow up.
i see the same ego driven rubbish on just about every MA forum with ninjutsu, it gets tiresome
Ok.. I'm sorry that you read this post and feel it is not worth reading or feel it is immature.
My regrets are there are people who mislead others on forums and should be exposed.

I'll say no more on this thread.

ralph severe, kamiyama
Julian, you make some good points and its all very true.

However its very easy to make those comments looking in from the outside.
The ninjutsu forum situated on martialtalk is a small community lol,there are friends there are enemies,there are debates and agreements,negative comments and compliments,we are all both victims and responsible for all of this,there is history here:) And as a newcomer most of what is said would seem like mindless childlike b*tching, But its not fair for you to say so without understanding why it exists....
Basically what i am trying to say it that you are correct in everything you said,however it will be a long wait before there is significant change,and this kind of talk and mentality exists everywhere,the internet is no different.

If you dont like it walk away,thats an option you have with the internet.

much respect
r.severe said:
As you will see in his post he will avoid what I'm posting and mislead others with more of his dancing around the subject.
Yes . . . he's formed a little power center here in the virtual world . . . how impressive!
Genin Andrew said:
Mr. Severe, dont take this as an attack on you and i'm by no means sticking up for Don but why do you look down on him because of his supposed lack of fighting experiance.

If a man can train hard in ninjutsu and become very knowledgable on the topic while avoiding physical confrontation with randoms wishing to beat on him then that is a good history/quality to have. To have the training (which i'm sure Don has) because one can only learn so much from books and videos. And his knowledge shows that it exceeds any seminar.
So he has the training and the knowledge but also the discipline not to unleash it unless he absolutely has to, where is the negative in that?

I have been in a few brawls myself,but i dont look at that as a positive, it doesnt make me more of a man or put me further along the track to being a warrior. Isnt the better/more intelligent warrior one who can avoid conflict unless there is no other alternative?

I may be wrong but i just read your post as though you were highlighting Don's lack of fighting experiance as a negative while promoting a sense of masculinty because yourself and others HAVE been in fights...sounds a little childish to me but i may have misinterpreted what you were trying to say.

much respect
“Mr. Severe, dont take this as an attack on you and i'm by no means sticking up for Don but why do you look down on him because of his supposed lack of fighting experiance.”

Maybe because Don questions Ralph shihan’s fighting experience because Ralph does not produce “proof” . . . Well, I have made statements that substantiate Ralph shihan’s claims, but that is not acceptable. . . so, I am also being called a liar? And, really, in the real world we live in . . . who is going to go running to the police after a fight? I saw a TV show where a guy got arrested because he pulled a stick out of his car to defend himself against a guy attacking him . . . you are better off walking away and not getting the police involved . . . I thought that was a pretty common attitude in martial arts . . .

”If a man can train hard in ninjutsu and become very knowledgable on the topic while avoiding physical confrontation with randoms wishing to beat on him then that is a good history/quality to have.”

Yes, I behave that way . . . I try to even avoid non-physical confrontations . . . and so does Ralph shihan . . . he just happens to have a lot of experiences . . . all of us gain enlightenment through our own path. . . mine has been through standing on the shoulders of giants . . . Ralph shihan is a giant . . . .

“To have the training (which i'm sure Don has)” . . . So, I wish you would tell me why you are “sure” he has the training . . . a while back I asked him to “prove” things he says about himself and he ignored me . . . He asked the same about Ralph shihan, really asking for proof that could not be provided, and then publicly chastised Ralph shihan when he could not produce the specific proof he asked for . . . Most of what Don shihan says seems to be from things he’s read or heard from others . . . not his own experiences . . . not HIS knowledge . . . it all reminds me of the C**P going on in the political world now . . .

“because one can only learn so much from books and videos. And his knowledge shows that it exceeds any seminar.”

And . . . as one who learns a lot from books and videos . . . I ask you “how much is ‘so much’?” . . . is it a lot or a little? How do you define “so much”?? And can you explain to me what you mean by “his knowledge shows that it exceeds any seminar”??

”So he has the training and the knowledge but also the discipline not to unleash it unless he absolutely has to, where is the negative in that?”

. . . I am Ralph shihanÂ’s student, and I have been in encounters that I COULD have chosen to fight, but did not . . . I have written on this forum that I have known Ralph shihan for many years, and that his claims are true, but I am ignored, so why should I accept your claims about Don shihan? What proof or evidence can you offer in support of his claims of knowledge?

”I have been in a few brawls myself, but i don’t look at that as a positive, it doesn’t make me more of a man or put me further along the track to being a warrior. Isn’t the better/more intelligent warrior one who can avoid conflict unless there is no other alternative?”

. . . Yes, of course it is . . . but there may be times that you may have no choice . . and then your life may depend upon your training . . . THAT fact is why I was attracted to the Ralph Severe system, because the experiences he has, together with his study (of books and videos and . . . etc . . .) and the experience he has from many years of honest training (he REALLY trains all this stuff . . .) . . . that combination, makes the things that heÂ’s teaching meaningful to help me deal with the real world (the modern real world).

”I may be wrong but i just read your post as though you were highlighting Don's lack of fighting experiance as a negative while promoting a sense of masculinty because yourself and others HAVE been in fights...sounds a little childish to me but i may have misinterpreted what you were trying to say.”

I think he mainly tries to stress that actual fighting experience gives one a knowledge you canÂ’t get otherwise . . . I donÂ’t have his experience, but he is willing to share the knowledge he has gained from it with me and others . . . why does anybody have a problem with that?
Ron, i dont disagree with anything you said, you seem to be a loyal friend and good at honouring your dojo and obviously your instructor/good friend Ralph Severe.
Just in case you read it the wrong way i DONT have anything against the art of combat Severe system,simply because i dont know either of you nor have i seen the art or read enough about it,therefore i have no reason to say anything more on the subject.

As far as being "sure" that Don has first hand knowledge/experience i was just assuming,i still believe he does just from knowing the guy through the internet (which isnt a very valid source) and the words of Dale Shihan.But that is just my opinion. Just because i believe the words of Don doesnt been i disrespect the Ralph Severe camp.

Lets not be so defensive...CHILL:supcool:

much respect
Andrew, Well faith or belief that someone has experience is not fact they do.. it's just your opinion... until he dispalys proof of himself.. then he is not telling you anything.. that you are not making up on your own.
If it was not immature I would have many people who know of my experience come and post on this forum.. but what would that prove?
My web site has many photos on it that in FACT show how I teach and train... and from that you or anyone else can make a mature mental picture of what reality is...
Donny shihan does no such...
He quotes from books and web sites.. NOTHING more.
Anyone can sound knowledgeable from using books and web sites.. and I feel you understand this..
I know about Donny shihan past and his teacher(s) and know what they have told me about his training and have had personal conversation with him my self about his training many years ago..
I hope you understand the point.. it's not personal.. it's just not right to lie.

ralph severe, kamiyama

Thankyou for that post and those links. I feel i have been dragged between you and Don and dont wish to be in the position any longer,i am not involved enough nor do i care enough to email you're mates for opinions. I have nothing against you or Don or either of you're training.I take Dons word on his training,as i do yours. Call me gullible or foolish if you wish,But if someone is being dishonest that is not my problem,that is their personal flaw.

Thanks again though.

much respect
How amusing.

I go away for some trainiNg for a week and come back to see a full on attack on me by Ralph and his student. I really can not get upset about it. I am really more amused by the whole thing. Despite what Micheal and Julian have said, I am not really concerned that many people will listen to Ralph's rants against me. Maybe if Ralph had not tried to spread the falsehood that I do not live in Japan people would take his later comments more seriously.

But for now, I am enjoying watching the things they say about me. Please continue on. :)
r.severe said:
My fights are more or less like your life.. hidden.. and no proof.
I understand your feelings and why you are the way you are from what I know about you Donny shihan.. Trust me I know.
ralph severe, kamiyama
Mr. Severe/Kamiyama sama,

Donny Shihan's past actions are not a secret to everyone. I am familiar with them myself. After reading the preivious posts, I have come to the conclusion that it would be best for everyone if we exposed him here and now, rather than allow Donny Shihan to continue hiding.

I regret having to be the one to do this...

The truth is, when Donny Shihan cuts the cheese at Honbu dojo, EVERYONE can smell it, but he denies it. It's sad when a grown man can't take responsibility for his own bodily functions...He even goes as far to tell the Japanese Shihan instructing that it was someone else who comitted the offense, usually someone else with Japanese language skills incomparable to his own! This is not fair, and Donny Shihan, you can no longer avoid responsibility.

Donny Shihan, when you pass wind, we ALL know it. You can't hide anymore.
Kizaru, how old are you? i dont even know you but that was a very poor attack if thats what you intended it to be. Seriously man that was low, raise your bar a little man...

welcome back Don, hope the training went well.

much respect
Genin Andrew said:
Kizaru, how old are you?
Old enough to know Kamiyama could probably learn something from Donny Shihan's "Japan Experience".

Old enough to know Donny Shihan could probably learn something from Kamiyama's "Life Experience".

Old enough to know that taking little things too seriously and being angry all the time is a waste of a life.

Old enough to know that a little humor, particularly about things that none of us have (much) control over can lighten things up a bit.

I humbly apologize if you are uncomfortable discussing flatulence in a public forum, I know it can at times be a beefy subject. I was just trying to "clear the air".
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