American Eye gouging match! 1817


Yellow Belt
Jan 30, 2007
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From the Travels of MR. JOHN PALMER, in
1817, through the United States of America,
and Lower Canada. "

From the rascality and quarrelsome behaviour
of a few of the Kentucky men, the whole
people have got a very bad character amongst
the sister states, especially for blackguardism,
and their manner of fighting, when intoxicated;
but this is certainly confined to the lowest, and
is optional to the fighters. The question is generally
asked-'-' Will you fight fair, or take it
rough and tumble ? I can whip you either way.
By G — d!' The English reader knows what fair
fighting is but can have little idea of rough and
tumble; in the latter case, the combatants take
advantage, pull, bite, and kick, and with hellish
ferocity strive to gouge, or turn each other's
eyes out of their sockets.
I never saw a gouging match, and though often of necessity in the
lowest company, never had any one offer to do
me that favour. I believe it is not so common
by any means as is represented. I saw but two
men who had been injured by this method of
fighting — one had almost lost an eye, and the
other, a free negro, was nearly or totally sightless.
They both lived on the banks of the
Ohio, where this dreadful art is most practised ;
it was introduced from the Southern states.
There certainly ought to be a strong law enacted
to prevent a resort to so brutal a practice ;
surely it is a disgrace and stigma to the legislature.
Prize-boxing is unknown in the United