Hmm, Have you guys gotten off topic??? YES!!
This thread was not supposed to be about if the war is right or wrong. Or if Bush is a good president, or any of the things you guys have posted on here. You guys have not seen the point of my posts.
I have tried my best to tell you what my goal is here. I have put forth a challenge but I fear you guys have just skipped past it and not seen through your anger and your OWN views.
I have my views and let me say something to those of you who like putting forth fact, reviews, reports, news and so on.
I know the fact very well. I was the top debater in my college. I know how to get the facts, do the research and so on. But even though the "public" may know the facts how often do you see people actually regarding or doing what the "facts" or the "truth" tell them to do??
I mean parents tell their kids...oh babies come from a stork, and until they go into sex ed thats "their truth". So use that.
Your truth is your truth and to you I am nothing but an uneducated person that cant see the light through the trees. And you know what, thats ok.
But where that because rather childish is when you cant step aside from that and listen, and try to consider my point of view.
And to say that you are not willing to find common ground with me because my ideas are alien to you is well....just...wrong. To me that is a very single minded person. That is behavior that should have been long gone hundreds of years ago.
I put this too you....
If the white northerns of the civil war era could find common ground with the black slaves of the south, and change the history of a nation and its people, we can now.
Cant we??
I will try as hard as I can to listen to you, to really inspect your point of view and to see if there is something we can agree on. That is my word to all of you. Because I firmly believe that even though it may be small, and maybe only an inch we all have something called "common ground". It will be hard to find sometimes, but it is there.
It may be as small as what color we like. But all it takes is something small. The red woods grew from only 1 tiny seed into something strong and beautiful.
I may not always agree with you and you will not always agree with me and that is ok. I have the right to tell you my opinion and my view. Does not mean I disregard yours, it just means I am telling you where I stand. As I would expect you to do. But then there must be a time where we stop "arguing" or "debating" and start asking....
"what do we agree on?"
State what you disagree with, then at the end of your post state how you will try to agree with someone. I dont care what you use. Even if its just something silly as I like chocolate. Just something to show you understand and you are listening with an open mind and heart.
I know there may be alot of things some of you think arent "logical" or able to happen. But, what you can imagine can happen.
Once they didnt think the world was round, and people were thrown in jail for challenging what they knew to be "true"....but now here we are.
So will you step up to the challenge and evolve as people and intellectuals as we are always doing? Or will you choose to stay in your comfort zone?
I ask this to you all. Lets see if YOU are willing to step up, and take the leap.
I am....
Good Luck to you all.