An appeal for other traditional ninja styles - GC

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So what was the original focus of this thread again?

Other ninjutsu styles still surviving in Japan?

I haven't verified all of this, so take it with a grain of salt, but this is what I have heard-

Katori Shinto ryu has a ninjutsu section which is taught to high level students.

Yagyu Shinkage ryu had a group of "Yagyu ninja" operating along what is now route 6 out of Tokyo. One of the senior Japanese Shihan in the Bujinkan had ancestors in this group. Whether the Shinkage ryu still has ninja or ninjutsu in it is still a mystery (to me, at least).

Kukishin ryu was supposed to have ninjutsu in it, and there are other branches besides Hatsumi soke's. Has anyone looked into those groups? Particularly the group that trains at Kumano jinja?

I've heard gossip from multiple sources that there were some modern day yamabushi who trained under Fujita Seiko when he was alive. Supposedly, they had been taught Koga ryu from Fujita Seiko and still have a small training group somewhere near Kyoto. Whether the group is practicing ninjutsu or just shugendo these days, I don't know, rumors conflict.

There was a Japanese gentleman in I believe the October 2000 issue of "Hiden" magazine demonstrating "Koppojutsu", who is not connected to the Bujinkan or Takamatsu sensei in any way. (In the same issue, Hatsumi sensei had an article on the fundamentals of Koto ryu). In his article he explained that his "Koppojutsu" system, which was done empty handed, became "Ninpo" when you did it with "tools" in your hands...anything from everyday items to what we would refer to as a "weapon". His definition of "Ninpo", if memory serves, was "Way or Law of Enduring. When faced with a bad situation, pick anything up and use it to your advantage to win."

Other than that, I haven't heard much else. I haven't really looked for much else either, this information just kind of falls into my lap.

Thats interesting, especcially the part about the modern day yamabushi training under Fujita Saiko when he was alive.

Fujita did say in interviews and his books that he trained and spent much time with the yamabushi before he was taught Koga ninpo/ninjutsu by his grandfather. But i havn't read anything about him training other yamabushi, in shugendo methods or ninjutsu.

As far as i know he never told anyone "in detail" his time with the yamabushi or of his Koga ninjutsu training. Does anyone have any more info on this???

For those that are new or dont know about Fujita Saiko the website is

The "Saiko Fujita...stranger than truth" article By Sylvain Guitard is well worth a read

much respect
I humbly apologize if you are uncomfortable discussing flatulence in a public forum, I know it can at times be a beefy subject. I was just trying to "clear the air".
I was unsure if that post was about farting or not. ha ha.
I know you did'nt mean to "cause a stink". It probably was'nt your intention to make any "bad air". thanks for "clearing the confusion".

Ok I'll stop.

Kyle E
Kizaru said:
I've heard gossip from multiple sources that there were some modern day yamabushi who trained under Fujita Seiko when he was alive. Supposedly, they had been taught Koga ryu from Fujita Seiko and still have a small training group somewhere near Kyoto. Whether the group is practicing ninjutsu or just shugendo these days, I don't know, rumors conflict.

I have heard those stories and until I get some confirmation, they are firmly in the "unconfirmed rumor" catagory.

I have not heard that story from a Japanese source. Only from the internet and from non-Japanese who seem to have heard it from other non-Japanese.

Folks that knew Fujita don't make mention of it, The Japanese biographers of Fujita I have read for my article don't mention it, and Nakajima who heads the budo research group started by Fujita makes no mention of it in what he has written. the folks who tell me it do not seem to be able to give any firm information on where, who, how, etc to contact these guys- or even their name.

As such, I place little hope in confirming this rumor.

But there are tales of Fujita passing along little bits and pieces of what he knows. One guy tells how he learned a way of judging distances found in the Bansenshukai from Fujita. Not a complete art by a long shot, but it does raise hope that maybe there are other folks out there that learned little bits and pieces that just have not yet come forward.
Don Roley said:
I have heard those stories and until I get some confirmation, they are firmly in the "unconfirmed rumor" catagory.

I have not heard that story from a Japanese source. Only from the internet and from non-Japanese who seem to have heard it from other non-Japanese.
Loud *POPPING* sound as I pull my head from my rear end....

Have you tried posting this kind of question on a board written in Japanese? Seeing as how this board is in English, law of averages would dictate that we'll mostly see replies from Non-Japanese and Non-Japanese speakers. I've only heard the rumor from two non-Japanese and a hand full of Japanese people.

Don Roley said:
Folks that knew Fujita don't make mention of it, The Japanese biographers of Fujita I have read for my article don't mention it, .
Where could I take a peak at said article?

Don Roley said:
the folks who tell me it do not seem to be able to give any firm information on where, who, how, etc to contact these guys- or even their name.
If I figure out how to use the Private Message function on this forum, I'll send you a list of people living on or near mountains I've been to, and you can follow up as you want.

Don Roley said:
As such, I place little hope in confirming this rumor.
Confirmed or denied, either way it's a fun story.

Well, off to put my head back where it belongs! (A flexible spine has sooo many advantages!)
hey guys i have a question, not to be rude or anything, but what in the world does all this stuff have to do with Don. Who in the world cares. does it matter if he has proof. Well does it. Humans dont even know there own world as much as they do outside so how come your talking about proof. So, anyway Don or anybody, what techniques were lost because of time. I used to think that kuji-kiri hypnotized your pursuers and made them all afraid and stuff but it doesn't. Thanks Don, anyway because there is no reason for kuji-kiri than a trigger for inhuman abilities, which could be yelling like a mad man, then why the heck would you teach it. it seems like a waste of time. Instead of that ill just yell before competition or yell at my enemies then beat the crap out of them. And to make up the time that i lost in kuji-kiri I'll do sho ten no jutsu or work out the kinks in my taijutsu or work on my bojutsu.
Ok, folks, let's push this topic back on, er.... topic. This thread is about Don Roley's Quest for the Holy Grail. No wait, he was looking for authentic ninjutsu traditions in Japan aside from the x-kans. Let's keep the discussion on that track. Other topics belong in their own threads.

Kreth said:
Ok, folks, let's push this topic back on, er.... topic. This thread is about Don Roley's Quest for the Holy Grail. No wait, he was looking for authentic ninjutsu traditions in Japan aside from the x-kans.

No, this thread is about how I want to find other ninja arts in Japan. The thread drift and sniping at me was so bad that the threads were split into two. This thread is about my claims and how I have to back them up....

...Just as soon as we can figure out just what the heck I was supposed to have claimed. :idunno:

Can anyone even tell me what rank I have tried to say I am on the internet? Can anyone tell me what rank I am in the Bujinkan? I tend not to make claims about much of anything, even things like that. I figure that the less I talk about myself, the less I have to back up. And I really do not see how much more than my living in Japan and Japanese ability is relevent for a discussion about trying to find other Japanese ninjutsu traditions with links to Japan. So it is hard for me to understand how I have made some sort of claim and then failed to back it up.

If no one can figure out what claims I have made that I have to now back up, I guess that this thread serves as a forum for people to express how they dislike me and how I probably have intimate relationships with livestock. (As my mother used to say, don't knock anything you have not tried yourself.)
Don Roley said:
No, this thread is about how I want to find other ninja arts in Japan. The thread drift and sniping at me was so bad that the threads were split into two. This thread is about my claims and how I have to back them up....
Oops, my bad... Guess I should have read a little more before I posted...
Can anyone even tell me what rank I have tried to say I am on the internet? Can anyone tell me what rank I am in the Bujinkan?
I have it on good authority that you are pretty rank. :fart:
If no one can figure out what claims I have made that I have to now back up, I guess that this thread serves as a forum for people to express how they dislike me and how I probably have intimate relationships with livestock. (As my mother used to say, don't knock anything you have not tried yourself.)
Alternatively, perhaps it's time for this thread to be closed.

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