Blue Belt
Taekyun is the oldest form of martial arts which is actually traceable save for perhaps Sorim or Bulmudo. Taekyun although oftentimes quoted as being the root of TKD is not. I have seen it performed by the Korea Taekyun Association and to be honest, it reminds me somewhere between dance and a seriously brutal game of hackey sack. This is not to say that it is not effective... I would certainly hate to be kicked by one of those boys or girls.
TKD evolved with one exception, from either Shudokan or Shotokan. One, I'm thinking KangDukKwan, and I will verify this later today, was said to be from Ch'uanFa. I have a chart somewhere that shows which of the Five original kwans was founded by who and what the alleged root was.
Let me know what else you find in your research. I love discussing this aspect of Mudo. It is usually educational for both parties
Taekyun is the oldest form of martial arts which is actually traceable save for perhaps Sorim or Bulmudo. Taekyun although oftentimes quoted as being the root of TKD is not. I have seen it performed by the Korea Taekyun Association and to be honest, it reminds me somewhere between dance and a seriously brutal game of hackey sack. This is not to say that it is not effective... I would certainly hate to be kicked by one of those boys or girls.
TKD evolved with one exception, from either Shudokan or Shotokan. One, I'm thinking KangDukKwan, and I will verify this later today, was said to be from Ch'uanFa. I have a chart somewhere that shows which of the Five original kwans was founded by who and what the alleged root was.
Let me know what else you find in your research. I love discussing this aspect of Mudo. It is usually educational for both parties