Americans woefully ignorant about religion, study says

I liked what Omar said about his growing up in a home with 2 religions making him feel that there isn`t always one right answer. (Is that an accurate paraphrase of what you were getting at?)

I was raised in one religion, became inactive as I grew older, and then converted to the religion I practice now. Like a few people have suggested, I believed I`d found the right set of answers to life`s problems....or at least a way to find the answers.

But that never closed me off to hearing out other ideas. We all face the same basic questions, maybe not at the same time. Someone else may have found different answers based on thier faith, or no faith at all. I figure I lose nothing by asking them what those answers are, whether I agree or not. Learning what other people think and believe doesn`t just help me understand them better, it helps me understand myself better. How many times have you heard something new and said to yourself "I never thought of it like that"? Or more importantly , how many times have you heard something that made you think about an issue for the very first time? One thing I think most religious and nonreligious people can agree on is that God gave me a brain so I could use it. It`d be a shame to let it sit and gather dust.
I guess you think this is a Muslim thread rather than a thread on religious ignorance. Haveing a hard time following a line of reasoning? I would advise you not to post drunk or high.


Like you said, maybe he`s 12. It takes a little maturity to realize you can dislike a person because of thier actions without disliking everyone that looks like them.

Just like it takes maturity to realize that everyone else is talking about someting different than you are. You`d think he`d take the hint.
I liked what Omar said about his growing up in a home with 2 religions making him feel that there isn`t always one right answer. (Is that an accurate paraphrase of what you were getting at?)

I was raised in one religion, became inactive as I grew older, and then converted to the religion I practice now. Like a few people have suggested, I believed I`d found the right set of answers to life`s problems....or at least a way to find the answers.

But that never closed me off to hearing out other ideas. We all face the same basic questions, maybe not at the same time. Someone else may have found different answers based on thier faith, or no faith at all. I figure I lose nothing by asking them what those answers are, whether I agree or not. Learning what other people think and believe doesn`t just help me understand them better, it helps me understand myself better. How many times have you heard something new and said to yourself "I never thought of it like that"? Or more importantly , how many times have you heard something that made you think about an issue for the very first time? One thing I think most religious and nonreligious people can agree on is that God gave me a brain so I could use it. It`d be a shame to let it sit and gather dust.

You are correct in your paraphrase. I also see not parallels but almost a synchronicity with your situation moving from one to another. I've sure it was not a snap decision and I'm sure you looked in other directions too and in so doing learned quite a bit.
Like you said, maybe he`s 12. It takes a little maturity to realize you can dislike a person because of thier actions without disliking everyone that looks like them.

Just like it takes maturity to realize that everyone else is talking about someting different than you are. You`d think he`d take the hint.

if you read the article it does have religious ignorance in it.

why limit the thread to a particuliar type of religious ignorance? It is rampant.

"It takes a little maturity to realize you can dislike a person because of their actions without disliking everyone that looks like them."

eh, really no reason to even respond to this........sounds like trolling to me.

wish i was twelve again.
Bribrius, what martial arts do you train in? what's your connection to the martial arts? I ask because on your profile where it asks what style etc you have put N/A.

It seems, quite frankly, that you have come on here to troll, you have posted up on threads what we could call inapproriate comments or links but many would say you were trolling. You seem to want to derail threads off in a way that seems to be anti Muslim. You also ignore comments made to you and go off at a tangent in a way designed to derail the thread.

I think that while you may not be 12 you are certainly acting in a way that's childish and seem to derive some amusement from decent people discussing issues which for many are serious. People here are intelligent thoughtful and tolerant martial artists. What are you?
I went away, counted to ten, made a cuppa and still I find myself angry that anyone could imagine war is a good thing. The suffering of innocent people, the destruction, the death and injury caused by wars is never good, there are no good consquences of wars even when against someone like Hitler and the Nazis. Wars should be avoided at all costs, the reality is they aren't but that doesn't make it a good thing. No war is good, ever.

As much as I would want to agree with you Tez, the absence of war does not automatically mean there is peace. Regrettably, wars are somtimes neccecary or the lesser of two evils.
As much as I would want to agree with you Tez, the absence of war does not automatically mean there is peace. Regrettably, wars are somtimes neccecary or the lesser of two evils.

I don't disagree with you at all, my annoyance was that the poster thought war was a good thing. Wars may be necessary or unavoidable but they are never a good thing.

Please return to the main topic. The last 2 pages have nothing to do with the OP.

MT Asst Admin
No on said you have to like anything at all but remaining ignorant of the world and people around you is well, plain ignorant. It's not a matter of liking at all, it's a matter of education and knowledge. if you have enemies or people wanting to destroy your way of life all the more important that you understand them. Understanding is everything, knowledge is power. Stumbling around in the dark is a miserable way to exist.

Oy, i hate that, when people only learn about one or two little narrow topics and ignore the rest

There's so much to learn! I read a lot therefore I can have a conversation about a lot of different things. Come on, people!

I don't disagree with you at all, my annoyance was that the poster thought war was a good thing. Wars may be necessary or unavoidable but they are never a good thing.

Absolutely. There is nothing glorious about war.
But a element within that can't be denied. some of that element comes with them to the u.s. Not all muslims in the u.s. are eager to assimiliate into u.s. culture, but rather expect the u.s. culture to work around them. This has been seen in propositions in school systems for separate curriculum, seperate rooms, praying rooms, different schedules. similiar problems in the work place with prayer or holiday or whatever the person does for religious practice. Right to the point of denying christmas trees.

Where that argument falls apart, is that *I* could be included in that statement.
Wars may be necessary or unavoidable but they are never a good thing.
While I also agree that wars are not good, I am forced to consider that it is an opinion based on my cultural upbringing and totally is nothing more than an opinion.

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